Saturday, August 25, 2018

My Nighttime Skincare Routine

Hi I'm Darnell Cox with Live Young
lifestyle and today I'm going to go over my nightly skincare routine it is quite
extensive folks I've had the privilege of speaking with the best dermatologist
from around the world and it's a lot different than what is pushed at us with
marketing first of all you do not need to be spending money on face wash this
is FISA derm it's a pH balanced deep clean wash for normal to dry skin every
skin care company will try to sell you a face wash you're washing it off of your
face you do not need to spend a lot of money for that so make sure it just
washes clean now I started I took off my all my eye makeup with this Almay
waterproof eye makeup remover pads I. Love these and the reason is because you
don't need to put your eye makeup remover on one of the other pads you
just use this little thing and because you know over the age of 40 I've spoken
about in some of my previous makeup chair chitchat that you have to be using
waterproof eye makeup so eyeliner mascara all of that needs to be
waterproof because we tend to transfer that with our crepey eyelids or at least
I do and also with all the anti-aging potions that we put on you want to make
sure that your eye makeup sticks I. Always use this clear sonic and just a
simple simple face wash so I'm going to do that now so you guys can really tell
I have no makeup on so I will usually first wash my face
with chips my hands using the FISA term but I then I'd like to go over it to get
a really deep clean with this clear sonic no matter what my day was every
stitch of makeup comes off of my face I. Normally take a shower at night so I'll
wash all the makeup off of my face outside here on the sink and then if you
did not see my youtube video on dry brushing you really need to watch that
because this is a great great anti-aging device and it is so simple helps with
cellulite helps with circulation increases the tone and texture of your
skin and all that every single night then I'll jump in the shower
and most of the products here are not about moisture it is about drying the
skin out I did an interview with dr.

