
Friday, December 28, 2018

Women Try Korean Skincare For A Week

- Honestly if someone
told me rubbing cow shit on your face would get rid of acne. I'd be like, "Let's split the
Uber to the nearest farm." (Edgy techno music) - We're trying Korean
Skin Care for a week. - I am pretty obsessed with
all skin care products. I'd say most of my
money goes towards that.

- I have combination skin. Dry on my cheeks, and
completely oily everywhere else. - I have been getting
random breakouts since I was about 19, 20. I just don't want acne
anymore, come at me.

I'm ready to be a K-pop Star. - I'm Dr. Annie Chiu and
I am a dermatologist. Korean women are very, very committed to beauty and skin care.

Everyone's heard by now
about these 10 to 12 step Korean skin care rituals
because they really enjoy and feel like they're
taking care of themselves really inside and outside. - Oh, oh. - Oh shit. - That's a lot.

- A two-step cleansing
ritual or double cleansing basically you wash your face, first with like oil-based cleanser which takes off eye makeup, eyeshadow. - I'm Lauren Conrad in my home right now. (Cissy laughing)
(Sheridan sobbing) - Then you follow it with a secondary step that cleanses the more organic residues that are on your face while leaving it still really sort of pH balanced and nourished without stripping it of
all its natural oils. - Do you hear this? - I know we're literally churning butter.

- I'm making butter. - Oh my god you go crazy.
- It's so foamy. - Acne prone skin tends to
run a little bit oilier. You wanna look for exfoliating products or products that have Retinoids.

These products turn over
the skin a little bit faster which prevents pore clogging,
and dissolves dead cells. - I feel like a puppy is just rubbing its body against my face. Time for toner, let's do this. - Let's tone it up.

- They may be in Korean skin care as well, but they tend to have slightly
more gentle formulations because Asian skin is more irritable. - It smells so good. - It smells so good. Essence for you, serum for me.

- An Essence typically is a
little bit lighter in texture. It usually doesn't have
a very high concentration of active ingredients, but more it's about rebalancing the skin. - Mine doesn't smell like anything. - Well you just got
really good smelling ones for the last two so just calm down.

- A serum is a super potent
step in a skin care regimen. - Oh. - That's nice. - Oh, that smells like, suede.
- Yeah.

- You do end up stripping
the skin of its natural pH. So they'll have multiple steps
just to reestablish that pH. - Bringing out the Baskin
Robbins sample spoon. - Should we go get ice cream,
let's go get some ice cream.

- Let's get ice cream. - Let's get ice cream. - We deserve it, this was a lot of work. - There's also a much heavier emphasis on sunscreens and SPFs which
is probably why they continue to maintain looking so fabulous.

- It's super like watery
which I'm a fan of. - That was long, but there's more. Bring on the mask, thank you, thank you. - Sheet masks are kind of a
like a cheat way of getting high quality ingredients in really quick is based around an occlusive effect.

So whenever the skin
has an ingredient on it driving the ingredients
deeper into the skin. - I love this, it's gonna be
like a nice solid 30 minutes. - I'm looking forward to this week, but if I ever wake up late
this is gonna be a problem. - Let's do it.

- Let go. - The fact that the routine is so long had its pros and cons. I'm home, and I'm very tired, and now I have to do like a fucking 20 minute skin care routine. - Let's talk about how long it takes to double cleanse am and pm.

I literally can't, that's
just too much time. Definitely woke up late this morning and I have to go through my
entire Korean beauty routine before I head out. I'm going to be even more
late than I am already. So that' great, but at least
I'm taking care of my skin.

You know. - Loves the mask. I was like a rave on my face. Usually like sheet masks are
very soothing and moisturizing.

It feels minty, my face is tingling. - Pumping that little
whipping maker every morning was the most monotonous,
but like weirdly satisfying moment of my morning and night routine. - I noticed how a lot
of like my little bumps started to clear up. My face feels so glowy right
now, that mask was bomb.

- One thing that I really am
excited about using more often were the sheet masks that we had. The directions recommended
putting it in the 'frigerator beforehand so that it would be cold. And it was the most
refreshing feeling ever. - It has been a week,
it was a very long week.

Mostly because I suddenly had to do like five hours worth of skin care. - Definitely found out that
my routine isn't as extensive as I thought it was compared
to the Korean version. - I noticed as the week progressed that a lot of my acne was kinda going away. - I've really noticed
overall color correction.

The redness and the patchiness
of my skin has evened out, but I'm very excited to
get back to my old routine and just incorporate the
sunscreen and the sheet masks every once in awhile. - I'm definitely gonna keep doing it. My face has never been cleaner. Oreo, do you think I look like J.Lo? Say nothing if I look like J.Lo.

Oh. I don't need a Halloween
costume next year. I'm just gonna go as a slutty bear..

