Friday, December 14, 2018

Updated Skin Care RoutineSick Day

Good morning sunshine's okay last night. I had a tickle in my throat and a slight cough like just clear my there like And this morning feels more like a sore throat, so I know a sickness is coming I know what it feels like when it starts I'm hoping it's not the flu because apparently everyone's getting it right now I went and got some juices From Pressed juicery, this one's like a apple lemon ginger cayenne like a wellness shot with ginger lemon cayenne And then a couple of green juices, and then I told Miles I was sick And he went to get me sick care package so he got me green tea ginger tea got Apple cider vinegar he got me fruit bananas Apples lemons all this good stuff oatmeal. He just like knows what I like, but you got me grilled cheese and tomato soup which is one of my favorite things to have and honey and Ricola even though I hate cough drops but I think he was just being thoughtful and vitamin C packets and He got me roses and Ferrero Rocher so Isn't that cool whatever But anyways he came back with all that which was super sweet and thoughtful of him So I'm excited and happy and well not happy that I'm about to be sick. I just know it you know what you just like Just feel it, it's right there in the back of my throat it's coming I'm afraid, but I'm gonna use my last day of sort of okayness to get some stuff done Almond is like tomorrow will be the day But I don't know I'm hoping not maybe if I you know consume everything that I just got to combat illness, I will not have an illness But we'll see I'll keep you updated as always Why are you biting the pole? All right for my late lunch slash early dinner and I'm having a bowl of oatmeal Very exciting stuff with a dollop of peanut butter on it Well let it sit there for a minute because I like it to like thicken up on the standing And I just thought I would share a meal with you, and I also ate strawberries and blueberries like 10 minutes ago I was twitch streaming League of Legends, which sort of went okay, except everything went wrong at first And then I fixed it and everything's fine now that is my day.

I mean not my whole day, but that's like the last hour Miles, and I just watched the shape of water And he seems to be very dissappointed Yea well it's the shape of shit if you ask me I thought it was okay, it was okay had interesting characters it had interesting characters but they, You're literally like upset No it's like you signed up for like a crazy movie and you end up getting like Romeo and Juliet underwater I thought it was good, it was interesting, it was weird So last night shape of water I want to know if any of y'all have seen this movie And what you thought of it because it won a couple Golden Globes or whatever? I thought it was just gonna be really cool and epic, and I just feel like it fell short a little bit Like they could have done more with like the Merman guy or whatever he was but I don't know. What are your thoughts on the shape of water and today? I. Woke up and I have a small fever I just felt it all night, and I was tossing and turning and didn't feel well, and then I woke up And I was like I have to do these two or three things So I went and ran a couple errands because I was scared that you know when you're sick that I always feel like it's going to escalate Potentially over time so I ran my errands and now I'm back home and I think I'm gonna take to a sick day Just drink a bunch of soup, tea Chill and give my body a break Even though I really would like to go to the gym, but Don't look like that's going to happen I feel terrible and I really hope I don't have the flu But it changed from my like coughing congestion to just like a small fever and like a pulse in like Headache here and like here I don't know We'll see what happens, but I was just thinking the other day. I never get sick.

Ever I'm sick I jinxed myself I don't even know if I have the energy to play League of Legends It's the worst Jazmine came over to nurse me back to health It's very yellow, oh I know why hold on. Oh yeah, it's just back to it Natural setting So she brought me an acai bowl, so I have some nutrients and then we both chunked our vitamin C's Someone over there seems to have it's disgusting You just chug it you don't taste it, and then I made us some grilled cheese sandwiches, mmm. Hopefully I don't get the flu and die Jazmines risking potential death It's funny if I acutally die whoa whoa No one's dying I'm potentially sick and Jazmine braved that to be here, so I appreciate her watch Riverdale I kept about a 6-foot distance from you when I first got here, I know literally like She wouldn't even come in the apartment. I was like I dropped the bowl and started running in the opposite direction But then when I saw the cleaners I was like if they're here I can be brave, too That's a Friday night wild child probably gonna play some League of Legends tonight, yeah What are you doing with your Friday night? Going to the club? Boring losers.

Dead serious right oh nice When it goes all the way down your face good morning Sunshine's I woke up today, and I was like Oh, maybe I'll feel better and I just got a cough today, so I feel like that's a new symptom, though I don't feel like as weak and feverish and weird as I did yesterday So I'm hesitant to think that this is the flu but the everyone's talking the flu lately, so I don't really know what's up so I'm just Taking it easy I'm not gonna stress myself out got a new order of my bite meals in so I could stop post mating And I still need to go shopping, but I just been feeling like crap so I haven't and those are cookies I like these veggie stuffed ravioli I had that last night super good And I haven't tried this other one there's a bunch of new flavors that they're doing well with coming out with new stuff I really wanna try this one cauliflower mash and green means it kind of looks like Thanksgivingish so I'm excited to try that and I've been drinking a lot of juices and trying to keep my Vitamin C up although I think it's too late for me But who knows drink your vitamin C ladies and gentlemen let's keep our immune system strong and zinc I think zinc is another good one for immune systems like every time. I have surgery they make me take zinc afterwards So here I am I don't know if it actually looks better or not, but I feel like my skin's doing better So I was just like I'll share a skincare
routine because I don't have anything else to offer y'all right now besides Me lookin ratchet and feeling like crap. So in the morning I use the Tula Face wash just a regular purifying face cleanser and then the regular hydrating lotion thing in the morning It's what I just did to my face just now and then in the evenings I just got this other stuff so I thought I'd tell y'all because I. Really like it and if you have dry skin like me.

I think you'll like it I don't know how it would work for other skin types, but it's like this Kefir replenishing cleansing oil and you put on your skin when it's dry and then you rinse it off with warm water after you like rub it all in and It's like an oil, but it's a cleanser so it's really nice It just makes me I feel clean afterwards But it doesn't feel like it's stripping my skin or anything not that the other cleanser does But it's just an interesting feeling especially if you have dry skin I think it's really nice, and then they have this kefir moisture repair press serum Which is like like a lotion, but it's like a really hard texture you can see how It's it's pressed serum I guess so you don't need a lot of it And I put that all over my face in the evenings now And it's just a slightly different feel it's like a moisturizer and a serum in one so you only need that and then I've just been using that at night So if you wanted to add something else your skincare routine I've been trying that and I've so far. I'd it just like My skin feels a lot more Fresh and it doesn't feel dry at all And it feels really nice I really like this oil cleanser, but I don't like it's still an oil so weirds me out So that's why I still use this one in the morning I don't know But that is what I've been doing Might stream League of Legends and just like not say anything should be completely silent with this mask on See what happens And I'm trying to give y'all  vlog footage but I'm literally withering away like Um so annoyed because I had so many plans for this weekend, but Not everything goes according to plan sometimes just gotta chill and listen to your body I really want to go to the gym anyway, but more than anything I just don't want to like spread my sickness if I am like flu-like or sick or anything I don't want to spread it to other people so I'm trying to be non-selfish and stay at home But now I'm antsy we'll see how it goes. Thank y'all for watching Sick day in the life is Nikki I super appreciate you and I may go ahead and just conclude this video so I can throw a video at you, so you can be entertained by my entertaining this Maybe so that's the end of this video, I just want you to know that I love you, and I appreciate you thank you for putting up with me in my Subpar state, so that's all folks see you next video Love me bye.

Updated Skin Care RoutineSick Day

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