>> Grace you're on TV
your on the radio but you're still a teenager. How do you balance
being a teenager and you know that crazy
life going to school. >> Yeah yeah. >> Are you in school
or are you home schooled.
I'm in school OK. Are you still going to
like a regular school or you do all this year. Wow. Do people
ask you for pictures.
No that would be so wierd. So
we're really. >> Yeah I feel you though like
when people are used to you all the time like you act normal is a thing about kids is
just like no one really cares. I mean like at this age
I like 14 or 15 like teenagers only care
about themselves.
So you might be excited
for like one day and then. >> Resort back to. I love me. I feel that if you do go
to like all the school dances and stuff like the
or the school dances anymore.
>> Yeah I'm 30 so I don't know.
It's been a while. What kind? Like sock hops. So those old joke
or school dances every time there's
a school dance on is out. Oh you're always miss that one.
On purpose or. >> I Like that. Well all right
so your best friend is your big sister Olivia. What's the best teenage tip
that she's giving you.
Nothing. >> No she's never given-
which could be a tip in itself She's like just go
do your thing. Yeah. Oh yeah.
>> Yeah I guess. I mean. She once tried to give me
a teenage tip. And.
I have pimples
on my forehead cause. Bans and she's like great
just dry out your forehead don't ever moisturizer
put anything on it. And just keep putting
an oil free wash on it and it'll go away. Yeah No no.
So I follow that advice.
I found out that
if you dry out your skin and like not put moisterizer are on it it makes her
skin produce even more oil. So my face got even worse. >> But the moral of the story is
don't listen to Olivia. Yeah.
OK. Don't listen
to your big sister. >> I'm close to my family
I know. Well actually really
close with my mom.
Has your fame changed
your relationship with your parents at all. No. But I think it's. Also because like I think we've
all been pretty smart with.
Kind of. >> Parenting and business. >> I would never ever ever want
a Mom manager dad manager anything to do it
because I feel like ashes. No.
I feel like that's what I'm asking for separate
toxic relationships mix up family
with business. >> Ok cool well my mom
does my laundry and I'm 30. I'm really close
to her so I relate. I actually just moved out.
My mom used to live
with me for a while. What age do you want to separate
from your parents like and move out 18 or you want
to wait a little bit. So. >> Whenever my parents
will let me move out I will move out.
But I would visit like every
other day..
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