Women Try Korean Skincare For A Week

Friday, December 21, 2018

VAN LIFE Travel Skin Care Routine ALL WEATHER 2017Hobo Ahle

So something that took me a long time to
figure out that has to deal with living in a car, was finding a good simple
skincare routine. I really wanted like one solid routine that I could use
regardless of the varying weather or environment and I also wanted to be able
to keep the products to a minimum because 1) storage obviously and also
because 2) it's a little bit obnoxious if you go into a public restroom or the
gym to shower or wash your face and you have a bunch of stuff with you. So I
personally have very sensitive skin and because of that, traveling and the
weather changing pretty often has been an obstacle for sure. Especially with all
the hiking and climbing, which basically means a lot of sweating.

And on top of
that, like I said, my skin is just super sensitive so like even when I lived in a
house or an apartment there were just so many products that I could not use
because they'll make me break out. So finding items that work for my skin
along with my lifestyle and inconsistent environment, like I said, it's been a
mission. But here's what I've come up with that works for me regardless of the
cold/heat/humidity whatever like I can use this routine year-round. And I do
this whole process twice a day.

First in the morning and then again right before
I go to sleep. Okay and just a side note: it is daytime clearly, clearly daytime,
but I am going to be filming the process that I do before I go to sleep just
because it's a little bit different. There's a little bit more steps, but for
the most part it's the same thing and throughout video like I'll explain what's
what whatever so yeah- So naturally before anything I have to get my hair
out of my face. This definitely makes me regret cutting my bangs, but now I am
ready to start.

So first: I cleanse my face with a soap or face wash. So there's
a few options here... No matter what, to start, I just splash my face with some
water and put the tiniest drop of dr. Bronner's on my hands.

My bottle is
already diluted and even still a little goes a long way.
Generally I'll stop here for cleansing, but sometimes there are special
circumstances. In those cases... If it's really humid for a few days my
skin really struggles so this is where I'll use Proactiv. I tend to try and not
use this too much because it has a lot of chemicals that are kind of overkill
on a day to day basis, for my skin at least.

I ended up using it only a handful
of times throughout the year, but it always worked really well and cleared up
my skin before anything progressed. Another aspect to this cleansing step
is washing my face with this Pacifica Seafoam Complete Face Wash. I use this
definitely way more than I use Proactiv, but again not everyday. I pretty much
only use this on days that I either wear makeup or have been super active and as
a result super sweaty.

2. Exfoliate once every two weeks. I personally use a
mixture of sugar and water. It's honestly worked better than most store-bought
exfoliators I've tried.

I just mix it in a cup, pour some of it onto a towel, and
then scrub. I do this as a means to prevent blackheads and to just really
clear my pores. This is one of those steps that I will usually do as part of
my nighttime routine, not so much in the morning. 3.

Toner. I use an apple cider
vinegar / water mix as a toner. Basically it just removes oil and any dirt or
grime that was left on my face after washing. In this bottle I put about 1/3 apple cider vinegar and 2/3 water and just shake it up to
mix it well before using.

I put a little on a cotton ball and apply it to my
whole face. 4. Moisturize. This is different in the morning and at night.

the morning I will use just a tiny bit of coconut oil and apply it to areas of
my face that usually end up dry and that's really about it. At night I
use this: Pacifica Youth Serum. I've struggled to find a light moisturizer
that I can use in the morning. Usually they're too heavy so then if I'm active
throughout the day, which is almost everyday, sweating + the moisturizer
is a recipe for disaster.

Last but not least 5. Spot Treatment.
I am absolutely obsessed with tea tree oil for a lot of reasons. The main one
though is that it is perfect for an overnight spot treatment for any redness
or beginning problems. So if there's anything starting to go
wrong I just put some on a cotton ball and apply it to the areas that need it.
It's literally like magic.

So this has been my skincare routine for the entire
year of 2017 and I gotta say, I really like it. It's worked out pretty well. I am
getting ready to switch it up however just because I got some new stuff for
Christmas that I'm really excited to try and they should definitely help with the
moisturizing aspect. I'll keep you guys posted as to how that new routine works
out, but for now peace out y'all..

