Friday, March 2, 2018

How to Remove MakeupNadia Khan Guides on Makeup Skincare TipsKonjac

Subscribe to our channel & click on the bell icon to never miss a video from Outstyle Hello, & welcome back to my channel. Lets Cleanse Guys! It's very important that you should keep your environment clean It is very important that you should properly cleanse your face Today's Video is the most requested segment Where you have been asking me, What is my cleansing routine? How do I remove my makeup? Which products do I use? How do I prep my skin before makeup? So today we will talk about cleansing There are different types of cleansing routines One is to get rid of daily pollution, dust that settles on your skin, for that Mild cleansing is fine and other is makeup removing cleansing regime! There is a lot makeup, that I have to remove properly When I was a teenager, someone told me few things At the age of 13, I got my first pay cheque Somebody told me two things, and I stick to it. First, Always remove your makeup before going to bed Secondly, Always use hot water. Not even boiling water or warm water, in between Now what is the issues of using wipes I think wipes doesn't remove your makeup They are harsh on your skin Wipes are very expensive And lastly, they doesn't remove anything And one more thing Wipes are cold.

I have stopped using makeup removing wipes. Maybe this would help, if you have acne, allergy and you thing you are not following the right cleansing regime. You can try what I do. And you will see a difference I'm sure of that I used wipes, then I didn't liked them And then I switched to these normal sponges These sponges are very reasonable, very cheap There was a problem that I faced while using them, that is they are harsh You can never use these sponges on your eyes My checks are very skin, extremely red and easily irritated We will talk about the best way we can do manually And then I came a crossed Konjac sponge Yes Konjac Sponge is made up of Konjac Plant roots It has many properties, it absorbs water This is what it looks like I got this from Sephora There are available in different colors Charcoal properties are good for your acne I'll remove it from the packaging It's hard and small in the beginning, when you'll remove it from the packaging It is very rough and hard! But you are not suppose to use it directly Keep it in Hot water not boiling.

I need hot water direct from the tap In this hot water, I'll dip my konjac sponge For the first time, we will soak it for 15 minutes. After 4 to 6 weeks you need to change the konjac sponge Once it's ready, its safe for your face I have original white sponge, that is made  from the plant root of konjac While it's getting ready, there are two ways One thing that you need to do is, prep your face for that I need my OMG. When It will be soaked properly in water, it will increase its size Now I'll tell you what kind of cleansers do I use This is a very reasonable cleanser This is a skin o2 I like this cleanser when you apply it, there is a tingling sort of feeling You can directly apply it to the sponge and then apply it on to your face The lipstick and eye make up take a lot time to dissolve If I'm wearing this red Stunna fenty beauty lip paint, do you think it will take of so easily. How do you like this? This joker look, is just for time been You need some time for your eye make up to dissolve.

The first thing that you will do is remove your eye makeup I'm against these water proof mascaras You should not go for water proof mascaras, instead go for good quality mascaras Unless its your wedding I use Kiko mascara, and that i quite reasonable I'm using Sephora waterproof eye makeup remover I Love it, you need to shake it before using it You need to use it on your eyelashes first You can directly apply it by using your fingers I know you enjoy my conversation Very nicely, gentle massage on your eye lashes What is this? What is happening with me? Please get rid of this red lipstick First yo take it off by this, and then you can use your sponge Lets see whether my eyes are soft I'm gently massaging. I'm not pulling them off I'll remove it with my konjac sponge, I'll not recommend any other sponge It's very cute It's soft, silky and smooth That's good for acne treatment It's very gentle on the skin, that is what I love about it This was one way of using it. With firm hands, gently massage on the face. Please, Handle it gently Order it online The Konjac sponge Very gently on the eye area two times is enough,  if you have not applied foundation, but never once And see no makeup Now we need to exfoliate our skin, by using Sephora exfoliating powder I use Oatifix fresh face mask by lush And then I leave it there for 5 minutes The mask, I'll use it on every alternate day For lips I'll use Pout prep Apply a little bit with your finger My skin is breathing now I can feel the freshness Lastly I'll apply my Maracuja oil by Tarte You can mix any oil for fragrance Without make up This is the look after cleansing You should glow like me, you should shine like me.

I know it's very difficult If you like this video, give me a thumbs up Leave your comments, very important B'bye & stay clean.

How to Remove MakeupNadia Khan Guides on Makeup Skincare TipsKonjac

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