Saturday, April 28, 2018

Josephine Skriver's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

Oh great. You guys made it. I think it's time to get unready. So the most important thing for me in my routine is makeup off.

You know you come home, you're tired You don't want to do the whole routine always take that make up off so that's always where I start. I always like to hold the pad a little bit because I always where waterproof makeup or at least mascara so I want to be gentle on my lashes. That's the last thing I want to pull out. My next step will be my cleanser.

Everyday I cleanse my face. It's non foaming, its just for sensitive skin and not irritating I get so many different products on everyday so I want to just gently rub that in and I usually take just a cloth, take some hot water on and then I just rub it off. My skin type is kind of like a little bit all over the place. Some days its super sensitive because I've been traveling a lot in different make up in different countries and other days it dries out and sometimes its super oily.

So this one is just- It is for sensitive skin cause I find that that's the least irritating for me. So after the cleanser I have this great product It was actually specially made. It's like a little pad and it helps with toning the skin when you have redness. When you go to these guys, they look at your skin and see what your missing so it's a mix of acid antioxidants and enzymes.

It almost feels like a make up wipe. You just slowly go over your face with it. Every morning and every night I use I use this little pad and I make sure to go down my neck and use it all over the face and just treat the neck and the face as one. This product, I'm obsessed with.

I found it in Paris when I started fashion weeks and I've been using it for the past seven years. I put it on flights or I put it on like I do right now before products so it helps absorb better into the skin. Oh it feels so good. You just kind of want to keep doing it.

I actually have it in travel size in my bag so I have it on me at all times. My next step would then be and actually a lot of this routine I do in the morning and at night. It's a serum but it antioxidant so it's kind of putting a little mix of vitamin C and vitamin D on your face. Then one of my last steps would be my night cream.

I love my night cream so much. It helps prevent wrinkles. I'm 25 now so I gotta, you know start doing that. Preventing stuff from happening.

Gravity. Life. Anything. But my really fun thing lately I love to do is I just got into shaving my face and I know this is going to sound scary and at first I was like, "What! Don't do it!" But my friend has been doing it for a long time but she really swears by it and her skin has cleaned out a lot I only do this once max twice a week.

You want to avoid anything with a gel moisturizer that cools or any of that extra stuff. You literally just want to find a disposable one. You want to use it once and want to throw it out. And I would use the same cleanser as I did before and then you just gently shave your face.

I'm not going to do that right now. Also for the first time, be careful. Put a finger here on your brow You do not all of a sudden want to look up and have no brows. When I have time and want to treat my skin I love to put on a mask.

I was recently just in China and found these amazingly cute masks, they all have different faces. I maybe once a week put one on and maybe watch a TV episode and just have fun. I am now completely in my animal zone and I'm gonna go watch animal planet. Well, yeah how do Otters go, it think it's like a- Now I gotta stand here for 20 minutes that's why I like to put on a episode of something normally.

And now you're all fully moisturized as you can see Honestly sometimes this is great to just sleep in. And I like to dab my face off cause I've been told that I'm too rough with my face. Don't just rub it, that what I use to do so now I'm trying to learn to be gentle. As a good little finish I love to keep my lips moisturized too.

You cannot for get that. And sometimes, if your lips feel chapped or something, I like to take my toothbrush and scrub them, its a perfect little scrubber. And a weird thing I always finish with before I go to bed is I always put perfume on. It's the first thing I put on in the morning and the last thing I put on at night.

I always do the cloud, you know you spray it and you walk through it because I learned from one of the guys that created perfumes that when you bring heat to it and you rub it here you just change the whole scent of it so I used to do that, but I don't anymore. So spray, cloud, walk through it. And that's it. That's my routine.

And now I'm going to watch some Netflix. I binge watch TV way too much..

Josephine Skriver's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

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