Friday, December 29, 2017

Doctors Answer Commonly Googled Questions About Skin Care

- The number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 is to use good sunscreen. ^- I'm Dr. Dina Strachan. ^I specialize in hair and scalp disorders, ^acne, and skin of color.

^- My name is Lindsey Bordone. ^I specialize in patch testing ^for allergies of the skin and also hair loss. ^- I'm Saurabh Lodha. ^Mostly, I do bread and butter dermatology, ^so cosmetics to pediatrics, acne, ^psoriasis, eczema.

- Today, I'm going to be answering ^some of the most googled questions about skin care. - Let's do it. (Ambient music) - They're actually not. Anything that you apply for a short amount of time and then take off doesn't alter your skin all that much.

- Many times a face mask just hydrates your skin temporarily. - If you have acne-prone skin, ^they can cause a lot of problems. - It will give the illusion of toning your skin because it dries it, and that makes it feel more tight. - They might contain salicylic acid, or glycolic acid, or other things, ^but generally they're not needed.

- No (laughing), I wish it did. I get this question all the time. It's actually used when someone has a drug overdose, but putting it on your skin ^really won't do anything. - Serums carry the anti-aging product, or the acne product, so it all depends on what's in your serum.

- Serums tend to be more oil-based. You have to be careful though, ^because it can also clog your pores and cause acne. Feels great. Putting cucumbers on your eyes just cools your eyes.

A lot of times people will use tea bags that have been in the refrigerator. ^They can help as a cool compress on your eyes. A lot of the skin care products are owned by the same company. The Korean skin care lines are the same things that are offered in the US, ^it's just under different branding.

Yes and no. It depends on the type of light therapy, and who's administering it. You want to definitely go to a ^board certified dermatologist. - This is actually near and dear to my heart because I do a lot of patch testing for allergies.

A lot of the all natural skin care lines have a lot of botanicals. - Does that mean that they have something plant based in it, but it still may have the same preservatives? You have to really think about ^what you're specifically concerned about. - Maybe after the age of 21. Think about good sunscreens for aging.

Before then, you should still be using sunscreen to prevent skin cancer. - It's never too early to start a skin care routine ^and your routine can be very, very simple. - It's best to wash your face once a day, at least. At the end of the day, just to get ^the dirt and grime off.

I'd say gentle exfoliation is fine if you like that, but I wouldn't aim to make it part of your daily routine. - You have to remember, you don't want to over exfoliate because that will dry your skin ^and actually damage your skin. - You want to use a more mild soap or a cleanser, something like Cetaphil cleanser is very good. ^It doesn't have any detergents in it.

- People with sensitive skin should use a very gentle cleanser, and then apply a moisturizer shortly after. - You want to stick to products that are not heavy in fragrance, or pigments, dyes. You often want to stick with things ^that are meant for babies. For oily skin, you can use things that are a little bit more aggressive, like a benzoyl peroxide wash or a salicylic acid wash to help get the oil off.

- Use a very thin type moisturizer, ^so lotions rather than creams. Most people, the mistake that they make with acne prone skin is they wash their skin all the time. - How you should treat your skin will depend on whether or not you're under treatment. If you're using medications or not.

- Go see your dermatologist, they'll figure it out. ^(Upbeat music) - If your parents had bad cystic acne, you're going to be more prone to it. - It's a combination of the hair follicles essentially being constipated. There may be some issue with the types of bacteria that live on the skin.

- There's so many solutions, so many things that we can give to patients now. ^No one should be suffering with acne. - Cystic acne is basically when you have acne lesions that are deep in the skin. ^It can't drain and it ruptures.

- The poor man's solution is taking Afrin nasal spray, you can squirt it in your hands and you can pat it on your cheeks, and it constricts the blood vessels a little bit. It's not a good long term solution and you don't want to do it frequently, cause your skin will get used to it and then you'll get rebound redness ^when you're not using it. - A blackhead is when one of those pores gets blocked and then your oil gland is pumping. It's pumping, it's pumping.

It's exposed to the air. It gets oxidized, turns black, ^and that's a blackhead. - You can't really change the size of them, but you can change the appearance of them. You can do that by keeping them clear, keeping your face clean.

- There is pore minimizing primer out there. If you want to look like you have smaller pores, use the primer, ^but it doesn't have any long lasting effect. - As a board certified dermatologist, I would say to let your dermatologist drain it, but if you have a pimple that's coming to a head at home, a hot shower, it comes to a head, ^and just by gently touching it, it will come out. - Stay out of the sun and don't smoke.

- The number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 on the list is to use good sunscreen. ^Generally, the best sunscreens have zinc. This is actually semantics in some way. A sun spot is what we call a lentigo.

Moles are what we call nevi. Nevi can be acquired or you're just born with them. Sun spots you acquire with sun exposure. Freckles are what we call ephelides.

Freckles, you kind of get more with sun exposure, just like you do with sun spots. ^They're essentially the same thing. - The answer to that will depend on your personal health history. If you have a personal history of skin cancer, then you should see a dermatologist more often.

- Generally speaking, for the whole population, just once a year. Even if you're young, you should be seeing a dermatologist, at least get an education about what you should be doing. ^(Upbeat music) - I would recommend, other than lipstick or maybe mascara, ^that you take your makeup off before you work out. - It's not preferable, for sure.

- It can cause inflammation, ^and it may actually age your skin. - If you're using things that are very harsh, that cause redness or irritation for your skin just to remove your makeup, that's not good, ^especially around your eyelids. I don't like waterproof makeups. They're very harsh and tough to remove.

If you have no problems with that, in terms of your skin and using those things, feel free to do those things, ^just be careful with removing them. - Generally speaking, it's fine to wear makeup if you're pregnant, but if you're concerned particular ingredients, ^- Make sure whatever you're doing is okay by your OB. - The skin does a lot more than we think. It's not just for vanity.

It's what protects us. - It's a sign of your overall health. - Take care of what takes care of you, and protect what protects you. ^(Mellow music).

Doctors Answer Commonly Googled Questions About Skin Care

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