VAN LIFE Travel Skin Care Routine ALL WEATHER 2017Hobo Ahle

Friday, December 14, 2018

Updated Skin Care RoutineSick Day

Good morning sunshine's okay last night. I had a tickle in my throat and a slight cough like just clear my there like And this morning feels more like a sore throat, so I know a sickness is coming I know what it feels like when it starts I'm hoping it's not the flu because apparently everyone's getting it right now I went and got some juices From Pressed juicery, this one's like a apple lemon ginger cayenne like a wellness shot with ginger lemon cayenne And then a couple of green juices, and then I told Miles I was sick And he went to get me sick care package so he got me green tea ginger tea got Apple cider vinegar he got me fruit bananas Apples lemons all this good stuff oatmeal. He just like knows what I like, but you got me grilled cheese and tomato soup which is one of my favorite things to have and honey and Ricola even though I hate cough drops but I think he was just being thoughtful and vitamin C packets and He got me roses and Ferrero Rocher so Isn't that cool whatever But anyways he came back with all that which was super sweet and thoughtful of him So I'm excited and happy and well not happy that I'm about to be sick. I just know it you know what you just like Just feel it, it's right there in the back of my throat it's coming I'm afraid, but I'm gonna use my last day of sort of okayness to get some stuff done Almond is like tomorrow will be the day But I don't know I'm hoping not maybe if I you know consume everything that I just got to combat illness, I will not have an illness But we'll see I'll keep you updated as always Why are you biting the pole? All right for my late lunch slash early dinner and I'm having a bowl of oatmeal Very exciting stuff with a dollop of peanut butter on it Well let it sit there for a minute because I like it to like thicken up on the standing And I just thought I would share a meal with you, and I also ate strawberries and blueberries like 10 minutes ago I was twitch streaming League of Legends, which sort of went okay, except everything went wrong at first And then I fixed it and everything's fine now that is my day.

I mean not my whole day, but that's like the last hour Miles, and I just watched the shape of water And he seems to be very dissappointed Yea well it's the shape of shit if you ask me I thought it was okay, it was okay had interesting characters it had interesting characters but they, You're literally like upset No it's like you signed up for like a crazy movie and you end up getting like Romeo and Juliet underwater I thought it was good, it was interesting, it was weird So last night shape of water I want to know if any of y'all have seen this movie And what you thought of it because it won a couple Golden Globes or whatever? I thought it was just gonna be really cool and epic, and I just feel like it fell short a little bit Like they could have done more with like the Merman guy or whatever he was but I don't know. What are your thoughts on the shape of water and today? I. Woke up and I have a small fever I just felt it all night, and I was tossing and turning and didn't feel well, and then I woke up And I was like I have to do these two or three things So I went and ran a couple errands because I was scared that you know when you're sick that I always feel like it's going to escalate Potentially over time so I ran my errands and now I'm back home and I think I'm gonna take to a sick day Just drink a bunch of soup, tea Chill and give my body a break Even though I really would like to go to the gym, but Don't look like that's going to happen I feel terrible and I really hope I don't have the flu But it changed from my like coughing congestion to just like a small fever and like a pulse in like Headache here and like here I don't know We'll see what happens, but I was just thinking the other day. I never get sick.

Ever I'm sick I jinxed myself I don't even know if I have the energy to play League of Legends It's the worst Jazmine came over to nurse me back to health It's very yellow, oh I know why hold on. Oh yeah, it's just back to it Natural setting So she brought me an acai bowl, so I have some nutrients and then we both chunked our vitamin C's Someone over there seems to have it's disgusting You just chug it you don't taste it, and then I made us some grilled cheese sandwiches, mmm. Hopefully I don't get the flu and die Jazmines risking potential death It's funny if I acutally die whoa whoa No one's dying I'm potentially sick and Jazmine braved that to be here, so I appreciate her watch Riverdale I kept about a 6-foot distance from you when I first got here, I know literally like She wouldn't even come in the apartment. I was like I dropped the bowl and started running in the opposite direction But then when I saw the cleaners I was like if they're here I can be brave, too That's a Friday night wild child probably gonna play some League of Legends tonight, yeah What are you doing with your Friday night? Going to the club? Boring losers.

Dead serious right oh nice When it goes all the way down your face good morning Sunshine's I woke up today, and I was like Oh, maybe I'll feel better and I just got a cough today, so I feel like that's a new symptom, though I don't feel like as weak and feverish and weird as I did yesterday So I'm hesitant to think that this is the flu but the everyone's talking the flu lately, so I don't really know what's up so I'm just Taking it easy I'm not gonna stress myself out got a new order of my bite meals in so I could stop post mating And I still need to go shopping, but I just been feeling like crap so I haven't and those are cookies I like these veggie stuffed ravioli I had that last night super good And I haven't tried this other one there's a bunch of new flavors that they're doing well with coming out with new stuff I really wanna try this one cauliflower mash and green means it kind of looks like Thanksgivingish so I'm excited to try that and I've been drinking a lot of juices and trying to keep my Vitamin C up although I think it's too late for me But who knows drink your vitamin C ladies and gentlemen let's keep our immune system strong and zinc I think zinc is another good one for immune systems like every time. I have surgery they make me take zinc afterwards So here I am I don't know if it actually looks better or not, but I feel like my skin's doing better So I was just like I'll share a skincare
routine because I don't have anything else to offer y'all right now besides Me lookin ratchet and feeling like crap. So in the morning I use the Tula Face wash just a regular purifying face cleanser and then the regular hydrating lotion thing in the morning It's what I just did to my face just now and then in the evenings I just got this other stuff so I thought I'd tell y'all because I. Really like it and if you have dry skin like me.

