Saturday, March 31, 2018

Jackie Aina's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarpers BAZAAR

It's Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie So today has been a full day of makeup And I gotta do the works to really make sure I get my skin really clean. So I hope the girl are ready because the skincare routine is really thorough, okay? Because good skin is good health, ladies and gentlemen The first thing we have to so is get the get the wig out of the way 'cause she is a wig veteran, thank you very much. Let's take the robe and get her out of the way too. My routine is very thorough I never skip steps and I don't sleep with makeup Those of you guys sleeping with make up I'm calling your grandmothers and snitching on all of you.

Stop doing that. So the first thing I like to do I'm wearing falsies. If you're ripping off your lashes and going on about your business I'm totally judging you and you're probably bald headed. So stop doing that as well.

A safe way to remove my falsies without ripping off my lashes. I'm a little bit of a lash snob, I have to admit. I take some cleansing water. I take a q-tip soaked in cleansing water.

And I just rub it right at the lash line to loosen up that glue. That way you don't have to rip them off. However long it takes to get me to just unwind and do it the right way so it's not sloppy and halfway done I do it. So after you've done this, your lashes should pretty much come off pretty easily If it's still resistant, it's not enough water.

Next step, is pre-cleanse. I'm a HUGE fan of pre-cleansing. Basically what that means is instead of going in with the face wash you like prep your skin for the face wash first, okay? So, you can use like a cleansing balm. You can use a make up wipe.

I actually have been using a cleansing oil. Oil for oil is actually really good. It's not pore clogging at all. The one that I'm using is from Clinique.

I have a few that I. Kind of rotate between but I really like this one. And basically what its doing is breaking up all the make up cause guess what face wash does not get paid overtime so you can't just rely on the face wash alone, okay? You gotta prep your skin. Give it some back up- Some back up dancers.

You feel me, you can't just go straight in and expect your face to be flawless. It's not gonna work. Also don't skip the hairline. This is wear a lot of people get pimples unexpectedly because they didn't thoroughly clean around their face.

This rinses right off so we're just going to go straight into the sink And rinse. I like a gel based face wash because, again, acne prone oily skin. It's very gentle. I love this one from Dermalogica.

It gets a nice lather. And it's gentle on the skin. It doesn't make me break out And again, really make sure you get around that hairline and your nose and eyes and then I would give you a little cue transition to the next step but I can't open my eyes so we're just going to rinse it off. Now I'm just going to pat my face a little bit dry but guess what, you wanna see something? Look at that, look at that.

Face cloth just snitched on you. Look at all that extra make up that's still there. So we are going to go back to the cleansing water from Simple. We're going to find any extra traces.

Usually its like around the hairline. And I'll usually go through like two or three of these depending on how rough my day was. You know what I mean? Pimples do not pay rent, girl. You gotta go.

I try to get off all the make up. Every single trace of it. And you just want to do this until the cotton pad is white so you see that all the make up is gone. Now, I like to exfoliate and I'm doing an experiment this month where I.

Don't use actual physical scrubs. I'm using chemical scrubs this month. One that I really like is another one form Dermalogica. The Daily Microfoliant.

My theory with physical scrubs is I feel like a lot of them are a little too harsh for darker skin and I get hyper pigmentation and scarring and I don't want to do anything Too too harsh to my skin so. I feel like if we're going to banish the scars at a molecular level less fools with that you know like, the physical scrubs I feel like are just a little too harsh. It almost feels like a little mini facial. And then you rinse that off.

So I have to dry off my face with my clean rag. Or actually, you know what, truthfully I'm in a hotel so these are all clean and fresh but I prefer to use a paper towel. No bacteria. Don't reuse your wash rags.

It's not cute okay. So now we're going to tone. I love the Deep Hydrating Rose toner from Fresh It's so good. It smells good.

It's so hydrating and it's amazing. We've got to put all that moisture back in the skin. And I love this toner. And how I apply it, honestly depends on what the directions say.

