Saturday, May 12, 2018


Hello, welcome back to my youtube channel. I am a very famous youtuber. My name my name is Abe Kim. Also known as Abe's figures or Abe's beauty, you know, I don't really know at this point.

And I believe in the unexpected. That is why I will be taking guys to Myeo- Myeong-frickin-dong. Now I do understand that many people vlog Myeong-Dong. From other YouTube channels To even TV shows.

But on my second episode of my documentary series, I wanted to take you guys on another special journey. A journey, that will challenge you A journey that will strengthen you Not really in stairs, but But in your understanding and knowledge of how Abe's face went from very acne acne, To still also pretty acne, but, a little less. Wow this shot truly represents the products I used to use before coming to Korea. Using Up&Up products from Target to using Korean skincare now.

I'm not hating. I'm just stating a fact. What angers me is, I was actually Lost in the beginning and I refused to use Korean skincare products when I first got here. Disappointed.

I know that if I started earlier, my face would be a lot better than what it is and I would not be saying things like: "hey, don't put the camera like on my face because I'm-" so allow me to take you guys to a store where skin and fashion, but mostly skin is of utmost importance. This store sells CosRx, and I will now share with you my favorite products. Of course number one goes to the centella blemish cream This product is not a really nice product because it will destroy your acne Number two, of course goes to a two-in-one Also known as the two and one Number three goes to the red one, the A-sol Serum. And of course, you must take at least 40 of these patches home Moving on is the this cream every what this cream was called, but it's really good for your pits and Yes of the burst set lotion it is Legit.

Oh Yeah, and *inhumane noises* this one But what kind of beauty guru and beauty channel would I be if I only raved about one brand? So today in This documentary I will be leveling up in my skincare beauty youtuber status as I will not only talk about my favorite brand which is CosRx, But do something a little different. Some say that this is a little too bold for them. But of course for me wait My director is really bad if filming, and getting water all over my camera. But for me, not a chance, as I will be doing something that requires a lot of courage.

Well since it's my last day here I thought what better way to talk about skincare Than my sister? And I wanted to go all out and treat myself. Well with my sister paid for it, So might as well get my skincare treatment of acne stuff, because I never did that in 2 years I was here. I Basically found out it's going to hurt like not like hurt Hurt. I'm so scared.

The start Wasn't that bad? But then We were entering into unknown territories of things We put on my face Honestly, though this part wasn't bad at all. I recommend it, it was super soothing They wiped out all of the bacteria out of your face. I felt really good you were called the entire time like I fell asleep and After this happened I just felt new but this This was where the real pain started. You don't know pain until you've witnessed this And felt excruciating pain She starts in the forehead I promise you and I guarantee by the time she's around your lips Its death.

This should have been the results for my CosRx nose pad. Yeah, but after they sucked the life out of you, they replenish your face. This part felt really good. Not bad Here's a cool shot of serum These two serums really hydrate your face So when she applies it, It feels real nice.

This part definitely hurt a little bit. She was messing with my wrinkles or something That's all I have to say about that Oh, but little did I know that these small needles were about to enter into my face. Look at me. Innocent.

Carefree. A little worried and not knowing This part, okay, no straight up though, but this apartment really hurt. She just, she just goes to town Because my face is not pretty, it just hurts even more Like you have no idea this hurts watching. I remember this *inhumane noises* literally squeezing and inserting needles (J) This is a good way to end it, right? (A) Subscribe..


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