I think you'll like it I don't know how it would work for other skin types, but it's like this Kefir replenishing cleansing oil and you put on your skin when it's dry and then you rinse it off with warm water after you like rub it all in and It's like an oil, but it's a cleanser so it's really nice It just makes me I feel clean afterwards But it doesn't feel like it's stripping my skin or anything not that the other cleanser does But it's just an interesting feeling especially if you have dry skin I think it's really nice, and then they have this kefir moisture repair press serum Which is like like a lotion, but it's like a really hard texture you can see how It's it's pressed serum I guess so you don't need a lot of it And I put that all over my face in the evenings now And it's just a slightly different feel it's like a moisturizer and a serum in one so you only need that and then I've just been using that at night So if you wanted to add something else your skincare routine I've been trying that and I've so far. I'd it just like My skin feels a lot more Fresh and it doesn't feel dry at all And it feels really nice I really like this oil cleanser, but I don't like it's still an oil so weirds me out So that's why I still use this one in the morning I don't know But that is what I've been doing Might stream League of Legends and just like not say anything should be completely silent with this mask on See what happens And I'm trying to give y'all  vlog footage but I'm literally withering away like Um so annoyed because I had so many plans for this weekend, but Not everything goes according to plan sometimes just gotta chill and listen to your body I really want to go to the gym anyway, but more than anything I just don't want to like spread my sickness if I am like flu-like or sick or anything I don't want to spread it to other people so I'm trying to be non-selfish and stay at home But now I'm antsy we'll see how it goes. Thank y'all for watching Sick day in the life is Nikki I super appreciate you and I may go ahead and just conclude this video so I can throw a video at you, so you can be entertained by my entertaining this Maybe so that's the end of this video, I just want you to know that I love you, and I appreciate you thank you for putting up with me in my Subpar state, so that's all folks see you next video Love me bye.

Updated Skin Care RoutineSick Day

Friday, December 7, 2018


Hey guys, it's Kim Dao here, welcome back to my channel. In this video I am going to be telling you guys the top ten Japanese skincare product you must buy if you go to Japan [so] previously I made a video on the top 10  makeup products which you must buy if you visit [Japan] So if you guys want to see the makeup version it make sure you check out this link andhrrhehehshjsj2uehsgsgwhwjksjssnsvgsuwuwhe when I made the makeup version Of the video a lot of people requested me to do the skincare version So here it is just before I start [the] video if you guys want to know  how much the product is and where to buy It in Japan make sure you check the blog post below dat all you go travel so let's start with the twins to get to the other side of a game to the tablet is bag he didn't step on his father of the characters I made this over the other side of a game to the tablet is bag he didn't step on his father of the characters I made this so don't say i copied from strangers product first item is the costed custom airport clear turn eyes own [mask] now the Just for your eyes you'll have 32 uses out of them and this product is Ai am so uncle especially good for eye or mouth Zone care It's going to come back fine lines wrinkles and dry skin It's been a number one product for nine years in a row now So the packaging is very simple you lift up the sticky part and then you take out as many sheets as you want to use So I apply just underneath my eyes and then I left it on for about 10 minutes. What's amazing about this iron? Mask is that it's almost transparent, so it doesn't really look [like] you are wearing a mask at all I'm not sure why I didn't [think] about this [before], but I could have totally bought this onto a plane and worn as well I was on a plane which would have made my skin so much better. So next time I'm definitely going to be doing that I find it if you are.

Just using it for One day You're not going to see results you have to use it for quite a while So after using it for [about] a week I found a difference in my [skin] my skin was no longer as dry as [it] was Usually when I fly my skin gets very flaky especially just under my eyes, and I feel that it's not flaking anymore So that has definitely helped best of all it's a drugstore item is very very cheap and affordable [Ex] item is a cannibal suicide beauty clear powder now this product is Superduper popular in Japan if you go inside any drugstore in Japan you will see this product everywhere so pretty much what this is is that you have some mini capsules inside and Inside the capsules you have a little bit of powder and to use. It's also very simple I just pour all the powder onto my hand and then mix the powder with the water and then the Consistency should be quite milky, so this item washes your skin, and it's also very gentle So it doesn't dry out your skin at all you can apply just [with] your hands if you have a brush it would work more Effectively, I believe so after using this product my skin felt so incredibly soft afterwards also one thing I loved about the product is that there's no fragrance isn't it I feel that this item is not strong enough to remove makeup But if you guys like to double cleanse which is what I like to do most of the time I find out this is perfect For using so this item is also meant to exfoliate and [remove] excess sebum for Acne prevention also it includes soy milk fermentation extract which really moisturizes your face [I] found this product is really great for traveling with so Especially if you're on a plane, you've got a little bit of powder You just need a tiny bit of water you can just wash your face on an airplane or an airport so easily [place] item is an interesting one and this is to say to the Collagen and is actually a Drink so she said it actually claimed that this drink is a best Collagen drink available And it was salt on your wrinkles in just about [3] days so when I heard [about] this product is that you are meant to drink this the night before and then when you wake up the Next morning your skin will look a lot more brighter and a drink actually comes in different types So I just got the collagen type. So I'm going to try it out now It kind of smells like medicine citrus and it kind of smells sweet as well. Ok let's try it.