Abadi who I think is the best
dermatologist I've ever interviewed before but he talks a lot about tricking
your skin into producing its own moisture so remember if you're adding a
lot of products on your skin that are moisturizing it from the outside what
you're doing is you're sending signals to those those layers of skin inside
that you have enough moisture and therefore you do not need to make it
yourself and it's not letting your skin behave like it did when it was in his
20s so this first product is by Zoe's skin
health and there are these little tea pads a little bit of a waffle design so
it really gets in there and any makeup that is left it just goes away but you
will also see that there is a drying effect here next this is the growth
factor and I love the design of this because there's no air that touches the
product and a lot of times when products touch oxygen they lose their their
potency this keeps everything really fresh you just do one little pump and it
is like a gel that is good for all skin types it doesn't matter if you have
super super sensitive skin it really Suz I do right up to my eyes even on my
eyelids your entire neck until that's all really absorbed this was bison so
skin health and it's called essential growth factor serum now I move on to the
Big Bang and this is all about retin-a I. Wrote a blog on living lifestyle calm
called retin-a the holy grail to skincare because it is it is the only
thing that has been proven to significantly reduce wrinkles retin-a
was first designed as an acne treatment so again it's something that's supposed
to dry out your skin so this is by xot skin health again this is a 1% it's a
strong stuff I use this with this Miller mix skin lightening and blending cream
so what I would do if I were gonna use this product as I put about it's about
this big and you do the same thing about with the blending cream but you blend it
like this and then it makes it or it will smooth over your face much easier
so I'm not gonna show you this one because this is pretty self-explanatory
you would just blend this all over so I'm gonna wipe this off I also like I
have to say this environ skin is cinchy a is a really strong over-the-counter
retina you need to get this though like in a plastic surgeon's office a lot of
dermatologists sell this go online to environ calm
so the consistency of this is more of a cream so you can blend this by itself a
lot better than some of the thicker retin-a so I'm gonna wipe that off just
because again a self-explanatory just put it all over your face this is what a
prescription retin-a really looks like it's just a you know a white tube with a
label stuck on it and this is a point zero five and this is 0.025 Again I test
my skin out all the time if my skin is like really dry or their Santa Ana winds
I'll go down to the point o2 5 it's still doing something it's still drying
your skin it's still those wrinkles it's still exfoliating
and cell turnover so let me show you how you would use this you put about the
size of a dime on the back of your hand and you would be surprised folks if
you're using the same hand all the time to put the retin-a on before you put it
on your face compare your Pam's after a couple months
and the hand that you use to put the retin-a on to blend it or whatever we'll
end up with a lot less wrinkles so I. Just then take my finger and make little
dots I do not put this on my neck just because your neck does not produce the
same amount of oil as your face does so you know we have sweat glands and
oil-producing glands in certain parts of our body our underarms our feet our
privates our face those will actually secrete oil and our hair which is why
our heritage oily but our neck does not really so if you put the same strength
of retin-a on your neck you're gonna find that it it eats it up like like
battery acid I always rub in a circular motion it
will migrate a little bit so even if you're putting it here along your
jawline I usually put it right along my jawline and underneath the chin once
that's all in and move on to the neck there's three products that I really
love for the neck this is my favorite right now it's by revision skincare it's
called neck to firm these are also in a lot of different plastic surgery offices
I also feel that it kind of plumped the lines up and helps with elasticity and
kind of firms things this one by stryve Acton I also like it's a little it feels
like it's a little bit there's more of an exfoliation involved with this and a
little bit more firming so right now I'm liking this one a little bit better your
neck goes all the way down here so anything your skin is all connected so
if it needs to be firmed you have to start above it and below the area that
you're trying to target so next we're gonna move on to eyes I did write a blog
on live young life style called beauty on a budget if you want to
save money anywhere give up the eye cream and just like I told you put all
your other treatments right underneath your eye you don't you don't really need
I cream but man do I love this one so this is nurse Jamie's EGF eye complex
and this is her beauty stamp it's not just what you put on your face topically
it's stuff that you do to help your skin regenerate and part of that has to do
with creating little micro traumas and I. Talk about this a lot on my youtube
channel and in my blogs drying out your skin and using a retinoid product like
that is creating micro traumas it is exfoliating that outer skin which is
making your your skin underneath to make more cells it's the same thing with
micro needling this is a version of a micro needle that is an ace stamp so
instead of rolling like I had done on that previous video my favorite at-home
treatments this is a stamp that I use every single night so you literally
press this around your eyes now believe it or not I do my eyebrows because micro
needling also helps stimulate hair growth when our skin gets really thin
and crepey around our eyes to do this on a nightly basis is very very good so get
right underneath and I usually do all the way out to the temple all the way
across the eyebrow now I'm gonna get a little red but I want to make sure I
show you and then I follow it with nurse Jamie EGF eye complex which it
moisturizes it deep puffs it helps with dark circles all things good in one
little bottle okay so that is the eye treatment and now we're going to move on
to eyelashes eyebrows there are a lot of over-the-counter eyelash and you know
enhancement serums that you can brush on almost every dermatologist on the planet
will have Latisse and you're basically it comes with like this
you know disposable things because you don't want to go over your eye with the
same little brush now the cheat it is cheaper to do the ones that you can buy
in a beauty supply store I do like revitalash but the only
problem that I have found with those is after like a few weeks I want to throw
it out because what you're doing is you're sticking something back in you
know to the same product and I always worry about about that and and usually
too I use this on my eyebrows so after I.

Have all of this cream stuff on all my
retinas all my potions I'm then putting it on my eyebrows and sticking it back
into the thing do I think revitalash works yes it does right now I like this
one a little bit better so you're just putting a drop you're going right along
your lash line you do not need a lot of this you just barely want them to feel
moist because if you put too much it will go in your eyeball you're wasting
the product and you'll end up with like little fuzzy hairs growing all over your
eye so this is really really concentrated and again I'm not even
touching it to the brush and I'll do the other eye and whatever is leftover I put
right up in my eyebrows if you go underneath your eyebrows with this it
does make a big difference and helps them fill in and bring those eyebrows a
little bit more down to earth which is a more youthful look so the last thing
that you do is if you anti-age from only here up you're missing 90% of your body
so like I said before I shower every night I dry brush but at night I like to
do an exfoliating thing for my body as well you don't want to use a retin-a or
a really strong product on your body so there are two products that I really
like I couldn't get a hold of one before this shoot but it's by the same company
that makes this retin-a it's called environ and it's a dermal AK it helps
with cell turnover it helps with the tone of your skin it's a really great
product so again this environment is a company that I really like but what I'm
using right now that I that I also love is is V germ and this is a glycolic acid
so it it stings a little bit especially if you've drybrushed first
but I always say like if it doesn't hurt if it doesn't sting and if it doesn't
smell bad it's probably not doing anything for your skin you know you have
to be consistent and be patient with this stuff because great skin doesn't
happen overnight it does take time it is effort to wash off your makeup every
night and go through these rituals but you know what you're worth it and that
is a really good way to live young.

My Nighttime Skincare Routine

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