Friday, December 21, 2018

VAN LIFE Travel Skin Care Routine ALL WEATHER 2017Hobo Ahle

So something that took me a long time to
figure out that has to deal with living in a car, was finding a good simple
skincare routine. I really wanted like one solid routine that I could use
regardless of the varying weather or environment and I also wanted to be able
to keep the products to a minimum because 1) storage obviously and also
because 2) it's a little bit obnoxious if you go into a public restroom or the
gym to shower or wash your face and you have a bunch of stuff with you. So I
personally have very sensitive skin and because of that, traveling and the
weather changing pretty often has been an obstacle for sure. Especially with all
the hiking and climbing, which basically means a lot of sweating.

And on top of
that, like I said, my skin is just super sensitive so like even when I lived in a
house or an apartment there were just so many products that I could not use
because they'll make me break out. So finding items that work for my skin
along with my lifestyle and inconsistent environment, like I said, it's been a
mission. But here's what I've come up with that works for me regardless of the
cold/heat/humidity whatever like I can use this routine year-round. And I do
this whole process twice a day.

First in the morning and then again right before
I go to sleep. Okay and just a side note: it is daytime clearly, clearly daytime,
but I am going to be filming the process that I do before I go to sleep just
because it's a little bit different. There's a little bit more steps, but for
the most part it's the same thing and throughout video like I'll explain what's
what whatever so yeah- So naturally before anything I have to get my hair
out of my face. This definitely makes me regret cutting my bangs, but now I am
ready to start.

So first: I cleanse my face with a soap or face wash. So there's
a few options here... No matter what, to start, I just splash my face with some
water and put the tiniest drop of dr. Bronner's on my hands.

My bottle is
already diluted and even still a little goes a long way.
Generally I'll stop here for cleansing, but sometimes there are special
circumstances. In those cases... If it's really humid for a few days my
skin really struggles so this is where I'll use Proactiv. I tend to try and not
use this too much because it has a lot of chemicals that are kind of overkill
on a day to day basis, for my skin at least.

I ended up using it only a handful
of times throughout the year, but it always worked really well and cleared up
my skin before anything progressed. Another aspect to this cleansing step
is washing my face with this Pacifica Seafoam Complete Face Wash. I use this
definitely way more than I use Proactiv, but again not everyday. I pretty much
only use this on days that I either wear makeup or have been super active and as
a result super sweaty.

2. Exfoliate once every two weeks. I personally use a
mixture of sugar and water. It's honestly worked better than most store-bought
exfoliators I've tried.

I just mix it in a cup, pour some of it onto a towel, and
then scrub. I do this as a means to prevent blackheads and to just really
clear my pores. This is one of those steps that I will usually do as part of
my nighttime routine, not so much in the morning. 3.

Toner. I use an apple cider
vinegar / water mix as a toner. Basically it just removes oil and any dirt or
grime that was left on my face after washing. In this bottle I put about 1/3 apple cider vinegar and 2/3 water and just shake it up to
mix it well before using.

I put a little on a cotton ball and apply it to my
whole face. 4. Moisturize. This is different in the morning and at night.

the morning I will use just a tiny bit of coconut oil and apply it to areas of
my face that usually end up dry and that's really about it. At night I
use this: Pacifica Youth Serum. I've struggled to find a light moisturizer
that I can use in the morning. Usually they're too heavy so then if I'm active
throughout the day, which is almost everyday, sweating + the moisturizer
is a recipe for disaster.

Last but not least 5. Spot Treatment.
I am absolutely obsessed with tea tree oil for a lot of reasons. The main one
though is that it is perfect for an overnight spot treatment for any redness
or beginning problems. So if there's anything starting to go
wrong I just put some on a cotton ball and apply it to the areas that need it.
It's literally like magic.

So this has been my skincare routine for the entire
year of 2017 and I gotta say, I really like it. It's worked out pretty well. I am
getting ready to switch it up however just because I got some new stuff for
Christmas that I'm really excited to try and they should definitely help with the
moisturizing aspect. I'll keep you guys posted as to how that new routine works
out, but for now peace out y'all..

VAN LIFE Travel Skin Care Routine ALL WEATHER 2017Hobo Ahle

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