Saturday, May 19, 2018


*Unlocking the door* Oh my goodness!! I can't believe I went clubbing until 3 am Oh my god. Be careful Mama Choi and Papa Choi are gonna kill meee...Aaahh *sighs in pain* My feet are killing me *yawns*  I'm so sleepy.... I'm too old for this Okay. I'm gonna go quietly like nothing happened.

\^O^/ *Unnie is sleepy* I should have never taken that shot of makkoli (unfiltered rice wine But, its all good in the hood Okay guys, I'm super drunk and super tired Its all good in the hood #noregrets Even though I'm super, super lazy and super tired and my hair is itchy it doesn't matter at least I gotta wash my face and put some-some on my face Hmm, okay !! So for the days that I am feeling super lazy or I'm super drunk just get some cotton pads and pump it up with cleansing water and make sure I soak everything really well into the cotton pad and just stick it on my face like this And I rub lightly and then wipe-off Rub lightly and then wipe-off. EWW...Gross And then I just rub away very lightly. And i'm done OH-CRAP. I have to be quiet I hope Mama and Papa  Choi don't wake up *Spew* First thing I'm gonna do is lightly splash water on to my face and of course pick my boogers.

Because in the club its nasty, okay? So you all gotta pick your boogers afterward And I'm gonna be using my CNP Laboratory Foaming cleanser for today because I need that extra cleanness to get everything off of my face This helps balance out your skin's pH level and also this has helped me tremendously with my acne so I highly wanna recommend it for those of you with acne prone skin And I'm just gonna take seat because I'm super tired And guys make sure that you bubble up everything on your hands and then put on the bubble Some people make the bubble on their face and that can irritate your skin. So keep that in mind And now I'm gonna thoroughly cleanse my face and especially my hairline too 'cause I'm not gonna take a shower. I'm too lazy right now. And then just splash away with water And after cleansing, I don't wipe my face with a towel.

I'm gonna go directly and use my mist. And here I'm using Laneige Water Bank Mineral Skin Mist I'm not even going to use a cotton pad because my skin is so irritated I'm just gonna splash some mist on. And I always drink a cup of water to get over my--OMG!! IS THIS FOR REAL !! AHH....NO. Did I call my ex-boyfriend 50 times ?!!?! NOO.....Please tell me I didn't do this.

NO... Oh my God Its okay Life goes on. Act like nothing happened. Its all good, I'll be okay the next morning.

*Ahh God* I love drinking but my skin doesn't love it OK, so for times like this that i need an emergency spot treatment all I'm gonna do is cut up my cotton pad into small pieces And then I'm gonna soak it in with my Mandelic Acid 5% Prep Skin Water This is a wonderful trick that you can do when you have a big ass zit. This is an excellent emergency treatment to calm your inflammatory acne and then we are gonna move on to the last step because I'm already tired man. As you could hear from my voice is just cracking up already I'm gonna use Klairs Supple Preparation All Over Lotion on my face Thanks to the alcohol and long hours of partying I have a lot of redness around my nose and cheek area. So i'm just gonna get a thick layer of my All Over Cream (Klairs Supple Preparation All Over Lotion) Now this lotion also has really great hydrating ingredients like beta glucan and ceramide and also its excellent for soothing And by doing this second thick layer, it really helps to sooth and calm that irritated skin ok I've made it I've  come this far I'm just make sure that my zit is getting calm and my zit is getting smaller And for my emergency spot treatment It's better that I leave it on for about 3-4 minutes So i'm just gonna watch one of my favorite YouTubers Elle Mills Dude she is the best guys.

Enough is enough, I'm just gonna...Take that off Oh I had a really long day today Good Night *jk* Y'all know me I totally forgot to take off my lashes okay, GOOD NIGHT..


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