Some toners that I use, they tell you not to sweep it on Lotion P-50 is a big favorite of mine but it's an exfoliating toner so I don't use it every day. Application varies from product to product. We're not done yet, not even close, okay? Something that I've been trying and loving is the whole like ten step Korean skincare thing hence why I go through a lot of steps and one product that I've recently been implementing into my skincare routine are essences. Essences are kind of different from toners.

You kind of think they do the same thing, but they kind of don't. They don't balance the Ph the way that toners do They kind of do a little bit more nourishing and hydrating and essences when used with other products on top will basically enhance whatever you put over it. So because I'm bougie, because I'm extra I'm going to take my SKII essence, It's a little on the pricey side, just a little bit expensive but I really like it and its very gentle This you can apply with your hands. You just press it into the skin with like two or three drops.

And it's super lightweight and Hydrating Okay, next step Okay next, I'm going to apply about 50 million serums and I'm going to do a mask just because I'm bougie. The first serum, I'm going to use is actually from my esthetician. You guys are going to love her if you live in LA. I would highly recommend her.

Her name is Fenya and she has her own line of products called Guidance to Glow. They're medical grade, so you know they're going to work and they're again a little on the pricier side but I'm big on like stiff that works so if it works, sign me up. I want three or four of them. So the first thing I usually go in for is hyaluronic acid.

I love hyaluronic acid. If you have oily or combination skin. It's going to be your best friend. Squad goals, hyaluronic acid, get you some.

So first, I'm going to take her serum which is actually a copper complex peptide. It's almost like it enhances the hyaluronic acid. It makes it like more potent. And when I tell you this stuff is a game changer, I'm dead serious.

And just for ease of application, I'm just going to do One Drop Two drop Three drop Maybe one more. And then I spread it out first all over my face And then I pat it in. We're trying to get our money's worth so you better push that in there, girl. You know, oily skin is actually starving skin so stop depriving your skin of what it's owed in life, okay? Stop skipping moisturizer.

Stop skipping oil. Don't be afraid of oil. And definitely don't be afraid of serums. You're going to love hyaluronic acid, it's so good.

It's called the Ultimate Growth Factor Serum and to be honest, I don't even know what the hell it does, okay? My esthetician just tells me to use it and I do and its expensive but I don't care! I get compliments on my skin so as long as its doing something Make it fun, make it therapeutic. You like, skin care is like self care. Enjoy! Spread and then pat. Your skin sucks them right in.

Now for the ultimate bougie and extra routine, You gotta throw in a mask. I've been loving these ones from Neutrogena. They're inexpensive. They're hydrating and moisturizing and you can just throw them on and go.

So this can be a little scary. I would not advise you to do activities such as checking the mail. So I'm just going to put this bad boy on. As it slides around into my mouth.

Just a little minerals. So you just keep this on. It says five to thirty minute but this is just like a really wide time frame, it just depends on how much time you got. And they just feel really nice especially in the summer when it's hot.

Ooh, pro tip. Put them in the fridge. They feel so good and I feel like they work a little bit better but they kind of don't. So you just put this on, wait five minutes Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie You know, mind your business.

Get yourself some coffee. Jacki Jacki- This makes it work more. Jackie Jackie Jackie Wait a minute. Hold up, give me my money's worth You can go in the package and get all this extra serum out.

This is a serum, you guys. Get your money's worth. Yes, Neutrogena, come through. And you're good to go.

Just go a head and take it off. Sheet masks are not rinsed off, it's a serum. So you want to pat all that extra residue, if you will, into your skin. And it's going to feel so nice and so hydrated.

You could even sometimes rub the extra on your hands. Nice soft hands 'cause look let me tell you something, my mom taught me you can always clock a woman's age by looking at her hands and her neck so make sure you get that extra I feel great, but I'm kind of like a nine out of ten and we're trying to get to a twelve so let's move on to eye cream. We're going to go back to one of my favorite brands Fresh They're Rose Hydrating Gel Eyecream. So good! You don't need very much eye cream.