It's a ducky [mas] It tastes like juice actually. I'm just going to down the whole thing It's my skin nicer now so with this product you are meant to drink it more often So it doesn't work after just one drink unfortunately, but it's not bad. It's quite a nice drink It's very easy to drink it very quickly tastes like juice, and it's quite pleas i i taste the samet hing whith my uncle ant [I've] actually used that item before and I feel that it does work in terms of making your skin brighter But I feel that in terms of getting [rid] [of] clogged pores or Acne It doesn't ryum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum the y um yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum eally work that way but if you just want brighter skin then definitely that item does work pretty well if item is a DhC deep cleansing oil now this product is super Duper popular if you go into drugstores once again? You'll see this product everywhere. It's a makeup remover, and it just pretty much helps make up slide off your face [I] feel it's very lightweight onto your skin So it doesn't cause your skin to break out so a lot of people might freak out because you're putting all on your face But let me assure you this product is very lightweight.

So when you apply [it] onto your [face] It doesn't you out, so this item is a decreasing oil And it's a makeup remover it features our unique water soluble formula that rinses thoroughly it is very rich [in] vitamins and antioxidants And it also hydrates for younger looking skin apparently one of these items sells in every 10 seconds worldwide, so to use it It's pretty easy you [just] rub it onto your face while your face is still dry and what I like to do is gently Rub it all over and make sure it removes all my makeup and As you can see my makeup is removed very very easily once you are done Just wash off your face with water also despite. It being a cleansing oil It does not make my face feel greasy at all Next item is this charcoal slope and this is [a] sumi hike or set of ken charcoal of Bastogne So this adds on when you smell it has got a very earthy Aroma to it and charcoal is great for cleansing because it helps [pull] dirt and grime out of your pores and [this] particular sopes Bamboo Vinegar which is going to disinfect clean and moisturize your skin and also another great thing about this herb Is that it's not just for your body is actually gentle enough to use on your face To remove my makeup of course it's not the greatest makeup removed, but mainly because it's not really meant to be use for that But if you are having a bath, and of course if your makeup is really [off] This is great to just clean your face with so Chaco is meant to make your skin brighter clearer and more even in tone So I have very uneven skin tone and this helped out so much also this soap is super Duper cheap in Japan and it will Last a very long time when I use a soap on my face my skin did not feel dry at all [next] item is this black sheet mask, and this is a [coaster] kazmir port clear turn black mask And this one is the one that contains Japanese medical herb extracts And I decided to pick up as product to show you guys because it's been the number [one] product for [10] years [so] this mask claims to have penetrating beauty sera bursting with moisture which would tighten skin around your pores Also gives you fresh skin with a translucent look and also the power of the japanese medical herbs will also nourish your skin so each Mask is packed individually [just]yum gycag7ga you can see from the product is so much Moisture inside the mask so after wearing the mask for about 10 to 15 minutes I take it off OHIYYI MISBWU 2OWNEH RJE. And then [just] massage the rest of my face my face feels so much more moisturized Like sytem is a favorite of mine, and this is [a] little [imbalanced] moisture mask now This item is one of the most popular face masks in Japan It's very very affordable for the [men] masks that you get inside So the mask comes in different colors, and I've got the pink one Which is just a regular version, so these masks are the best selling masks in Japan you can find them anywhere So when you go into a [drugstore] you'll find them even if you go to a convenience store you might see smaller packets the mask Increases your skin's ability to retain moisture and also enhances the absorption of serums So I think comes with a few important ingredients such as hyaluronic acid which is great for moisturizing your skin also Soy bean extract which gently soothe troubled skin so ever all your skin is meant to look really bright after using this mask One thing I love about this masks is that it's one of the only masks that actually fit my face usually when I use face masks even from Japanese or Korean Brands They are way too big for my face, [and] they don't fit very well at all But this mask fits, so well [onto] my face It's probably one of the only ones that do it's super easy to use this product so like the eye Masks you just open up the sticky part Take out a mask and then just apply it onto your face and as you can see there's a lot of moisture in the mask As well, so after using the mask I feel that my face definitely feels a lot more healthier excited, Mr. Corces se que se emotion now.

