Saturday, October 27, 2018

Patricia Manfield's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

Here we go! Okay, so first things first wash your hands. Any soap will work. So, I don't wear a lot of make up. I usually just put concealer on in my critical area.

I travel all the time, so I'm always jet lagged. So I try to cover this part as much as I can. And I put a little bit of blush on. I don't really wear mascara that much.

I really care for my beauty products because have a really like good bedtime routine is going to help have the best skin that you can get So, let's start off with taking my make up off, whatever I have on. So it's just like a simple kind of like cleansing thing. These are the softest that you can get They're called the night calming ones. They're my favorite.

So I actually do this like three times a day. Just because there's a lot of pollution and I live in a big city. And I go all the way behind my ears, just to make sure I'm super clean. So that wasn't much.

Next step I have kind of like a mixed skin So I tend to get really oily, especially in the summer in my T area. I love to wash my skin with this. This is- You can use it as a mask. You can use it as a cleanser.

And this is my facialist, Sarah Chapman. She makes these, and she's awesome and I love her. And now we wait. Two minutes.

It can be five. It's really relaxing. It has the best smell, I wish you could smell this. If you ever go to London, make sure you get a facial at Sarah Chapman's.

Now we wash it off. Since I love to leave it a little bit on my face, I just kind of clean it with a towel. And this will end up being Some sort of a night cream that will clean out your pores through the night and leave your skin really fresh. Next step.

I use a moisturizer. Either a serum, like the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair. This is something that I use when I'm super jet lagged. So I use a few drops of these and I just kind of like massage my face with them.

You just kind of pat it into your skin and kind of like make sure it really goes into your skin. And you do this for a couple of minutes. It's so relaxing. Okay, now we're glowing.

I do have a secret. So I have a lot of baby fat in my face and I I really need something to to firm my skin and tone up my skin. And I found the best solution for that and I swear by it. And it's my friend Pia that actually told me about it.

This company is called Nuface. I used this everyday. So what we'll do is we'll put a primer on because that's how it works. You put this primer on your face and then you just kind of massage and lift.

So you want to take a little bit and the effect that you want is for it to look like your face is wet. You don't have to necessarily put a lot of it. Just make sure that wherever you go with the device on your face, it just needs to be wet. Five seconds.

Massage. Lift. And you do this all over. And you kind of like do it three times.

You wait for the signal and then you stop. No double chin for me anymore. When I first tried it I. Saw a huge difference in the first like two minutes and it's insane, so if you do it everyday, it's definitely going to make a difference.

Pretty much the treatment you get when you get a facial. So this is creating cheekbones and it's defining them. When my skin is at it's driest, I use this and this is something I don't use a lot, it's really moisturizing. So I use this only when I'm on an airplane and I need to be beautiful when I.

Land. Another one of my favorites So I usually put this on and I sleep with this on. It's a smoothing, plumping, and brightening black rose cream mask. (Speaking french) Sounds really good in french.

Leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes or you just leave it on in the whole night. My latest discovery in terms of masks cause I use them a lot is actually Charlotte Tilbury. The Goddess Skin Clay Mask. So with this, you pretty much get a baby skin, but it's a really fast process, you can do it everyday.

It's that easy on your skin, especially if you've got like no primers helping, this will help you so use this before anything, like before your moisturizer, before your primer, before your foundation and this is going to save you. It's been three years that people have always asked me "What perfume do you use?" I have actually been using this for a long long time Santal 33 is my perfume. I put this on even when I go to bed because it just makes me feel good, I just wake up and I smell nice. Ready for bed time..

Patricia Manfield's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

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