You're just going to take a little bit and just dot it right underneath the eye. And be very gentle. The under eye area is the most delicate part of the face so just be super gentle Don't rub, don't tug, just pat. Be nice to her.

I know you're probably thinking, "Dang!" "Can you hurry up and finish?" I'm done now, I'm just going to add my moisturizer. That's the last thing you gotta do. No more ashiness in 2018, I'm judging you. You can use any moisturizer that you like but this one is actually a newer one I'm trying, also from Fresh What I do for my last step actually varies on like where I'm going, what I'm doing.

I love this stuff, it's lightweight and to be honest like this last step I kind of rotate depending on like what day it is or I don't know, what stage of life I'm in I'm done! That's it! Thanks for hanging out and I hope to see you soon! Bye!.

Jackie Aina's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarpers BAZAAR

Saturday, March 24, 2018

I Tried A 10-Step Korean Skincare Routine For A Month

[  ] [ "Am I missing out? / Korean Skincare" ] - SAFIYA: Hello friends, and welcome to another video. This month, I'm going to be swapping my current skincare routine for a 10 step Korean one. In America, over the last couple of years, there's been a lot of hype around Korean skincare. I've heard a lot about the benefits of it, like hydration, anti-aging.

I see the words "brightening" and "plumping" a lot, but for me, There's always been a little bit of an intimidation factor in trying it out, mostly because of the amount of steps and different types of products there are. So I bought this "Beginner's Intro to Korean Skincare" kit kit from this website called Soko Glam, which includes ten products, and no instructions. But after a little Googling, I think I at least know roughly what order the steps are supposed to go in. It seems like I'm gonna be doing a lot of cleansing, washing, scrubbing, toning, essencing...

Whatever "essence" is, moisturizing, and moisturizing again. I am Sisyphus, the sink is my rock. This is a big step up for my current skincare routine, which consists of like three steps: Cleansing, scrubbing, and moisturizing. But I'm excited to try out this routine for a month and see if there are any noticeable benefits.

Okay, let's dive right in. Alright, let's finally clean this face, right? Let's get into it. I think that actually, in the evening time, we have nine steps, and then in the daytime we have ten steps, because one of the steps is like, SPF, but we've got nine steps for the night, so let's see how long that takes. I mean this is not one of them.

This is Tyler's hair mousse. - SAFIYA: But, uh-
- TYLER. Hey babe, I've been looking for that actually. So basically we start with a makeup remover, or oil-based cleanser.

It's called "Clean It Zero" by banila co.
Like vanilla, but... Banila. So basically, I guess you use your old spatula, you gouge some out, water hands, Bada bing, bada boom. - TYLER: You can do it with your makeup on? You don't have to take your makeup off first? This is *supposed* to take your makeup off.

It's like an oil. - TYLER: Are there any instructions in each one of these boxes? - SAFIYA: I hope so. [ LAUGHS ] [ READING ] "Use the spatula and take a reasonable amount of the balm." [ SURPRISED ] Ohhhh, it feels like coconut oil! - SAFIYA: [ READING ] "Gently massage the formula in circular motions onto dry skin to dissolve makeup." When I look at my hands, I've got these pellets of like, foundation-colored somethin-somethin'. [ UPSET ] I want to wash my face so bad.
- TYLER: You don't like it? I like that it's taking the makeup off, it seems, but I don't like how it feels on the face.

- TYLER: One step down, eight to go. Oh, there's a little oil in the eyes, but I think my makeup's gone. - TYLER: It's completely gone. Next is our water-based cleanser.

You cleanse with oil, you cleanse with water. And you moisturize, you moisturize. This is called the "Real Fresh Foam Green Tea Cleanser." [ READING ] "Pump one to two puffs, and gently massage all over wet face." Oh this smells so nice. It smells like whatever tea leaves are at the bottom.