I got this in a small I travel size, but you can also get these in the big sizes waller drugstores. This is an intensive motion and it's formulated to enhance Translucency in skin for it to look younger and healthier and this also helps prevent skin Pigmentation and the prints of freckles and it also stops the hydration also this item is suitable for all skin types So it's going to clear milky consistency and once you rub it into your face instantly it just feels so much more Moisturized the item is [very] quick absorbing And it's a very lightweight moisturizer which brightens and soft hands your skin nicely contains vitamin C inner product which is what prevents inflammation? Freckles and 18 spots I find out after using the emotion your skin does feel slightly sticky afterwards So I would definitely recommend. [You're] putting a moisturizer on straight away after using it But this product makes your skin feel amazing is actually won so many awards as well So definitely check that one out one thing I want to tell you guys is [that] for the more expensive Japanese? Skin care products what I love that is that you can also buy a smaller travel size products Just in case you want to try it out first and see if you actually like before buying the full-size products So I actually just bought travel sizes for most of my products this item is a skincare product that I have been using for years This is the sana Na Maraca on Portia De queijo sweet this product has won so many awards, and this is actually one of the first Japanese skincare products I have used when I first came to Japan [it] feels amazing onto your skin, so it's actually quite thick in consistency It's very milky, but it just absorbs really quickly, and it is so moisturizing [it's] very gentle on your skin and [uses] soy milk Which is very effective on hyperpigmentation? So the moisturizer when you apply onto your facing lights very easily onto your skin [and] since It's moisturizing is so light you can layer on as much as you want depending on how you feel It's also super cheap for this product and a little bit of the product goes a long way So [when] I apply [this] I only put a tiny bit onto my face and seriously you can use [the] product for a very long Time final item [missus] usedo perfect whip so this item is actually a foam cleanser And it's meant to take off makeup and also draw impurities from the pores So the foam is meant to protect your skin from Harsh cleansing motions So actually what you were meant to do is just apply a tiny bit onto your hands just a little bit and then just run It under water then rub your [hand] And then you should be able to get a little bit of [firmer] to your hands now of course There's not that much foam that appear So if you use a foam net or if you use a brush or a clarisonic, you'll get much better results [but] since I was just traveling I didn't have any of that, so I just use my hands So I put it all over my face to remove my makeup and my makeup removed quite easily so according to suceed Oh, this is an ultra Rich foam which dissolves impurities and makeup Effectively, so I put it this doesn't work very well however if you have heavy eye makeup like really strong waterproof Mascara [it] Probably won't be able to remove that so if you are using waterproof, Mascara I highly recommend you use an eye makeup remover first to take off your makeup and then use this onto your face it does feel Very light on my face, so I didn't feel my face dried out at all and afterwards. I my skin felt very soft It's also very very cheap for this product so definitely recommend it so that is it for the top [ten] Japanese skin care products you? Must buy when you visit [Japan], please give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed [it] and if it was helpful [and] also if you want me to do more videos like this let me know in the comment box down below Subscribe to my channel if you haven't [yet] to keep up to date with me on my videos also subscribe to my [blog] Channel you want to see [what] I get up to on my everyday life in Japan and don't forget to follow me on my social Media the Links are here or just down below in the description box and once again if you guys want more information about how much? These products are and where to buy them in Japan don't forget to check out the blog post down below I want to go travel everything is linked down below [face] guys once again for watching and I'll [see] you guys in the next video  you.


Friday, November 30, 2018


Hi guys! So, today, in this video, I am going to review a facial cleanser brand that has been really popular and has many good reviews on internet so the product is Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser I had been had much desire to try this product because people said that this is really good actually, in the past few years, I already used the daily moisturizer from Cetaphil it was okay, gentle, and good to be used daily and now, in this video, I will tell you the review of this product, function, positive, and whether I like it or not so let's get started before I use this, I do some reserch of this product and apparently, Cetaphil is number one brand in Singapore and dermatologist recommended brand so this brand is safe to use the positive of this facial cleanser is that this product is suitable for sensitive skin as this is non-foaming and no fragrance. It has no fragrance substance at all and is able to moisturize our skin after cleansing so, after washing our face, it won't make our skin dry but keeps our skin moisturized some of you might be confused to decide your skin type. Sensitive skin is easy to be irritated. After using certain product, your skin get red, itchy, rashes, it may show that your skin is sensitive and after having laser treatment or playing at the beach, you got sunburn, our skin can be sensitive so, this facial cleanser is good to use when our skin condition is as what I mentioned before so that's the positive side of this brand.

