Friday, November 23, 2018

Skincare Routine For TeensCara Mencuci Wajah Untuk REMAJA (Bahasa Indonesia)

Some dope ass intro.     Go skip girl XD.       Some nice ass movesss   Hey guys, My name is Titan. Welcome back to my channel.

And today I want to teach to you guys How to wash or clean your face Maybe some of you guys are confused.  Ah, we already know how to clean our face! But nononono.. So today I want to show you guys the steps From the beginning to the end And I will also show you guys the skincare routine that I think that is suited for teenagers The brand that I used today are local products. You can buy the products at Century.

Dont forget to watch the video until it ends If youre a fam, okay? Dont you dare. 3X Acne skin is caused by many factors. It can be caused by stress.     Noooooooo Or maybe your sleeping habits are not healthy.

 Or maybe its because of pollution?     So dont forget guys, taking care of your skin is also from the inside, and not only from the products too. Step one: Remove makeup Usually after school or work, You immediately become excited, and then...     The first thing you need to do is to clean your face using cleansing water Even if you didnt wear makeup This is the first step of double cleansing. Sometimes people like to use facial wash that stated that they can wash makeup at once But dont trust them gangs.

If you wash your face with only facial wash There will be dust and makeup left in our face Step 2: Cleaning your face   Usually when you clean your face You put it as dots on all of your face then rub it until the foam comes out ITS A HUGE MISTAKE, GUYS! Because even if your face is a little bit rubbed, it can make a smooth wrinkle on a young age. Now today,Im gonna use Facial wash illuminaire, the specialty  of this product is its ability to make super many foams and smooth. To make the foam, make a bowl like gesture of your hand, And with warm water, mix it With movements like this. And then add few more drops of warm water And mix it again.

The foam becomes so many until your hands is filled with it. I want to challenge you guys to make foam with other products. It wont be as much as illuminaire. To wash your face, use your last three fingers so the face wont get some pressure.

Ring and pinky fingers are the weakest and because of that, its the softest for your skin. Using foam is softer for our skin Because foam is soft and smooth. But usually foaming cleanser is drying your skin. So I recommend cleanser like illuminaire That is a cream But we can make our own foam.

   Rinse your face like usual Dont forget to wash your hair line Make sure the towel that you are wearing is clean and is used not more than twice. Then dont rub But dab dab dab Then slowly press the remaining water on your face. Step three: Using toner Cleanser can disturb your skin Ph levels. That can make your skin too dry or too oily.

*Slaps Thats why use toner or lotion to bring back your skins humidity. So whats the difference of lotion and toner? Lotion usually is thicker than toner. Step 4: Using moisturizer Moisturizer is the most important step. It will make your skin stays dehydrated and slowers the process of aging.

Moisturizer acts as a barrier to pollution. Pollutant, dull, acne, and aging at an early age. Step 5: picking your nose XD.   *I got found out     I used to often use acne medicines before I use any makeup to heal the acne under the makeup.

Personally, I like to use acne medicine that contains salicylic acid. Like the medicine from illuminaire For the acne that is not yet grown This can help to prevent acne before it grows. But if the acne has grown I prefer to use ben(?) Proxide to dry the acne. Step 6: Makeup   The last step is Makeup!! So if you cant live without concealer, Illuminaire also has a skincare makeup.

A makeup that is safer for skin. I use the concealer for panda eyes or on blemishes or acne. This concealer is easy to blend But the coverage rate is not that high. So for me its more suited for teenagers But not suited for me who is a heavy makeup wearer.

Next Im going to use this powder that also contains salicylic acid Just like the concealer, so they really suit for you guys who have acne skin, but unfortunately the shade that i chose Its too dark for my skin but I like the texture. Like really matte. And it wont look cakey on your face.     So thats all the tips from me.

I hope this video help you guys. Dont forget to like, subscribe and comment down below.   I wonder whats the video for next week?     I hope u enjoy the sub, sorry if there are some mistakes on the grammar. Sayonara.


Skincare Routine For TeensCara Mencuci Wajah Untuk REMAJA (Bahasa Indonesia)

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