I don't like matcha to drink, but on the face, I could accept it. Alright, patting dry. So the next step is exfoliator, so we've got this thing that they've given us. This is the "Strawberry Food Therapy Scrub Mask." - TYLER: [ EXCITED ] Ooh! - SAFIYA: Oh, it smells like strawberries, woah.
- TYLER: I want to eat that! [ MEOW ] - TYLER: Crusty wants some too.

[ MEOW ] - SAFIYA: Crusty, you want some? - SAFIYA: No. No.
[ TYLER LAUGHS ] Basically, I just massage this into my skin. [ SHOCKED ] Oh, it's warm, ahhh! It's warming! Ohh, it's warming on my face! I don't know if this is what it's supposed to do, it feels like, a little like, acidic almost? - TYLER: Yeah
- SAFIYA: Like as if it's kind of like, *attacking* chemically the top layers of my skin. Alright, it's been a couple of minutes, let's take this off.

[ SURPRISED ] Oh! My skin is so soft! There we go, step three down. Step four is toner. They're called the "Organic Cotton Treatment Toning Pads" by re:p ["Rep"]. - SAFIYA: They smell like ginger! "Right after cleansing, use one sheet of pad, applied to sweep across T-zone, and lightly tap on U-zone." "U-zone" must be this, right? I don't feel any different, but...

I think I smell a little bit more like sushi. Next is the essence. Here it is.
- TYLER: [ LAUGHING ] There's so many products. - There's so many things.
- TYLER: You're going to have to look this up like, every time.

This is the Galactomyces "95 Whitening Power Essence." It's basically like a second toner, I think? I think it just like... It's almost like a "pre-moisturizer"... [ DEFEATEDLY ] I don't know. It does *something* good for your skin.

Basically it says, "On cheeks, spread a generous amount to skin, and then tap the under-eye area as if playing the piano." [ IMITATES "DRACULA" ORGAN MUSIC
(J.S.Bach - Organ Toccata) ] Alright. I think I played the piano quite well. Oh... I missed the mask part.
- TYLER: [ CONFUSED ] What? I think I was supposed to do the mask before the essence step, so I did it out of order for this one.

Going forward, I'll swap them back to where they're supposed to be, but just for today I'm just going to put the mask on now. This is the Manefit "Bling Bling Hydrogel" mask, and I think like most masks, you just put it on for like, 15 to 20 minutes. The interesting thing is that this is one of the steps, but they only gave me one sheet mask. So I guess I'm just supposed to provide my own sheet masks? Here's my top half.

Oh, it's sparkly! [ CONCERNED ] Oh. It smells like Play-Doh. Aright, so it's on my face, I'm going to leave it on for like, 15 minutes, and then we're going to try and finish this skincare routine sometime tonight, man. - TYLER: This is *one* day.

Alright, let's take this bad boy off. [ SHAKEN ] Oh, God. I feel like I'm just moizturizing so much, like my skin is going to drown. So so far, we've done cleansing, cleansing, scrubbing, toning, masking, and essence.

So now we're gonna do lotion, then eye cream, eye cream, and then night moisturizer. I'm a little overwhelmed, but I think my face is going to like it. This is called the "Snail Bee High Content Lotion." Smells kind of like corn. It feels really nice though.

This is like my third moisturizing step in a row, and I have two moisturizing steps left. Alright, so that was lotion. Next up is eye cream. So this is the "Moisture Barrier Eye Cream" by Goodol.

- SAFIYA: Ready?
- TYLER: [ AFFIRMS ] - SAFIYA: That was way too much for the eyes. I'm learning as we go how much we need. Oh wow. Oh, it's a nice, rich cream.

Just pat that in. So that is eye cream! Alright, so the last step for the evening is this "Night Repair Cream." - SAFIYA: Is this not a cream?
- TYLER: Oh, that's hardcore. I think that actually maybe it's an essence, so we're supposed to put it on at the same time as this? Like, you're supposed to put two essences? I'm going to put this on now, but when I do this next time, I'm going to do it at the same time that I put this essence on. Alright, so I'm going to take a little bit, and we're just gonna put it on top of everything that's happened.