Now I will tell you my personal experience. My skin is normal to dry type and not too sensitive. There is no rashes, acnes, or so on so when I use this facial cleanser, there is no such significant result as there is no problem with my skin but what I feel, this product is very gentle. No matter how much you put and rub, the foam will not emerge and no fragrance smelled as this is non-foaming cleanser, after using this, our skin will not dry and keeps moisturized my experience is only that so, my final thought is I will recommend this product to you who is easy to get allergic and sensitive as the better result will be seen if your skin has no problem, you can keep using this cleanser as this is really gentle, so it is safe here is written that Cetaphil is suitable for all skin types, so, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive skin can use but if you have oily skin and you think this one is not suitable for you, you can try Cetaphil Oily Skin Cleanser they have special product for oily skin type and the last one, this product is multifunction.

This can be used for baby, so when I go travelling, I forget to bring Aiden's soap, then I can use this for him as this product is really multifunction, now I will tell you some ways to use this Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser first, Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser can be used as makeup remover just pour out enough amount to the cotton and apply it to the whole face this can remove the light makeup , if using waterproof mascara and heavy makeup, I suggest you to remove it with oil-based remover second, we can use this without or with water. The texture is quite liquid, so without water, it is still okay to clean the face after that, rinse or clean our face with wet sponge or cotton, but I still recommend to rinse it in order to make it cleaner the third one is we can use this to make natural facial scrub first, pour out a tablespoon of oatmeal and sugar to the bowl then, mix it with Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser until it gets denser and you can rub it to the whole face. This is a really easy facial scrub that can be made at home and the result is not less competitive than other facial scrub. After using this, my face is smooth and moisturized.

Try this at home! So this is the review about this cleanser, I hope this video is useful for you don't forget to like and subscribe, and turn on the notification. Thank you so much for watching and see you next time, bye!.


Friday, November 23, 2018

Skincare Routine For TeensCara Mencuci Wajah Untuk REMAJA (Bahasa Indonesia)

Some dope ass intro.     Go skip girl XD.       Some nice ass movesss   Hey guys, My name is Titan. Welcome back to my channel.

And today I want to teach to you guys How to wash or clean your face Maybe some of you guys are confused.  Ah, we already know how to clean our face! But nononono.. So today I want to show you guys the steps From the beginning to the end And I will also show you guys the skincare routine that I think that is suited for teenagers The brand that I used today are local products. You can buy the products at Century.

Dont forget to watch the video until it ends If youre a fam, okay? Dont you dare. 3X Acne skin is caused by many factors. It can be caused by stress.     Noooooooo Or maybe your sleeping habits are not healthy.

 Or maybe its because of pollution?     So dont forget guys, taking care of your skin is also from the inside, and not only from the products too. Step one: Remove makeup Usually after school or work, You immediately become excited, and then...     The first thing you need to do is to clean your face using cleansing water Even if you didnt wear makeup This is the first step of double cleansing. Sometimes people like to use facial wash that stated that they can wash makeup at once But dont trust them gangs.

If you wash your face with only facial wash There will be dust and makeup left in our face Step 2: Cleaning your face   Usually when you clean your face You put it as dots on all of your face then rub it until the foam comes out ITS A HUGE MISTAKE, GUYS! Because even if your face is a little bit rubbed, it can make a smooth wrinkle on a young age. Now today,Im gonna use Facial wash illuminaire, the specialty  of this product is its ability to make super many foams and smooth. To make the foam, make a bowl like gesture of your hand, And with warm water, mix it With movements like this. And then add few more drops of warm water And mix it again.

The foam becomes so many until your hands is filled with it. I want to challenge you guys to make foam with other products. It wont be as much as illuminaire. To wash your face, use your last three fingers so the face wont get some pressure.

Ring and pinky fingers are the weakest and because of that, its the softest for your skin. Using foam is softer for our skin Because foam is soft and smooth. But usually foaming cleanser is drying your skin. So I recommend cleanser like illuminaire That is a cream But we can make our own foam.

   Rinse your face like usual Dont forget to wash your hair line Make sure the towel that you are wearing is clean and is used not more than twice. Then dont rub But dab dab dab Then slowly press the remaining water on your face. Step three: Using toner Cleanser can disturb your skin Ph levels. That can make your skin too dry or too oily.

*Slaps Thats why use toner or lotion to bring back your skins humidity. So whats the difference of lotion and toner? Lotion usually is thicker than toner. Step 4: Using moisturizer Moisturizer is the most important step. It will make your skin stays dehydrated and slowers the process of aging.

Moisturizer acts as a barrier to pollution. Pollutant, dull, acne, and aging at an early age. Step 5: picking your nose XD.   *I got found out     I used to often use acne medicines before I use any makeup to heal the acne under the makeup.

Personally, I like to use acne medicine that contains salicylic acid. Like the medicine from illuminaire For the acne that is not yet grown This can help to prevent acne before it grows. But if the acne has grown I prefer to use ben(?) Proxide to dry the acne. Step 6: Makeup   The last step is Makeup!! So if you cant live without concealer, Illuminaire also has a skincare makeup.

