Saturday, August 4, 2018

My Korean Skin Care Routine

[Intro music playing] Hello everyone, it is Melody and I am coming
at you live from [music plays] you already know! So today we will be talking about skincare. All things having to do with my skin care
routine. Honestly, I was putting my products, ya know
gathering them all for this video, I had no idea how many Korean products I use and this
basically is like a Korean skin care routine. I had no idea until I look at them all together
just how infused these Korean products have become into my routine.

So, yeah, kind of cool. Anyways, let's just go ahead and jump right
into it. The first thing I do every night before I
go to bed is take my make up off. Now before I came here, I used to use Dove
soap and it would kind of like cleanse my skin and removed my make up, all in one.

But, I found that it's really drying, especially
on my eye lids which is like really random. But my eyelids would get really really dry
so now I use this product: the Rice Water Brightening Light Cleansing Oil from The Face
Shop. I really like this product because like it
says, it's really light. It is an oil though, which is something different
for me.

Back home I never used an oil to like, do
anything in my make up, so using this, getting used to it at first, was a little bit, uh,
it was different. But now that it's like apart of my routine,
I really like it because it gets off all the make up, especially, like the mascara, which
is the one thing that I'm like massaging it over my eyes to get the mascara out. And it smells really nice, it's like a nice
clean scent, not really overwhelming or anything like that. So that's the first thing I use and after
I take some warm water and I rinse that off, ya know as best as you can because oil and
water doesn't really mix very well.

So to completely get the make up and oil off,
I follow it up with the mango seed cleansing foam and it is also from The Face Shop. Now this is actually a face cleanser that
I got for free. So when you go to a Korean, like, skin care
store, like make up store, and you buy stuff you always get like a "service" product. "Service" is basically something free with
every purchase.

And this was given to me for free after I
purchased something, I don't even remember what I purchased and yeah, I ended up really,
really liking this and it gets all the oil off, the residue from the make up, everything. It just leaves my skin feeling really clean
but not tight, ya know. So it doesn't feel like I can't smile or like
if I smile my face is just going to like crack or something. It feels clean but also moisturized.

So, love this! Now after all my make up is done, I go onto
my next step, and that is Lush. Guys, I love Lush, so much. I fell in love with them in February when
I went home for a visit. My best friend she was using Lush - the one
from my best friend tag.

And [she was] ranting and raving about how
it's like all natural and everything like that and I was like "Yo, I need to check this
out!" So I went to Lush and I basically, absolutely fell in love. The only thing I don't love are those prices! But, it's okay, totally worth it. So, the next thing in my skin care routine
is: Dark Angels. It is a face and body cleanser.

Dark Angels is really good for removing dark
spots on your face. It's a scrub, but it's like a gentle enough
exfoliate that if you want you can use it everyday. I tend to do it maybe..Two, how many times? I tend to do it maybe 3 to 4 times a week. And I just, uh, I put it on my face and I
kind of use it as an exfoliate, one, and as a mask.

So, I will put it on my face, ya know, rub
a dub dub, and I will leave it on my face for maybe 10 minutes until it all is dry. And then I will go ahead and get warm water
and rinse it off. And for me, it just leaves me skin feeling
really really refreshed. The only thing about this product is the residue.

When you're trying to rinse it off, if you
have some remaining oil on your face from something else you did - like, uh, maybe if
I'm taking my make up off and I have some remaining oil from the oil cleanser, it sticks
to that and it's hard to get off. So, that is one thing with the Dark Angels,
it doesn't rinse off very smoothly. So, yeah, keep that in mind. Now, after the Dark Angels, step 3, depending
how my skin is feeling.

If it needs a little extra TLC, I then will
go to my mask. Now this is like a mask that's made to be
a mask. It is from Innisfree. It is the Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask and
I love it, I love love love this product.

You put it on your face for 10 minutes and
for me, what I've found is the important part is to only put it on for 10 minutes. Anything else, I feel like it dries your skin
out but if you do what it says, 10 minutes, and rinse it off, your skin feels tingle-y,
and clean, and refreshed and your pores feel like tighter. I have really oily skin, I tend to be super
duper oily so this kind of combats that and I also have really large pores, so this is
just overall a really really good product for me. So once my skin is just feeling luxurious,
it's time for the toner.

So, before I came to Korea, I did not use
a toner, ever really. Now, I use a toner. It is the Real Squeeze Aloe Vera Toner from
Nature Republic. Now, Nature Republic is a Korea [skin] store,
that pride itself on being, like, nature based, ya know.

And I really, really like this toner. It doesn't leave my skin feeling super duper
oily, which is a problem that I have with a lot of Korean products. I already have oily skin so their products
tend to be too moisturizing for me but this toner, kind of just feels refreshing. Again, I guess that's a theme of things I
like, something that, it just feels refreshing, it feels good on my skin just to pat it in.

I use one squirt and just pat it into my face. Um, just distributing it around my face and
then I will let it sink into my skin. Yeah, so, toner, new thing but I really like
it. So, after that, we go onto the final moisturizing
step and this is a product that I use only when it starts to get cold here in Korea because
my skin is drier and it needs more moisture.

During summer and spring I use something different
but right now, what I use is Nature Republic's Real Squeeze Aloe Vera Cream. Now the toner and the cream are like a set,
ya know, they kind of go together. So they compliment each other really really
well. Something interesting about the cream is that
it's actually in gel form, which I thought was pretty cool and it kind of feels like
you're literally like squeezing aloe vera straight from a plant and putting it on your

And it's really, really moisturizing and it
doesn't leave a residue. I don't know about you but I cannot stand
when I put a product on my skin and I can like feel it still on my hands after I put
it on and then I can like feel it on my face. I really, really don't like that and that
is why I love this cream because I don't get that feeling with it. So when I wake up the next morning, my skin
just feels really really moisturized, which I appreciate, especially when it's cold outside
or like winter, ya know, and my skin needs that extra moisture, this is awesome.

Alright guys, so that is my skin care routine,
that is what I do, every night. In the morning, I just cut out the Dark Angels,
and the mask, and the oil because I have no make up on my skin so it's really just the
Mango Seed and then I go right into the Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer and I
love it because it has SPF 15 in it and my mom has like drilled into my head ever since
I was young, "always put sun screen on your face, it's very important to protect your
skin." So, yeah, I love this because it has that
SPF in it. Alright guys, so that is it, that is my skincare
routine, this is what I do on the daily here in Korea. Yeah that's just, ya know, what I do.

I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, be sure to give it a thumbs up. If you haven't subscribed already, be sure
to. And if you have any questions about the products
I'm using or how I use it, or anything like that, comment down below and I will be sure
to get back to you.

And I hope you all have a fantastic one. I will see you in my next video..

My Korean Skin Care Routine

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