It smells kind of like, honey-ish? It feels really smooth, but at this point, I feel like I could just be feeling the layers of moisturizer that's already on my skin. So with that, I think I've used all my steps. The only other step that is in the routine is this thing, which is a SPF to put on during the daytime, so we'll start wearing that tomorrow. I think that in general, I feel really moisturized; I think I feel like, treated, like I'm like, "I treated my skin." I'm just gonna be a plump peach at the end of this.

But besides that, the time is lengthy. Maybe I'll get a little bit faster in general, just from getting the routine down. [ "Week 1" ] This morning I felt moisturized, and then I washed the moisture off, and then put it all back on, so I'm continuing to feel moisturized. The theme of week one was pretty much just that my skin was drowning in lotion.

An interesting side effect is because I was using my hands to apply so much of the moisturizer, my hands, especially my fingertips, are incredibly soft right now. "You're welcome" to anyone's hand that I shake during this month. The hydration also turned basically into fertilizer for my mustache. It's really been growing in like, nice, hydrated, smooth, long.

- TYLER: Because like, it's so moist, it's a greenhouse for your mustache. - [ LAUGHS ] It's a little bit like a rainforest. It's like, you know, you just keep it moist, and I'll start growing. One early problem I ran into was the sheet mask situation.

As I mentioned before, Soko Glam only gave me one sheet mask in the kit, So instead of going out and like, buying a ton of sheet masks, I figured, "Why not have Eve, my mask printing machine, print me one every night?" I want Eve to be able to take her sweet time and like, do what she needs to do, but there's no way I can do this every night. I mean, it's okay, Eve. Shh. I'm just going to cover her ears.

Yeah, she takes f***ing forever. - SAFIYA: But even without Eve, doing a sheet mask every day would be just too much time in general, so the ten steps turned into nine steps pretty quickly. I think I generally look like, more hydrated and more dewy. I may look a little tired this morning because I didn't sleep that much last night, but, in general, I think my skin is like, finally accepting the moisture.

By week two, I had gotten a lot faster at doing the routine, and I feel like my skin was looking like, pretty plump and young. Tyler noticed this and decided to try some of the products for himself. [ PLEASED ] Ooh! Oh, yeah. - No, not yet-! No-!
- [ TYLER SMACKING LIPS ] - SAFIYA: At least let it sit on your face for a second.
- It's like...

It's like jam. She's putting Smuckers on my face. - I do not recommend putting Smuckers on your face. - I do.

- So I can eat it now? [ SHOCKED ] Oh! Blech! [ SPITS ] - SAFIYA: [ LAUGHING ] You don't think it tastes good?
- It's bitter. - SAFIYA: [ LAUGHS ] Don't do that! - TYLER: It's much more bitter than you would assume. It looks delicious. That was gonna be the hardest part about it was not eating it.

I don't want it any more. Woah! A lot of seeds in there. Very physical. I mean, it's only one wash, but...

I like that. - SAFIYA: You actually look great, to be honest.
- Really? You could notice a difference? - SAFIYA: Yeah, you look better than me. Besides Tyler using, and also eating, some of the exfoliant, week two also brought about another hurdle. Something that's happening right now is that we're heading out of town for the weekend, and I'm trying to figure out how to pack my Korean skincare routine.

It's not necessarily going well. It is very difficult to travel with. I was only able to bring seven of my ten steps with me. I also had to check my suitcase to get everything here, because there was just too much fluid in every bottle.

They weren't quite "travel friendly." I also got my period that week, so between not having all my products, riding the crimson wave, traveling, and Chicago just being pretty darn humid, I started seeing some pimples. I started breaking out a little bit. Just like, there's like, one in the brow, there's like one over here, one over there. I feel like currently, I'm just equipped with like, 1 000 moisturizers, and I want to be able to like put on like a little spot treatment.