A makeup that is safer for skin. I use the concealer for panda eyes or on blemishes or acne. This concealer is easy to blend But the coverage rate is not that high. So for me its more suited for teenagers But not suited for me who is a heavy makeup wearer.

Next Im going to use this powder that also contains salicylic acid Just like the concealer, so they really suit for you guys who have acne skin, but unfortunately the shade that i chose Its too dark for my skin but I like the texture. Like really matte. And it wont look cakey on your face.     So thats all the tips from me.

I hope this video help you guys. Dont forget to like, subscribe and comment down below.   I wonder whats the video for next week?     I hope u enjoy the sub, sorry if there are some mistakes on the grammar. Sayonara.


Skincare Routine For TeensCara Mencuci Wajah Untuk REMAJA (Bahasa Indonesia)

Friday, November 16, 2018

Skincare & Haircare Tips from Demi Lovato's Beauty Team

Hi, I'm Jill Powell. I'm Demi Lovato's
makeup artist, and today I'm here
with Ulta Beauty, to show you
my tips and tricks on how to achieve
and maintain beautiful skin. I'm here with
my lovely model Natalie. Let's get started.

Many of you
probably already have your own skin care routines,
and that's amazing. If you don't, make sure you're washing your face
morning and night. Always use a sunscreen
every single day. You want to make sure
you moisturize, and I want to make sure
you're also exfoliating twice a week,
so that's these guys.

And definitely use eye cream to prevent wrinkles
around your eyes. Now if you want to know
how to achieve celebrity skin, I've got some tips for you. <I> One new trend
is sheet masks,</i> <i> and I hope that this trend
is around to stay.</I> This one is
Peter Thomas Roth, Un-Wrinkle 24K Gold
Sheet Mask and it's amazing
for hydration and really plumping
your skin. So you just apply
it directly onto the skin, and let it sit there
for 15 minutes, and it does
all the magic for you.

And when you're done,
gently peel away. You'll have a little bit
of serum left on your face, and just massage that
into the skin. After you've had your spa-like
treatment with the sheet mask, I love to use
a moisture serum. What I like about these is that they're concentrated
and full of nutrients, and they absorb well
into the skin.

And last but not least, don't forget
to take care of your lips. I love to use a lip scrub. This is basically
a sugar scrub that you can use to exfoliate any dead skin
off of your lips. And this one smells
really good.

Another tip is
to use a toothbrush to massage the sugar
into the lips and really add
some exfoliation. And now I'm going to introduce
you to my good friend, Nick Stenson, who is
the chief artistic director for Ulta Beauty. Hey, everyone,
I'm Nick Stenson. I'm here to take you
through some tips and tricks on how to get beachy waves, along with maintaining
healthy hair.

You really want to maintain
the natural oils that's in the hair
in between your shampoos, so if you're feeling like it's getting a little
oily at the base, that's where dry shampoos and
conditioners are really great. We're gonna go in
and create the beachy wave. I'm gonna begin
with this newer product out. This is the Matrix
Style Link Airy Builder.

It's a dry texturizing foam. It's gonna come out
like a mousse. I'm gonna apply
a little to my fingertips, emulsify it in and
work it through on dry hair. What I love about this is it's
gonna protect the hair again, but it's also gonna allow me
to get a nice hold without any stickiness
in the hair, so you're gonna be able
to brush right through it, run your hands through it
all day long.

So now that we've worked
the product through her hair, we want to take
small vertical sections and really isolate the hair, and I'm gonna use
this new Hot Tools Curl Bar. I actually love this, because you no longer have
to go all the way upside down when you're curling
your own hair. You just take it in parallel to the shape
that you want the hair, curl it around, keep the ends of your hair
in your fingers, and then drop it down. So as I'm wrapping around,
I'm also gonna hold it for about 20 seconds
around the barrel, drop it out.
If you want a tighter curl, you can even drop it in
your hands and collapse it.

Let it cool
in your fingers, and then pull it out. Of if you want a weaker,
kind of more tously curl, you could just drop it down
and let it cool while it hangs. All right, now that we've
finished the curl technique, all the way around the head,
we want to break up those curls. Girls, do not leave the house
with the curls in place.

Break them up.
My favorite product to do so is the Texture Builder
by Style Link. This is a Matrix product
and what I love about this is you can just kind of
take your hair, spray it in,
and loosen up that curl. You can even toss it back,
all the way back... Spray it in, spray a little
into your hands, even.

Make it a part, and put those curls
where you want. There you go. I hope you enjoyed my tips
on how to achieve and maintain beautiful skin,
and don't forget those extra steps on how
to look like a celebrity. And don't forget the hair.

Shampoo and condition
two to three times a week. Use a dry shampoo
in between, and don't forget
professional products in between your blow-outs
to get this beautiful look. - Thanks for watching.
- We'll see you soon..

Skincare & Haircare Tips from Demi Lovato's Beauty Team