Friday, December 1, 2017

Bridget Malcolm's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

Okay, time for bed. Alright, so my skin care routine is minimal at the best of times. I used to use tons and tons of products and I wouldn't really think too much about where they were coming from or who they were by. I found that my skin got a bit clogged up and didn't look very good, so I scaled it way back and I keep a really close eye on where the products are sourced and I've found its made quite a bit difference on my skin and to my wallet.

So I start with my cleanser. I like to use a micellar water because its really easy to travel with. You just out it on your skin and that's that. It's very light and not too stripping.

I found that I want to keep my natural skin oils on as much as I can. They'll keep my skin looking a bit younger. I have a little confession to make I don't use toner, I keep it really simple. Like really simple.

But I do use serum. So I love Maelove Serum And I like it because it has vitamin C and Vitamin E in it which is really important for skin rejuvination. And fine line reduction and all that fun stuff. So it's really important to just pat it into the skin And just be gentle with it So next it's moisturizer and I really like the Asarai moisturizer I'm like 90% sure it's Australian.

I hope it is. Yay Australia! You can use this morning or night because it doesn't have SPF in it. And it has all the good stuff in it. So it's one to two pumps, morning and night.

So my skin type is kind of dry but it gets pretty clogged, quite easily so I don't really get heavy breakouts but but I tend to get liek one epic pimple that would just sit there for like weeks and I don't know what to do with it. And I will haven't figured out what to do with it. I usually just ignore it and hope it goes away. I don't know if you can see but my lips get really dry, really easily and I've drunk like a gallon of water today.

So I've been obsessed with this lip balm for the longest time. It's called Emininence. I've found that it really helps with my lips so I use it morning and night and anytime in between that I need it. And it smells really good, kind of like orange.

Next up is the Kora Noni Glow What I really like about this is the packaging. It's just really easily transported and really easy to apply because it's like a stick and you can just roll it up. And I also love the ingredients Everything's organic, everything's natural and it's got noni, coconut oil and, cupuacu butter So that means its good for you right? It's made for the body so it's really great, it goes on really easily. Done so you don't actually have to touch your skin which can be good for bacteria and stuff.

Sometimes if my face is in need for a little extra love I'll put it on my face too. The number one most imporatnt thing for m with my like beauty routine is like health from within, you know? I think my skin always looks the best when I'm taking good care of myself So for me it's about diet and exercise. And lot's of water, boring but true. And I love a good supplement.

So I've been taking this Pure Encapsulations multi-vitamin. This is literally the only thing I take As far as vitamins are concerned but I really felt a difference in my energy and I feel like my skin is glowing a little bit more too. So that's pretty much it for my night time beauty routine but theres one more thing I like to do before I fall asleep. So the final thing I like to do in getting ready for bed is to do a quick meditation I try to aim for 15 to 30 minutes a day.

And I find it's really helpful because it helps kind of ground me and wash off the day You know from my brain. I have trouble sleeping so anything I can do to help, I will do it. So take a deep breath in. So I'm going to go do that Thank you, see ya!.

Bridget Malcolm's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

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