I don't have one, because that's not really part of the regime. I'm just gonna keep moisturizing it and hope that it eventually goes away once my period goes away. By week three, the pimples were still there. So I tried my current go-to spot treatment, which is tea tree oil.

But there are just so many other products in this routine, I felt like it was rendered mostly useless. So the pimples ruled the day. I got a good one going here, and then I also got a good one going up here. And a smaller one going there, and a couple more going over there.

I feel like the philosophy on skincare has changed a lot. Like, in the 2000s, it was like, "Oh, you have oily skin? You should dry your face out and wash it." And now it's like, "Oh, you have oily skin? You should cleanse with oil." What should I be doing? I don't know. Minus the zits, by week four, I felt like I had a pretty well-oiled machine. Literally and figuratively.

So this is me doing my whole routine in order. I think I finally figured it out, after weeks. So we've got oil cleansing, cleansing, scrubbing, toning, essencing, eye creaming, moisturizing, an SPF-ing. And that's it.

Pretty simple, huh? There is also my nighttime serum/essence, but I only use that at night. So, I guess it's only like, eight steps morning and night. 8 Steps twice a day, 16 steps a day. Um, 16 times 3 is 48, so 400 and like, 96 times? I did 496 applications of something to my face this month.

I hope that math is right. I think it is. - SAFIYA: Overall,. I enjoyed my month doing a Korean skincare routine.

I don't think that my skin looks like, completely different. Like, I don't think that my face just looks like baby's buttocks. But I do think that my skin is probably more hydrated than it's ever been before. I definitely think I'm going to use all of these products until they're finished, like, I did *like* them all a decent amount.

And I actually think that after using everything for a month, I do have a decent amount of everything left. Definitely my favorite steps were the oil-based cleanser and the eye cream. The oil-based cleanser is like, witchcraft. This thing actually really does take off all of your makeup.

The other product I really liked was this eye cream. Very nice, smells good, very moisturizing. I've actually been sneaking some of the eye cream up to the forehead as well. I don't think it's like, magnitudes better than any other eye cream I've ever tried, but the smell like, encouraged me to keep using it.

It was good for morale. So in some regards, like, using this kind of like, "starter pack" of like, ten steps, was a good way to like, get introduced to the Korean skincare without having to do a lot of decision-making or ordering myself. I think you could definitely like, substitute other products in for these products. It's more about just like, doing all the steps, and like, really like putting the work in.

And the *time*. And the energy. And the rubbing. I do think that I'm going to incorporate at least more steps into my normal routine.

Maybe not ten, or nine, or eight, but you know, maybe like five. Or six. I am going to look into a spot treatment though, because the pimples come and go, but they're definitely a presence. Thank you guys so much for watching, if you liked that video, make sure to "shmash" that Like button.

And if you want to see more videos like this, make sure to "shmash" that Subscribe button. And if you've already "shmashed" that Subscribe button, make sure to also "shmash" that little bell icon in the middle to turn on post notifications so you get a notification every time that I post. Here are my social media handles, and make sure to check out my NextBeat, I do a lot of daily vlogging and Q&As on there. A big shout out to Felicia for watching, thanks for watching, Felicia.

And I'll see you guys a-next time. Not "Bye Felicia." "Hello, Felicia.".

I Tried A 10-Step Korean Skincare Routine For A Month

Saturday, March 17, 2018

I Tested 10 Step Korean Skincare Routine for 10 DaysLiah Yoo Skincare Routine

Hey y'all! Today I'm sharing this 10 step Korean skincare routine that seems to be going quite crazy here and there and also I tried it out for 10 days to see if there's any results and show you guys is this routine really worth it So let's get started First of course got to remove that makeup. I actually applied makeup just to remove it for you guys hahaha anyways Koreans are quite big in using cleansing oils or cleansing balms to put down the makeup A common misconception is that cleansing oil can cause acne and this is totally not true. Oil alone does not cause acne and the sebum your skin naturally creates is there to protect and heal it so Don't ever fall into those oil free product gimmicks I really love oil cleanser because it just dissolves makeup in no time without leaving any residues while leaving your skin really moisturised. I'm sure many of you guys are now very aware of that double cleansing method that a lot of Korean women live by.

I don't know a single friend to be honest who wear makeup and just skip the double cleansing method I highly recommend this routine and, as Koreans are very very anal about skincare in general but when it comes to cleansing we just become really really anal haha Incorporating another water-based cleanser, AKA foam cleansers, can remove any residues or impurities. I recommend you guys to go for the one that has (a) low pH level, so it doesn't strip your skin out My favourite step! (The) exfoliating step is often overlooked but it's something a lot of skin care junkies would never ever mhm girl skip out because it is the key to that smooth and glowing skin Exfoliating pads or chemical exfoliators are becoming a massive trend in Korea People are slowly shifting from the physical exfoliators that can be a little abrasive and irritating at times to these pre-soaked exfoliating cotton pads or just desposible puffs These normally contain chemical exfoliants such as HA (Hydroxy Acids) PHA (Poly Hydroxy Acids) which chemically removes the dead skin cells it's not only milder to use but it's also a exfoliating process so much more easier and enjoyable Toner. Oh! Toner. In many Western countries I believe toner is perceived as astringents or something alka (alkaline) based to wipe your face out But in Korea toner is more considered as a bridge in between cleansing and your actual skin care regime It helps (in) balancing your skin's pH level and preps your skin to absorb the following products way way way better A lot of essences (in) Korea come in a lot of fluid, watery consistency and we call these boosting essence or just boosters or water essence I've gone through so many, like, numerous bottles of boosting essence from multiple brands over the years And I really believe it not only hydrates your skin, but also refines, resurfaces and also just softens and smoothes into your skin texture It's amazing guys If I only had one skin care product to invest in it would definitely be a serum.

Serums are the highlight of your skincare regime and the most potent and concentrated treatment that actually works to treat whatever skin issues or skin concerns you want to target. Think other steps of skincare routine as a hydrating treatment But with serums you can actually really experiment and get the most out of it when you have specific skin concerns. I want to fade these acne scars at the moment and discolorations, so I'm investing in a lot of brightening serums at the moment. We all know the importance of eye cream because mom told you so and moms are always right You better just listen to her haha but yeah, it's the category that we most neglect to actually apply it.

But remember the eye area is the most delicate skin on your entire face. Meaning that it'll be the first part to show ageing, wrinkles and everything. So nourish the hell out of it! You wouldn't go a day without drinking water, right? Well, you shouldn't go a day without moisturising too. Moisturising is crucial to treating all types of skins out there, whether you have dry skin, oily skin, acne prone skin or aged skin.

Hydration is a must. Also by moisturising you're helping the skin cells to rapidly repair themselves and turn over fresh cells. Which means huge anti-ageing benefits are down the road! Also don't you just like the bounciness of your skin after applying a moisturiser? Because *what kind of sound is this? Like lip smacking?* I mean I do... Now this is where you can have some fun in your skincare routine! Masking is my daily ritual, my meditation to feed my soul.

(Kinda weird way of putting it but okay) One of the biggest trends in Korea that's going on at the moment is the one mask a day to achieve that naturally healthy, beaming, glowing, radiant skin and I find my makeup just applies way smoother in the following morning so I believe it works by the way, I was snapchatting here so you can follow me there, if you want to, totally up to you But I would... ...Appreciate if you guys do to see my daily life, like me masking *adorable chuckle* besides sheet masks I love peel-off masks, wash off types and also sleeping masks too. Koreans grow up with sunscreen we are educated that UV rays are the most harmful factor in ageing your skin and I find it really really funny though whenever I go travel and visit the beaches I can spot any Koreans or Asians just slathering on heaps of sunscreens all over their body with a big hat or a visor Whereas everyone else is just rubbing tanning oils and even getting almost naked to soak up the sunlight So did my skin improve over the last 10 days? Well have a look! I started this routine out with a red, blotchy and quite irritated skin with a lot of pimples around my jawline and cheeks another issue I had was uneven skin tone because of my (the) discoloration I had I didn't really notice any difference for the very first few days to be honest but things started to change from day six my pimples started to fade and my skin looked a lot clearer and quite even Overall the best improvement is probably the skin texture my skin felt really really soft and smooth and quite moisturised, hydrated and very very glowy (sooooo much better than mine tbh I have so many moles on my skin OwO) (you could say its a GLOW up) (look at that beauty!!) (HHHHH TEACH ME YOUR WAYS) Now a lot of you guys might be wondering is this extensive routine really worth it? To be frank it wouldn't improve your skin overnight it's not really a magical and miraculous prescription that suits everyone's routine and everyone's skin And it is quite a lot to do this every single day for busy and lazy girls like us I mean aren't we all? However I have been sticking to this routine on and off for a couple of months now with some tweaks Realistically I would suggest you guys to either use a toner or an essence then layer on the serum, and jump into a moisturiser right away Sheet masks and exfoliations can be done twice a week or more depending on your time preference or skin condition and your skin will still see results don't forget to subscribe if you found this video helpful Let me know your favorite skincare products below. Thanks for watching and I'll see you guys later.

Bye Byeeee... Bye!.

I Tested 10 Step Korean Skincare Routine for 10 DaysLiah Yoo Skincare Routine

Friday, March 9, 2018

I Spent 600 On French Skincare!!

Hello Internet. So today, I bring you
delights from city Pharma in Paris France.
Where I went recently after a patient told me about it. And I hadn't heard
about it before. I was like oh my god this place sounds amazing!
I must go.

So a way I went on the Eurostar, which if you haven't tried you
should really try because it's very quick two hours from London to Paris
it's amazing. So without further ado let's dip into my bags! First of all we
have Nuxe Paris. Now my French at school was to be honest really really poor so
I'm gonna do my best when I pronounce these names. I got this because it was
this cool like travel pack and I just thought why not? Let's give it a go I
travel I pack let's do both.

So it's got a face cleansing and makeup removing gel,
a moisturizing cream. I actually bought it for this which is the multi-purpose
dry oil for face body in hair because when I am traveling, because I have
extensions they tend to get quite dry towards the end. So I do like an oil to
take with me and if you are traveling with hand luggage it's a bit of a pain
in the backside taking a massive oil because well obviously it takes up so
much space. But this is teeny tiny and very cute hand and nail cream which I
will not be using because my hands very rarely get dry.

And this was quite
exciting a precious scented shower oil with a golden shimmer. Next up French
classic La Roche Posay Cicaplast balm b5. I bought this one because I've
actually tried it before and I think it's really good after you've had a
chemical peel. So when you're peeling after a medium depth chemical peel and
your skin's like coming off in the sheets and it's really really dry and ick this
is a really nice soothing cream to put on.

It's a bit light for bapathan so stick
it in the fridge and then you use it when your
skin is really really struggling. Next up resultime by Colin Paris
anti-aging mattifying fluid with zinc. Pores are reduced. I just bought this
because I thought it sounded cool and think is kind of good for people who
have got acne and I do suffer a little bit sometimes so I thought oh just give
it a go.

I did go a bit crazy over there. Another La roche-posay, do you know what
I'm not even going to attempt to pronounce this because I'm just going to
humiliate myself on YouTube but it's got some kind of color in it for correcting
imperfections let's say no more. This is not the final La Roche-Posay item
that I have, Redermic C which contains vitamin C. I don't know why the British
people in general are so bad at foreign languages perhaps we just don't try hard
enough, certainly wish that I had tried harder at French when I was at school
life lesson.

Then last La roche-posay item Effaclar anti sebum 8 hours, got it
because I do have a bit of an oily t-zone even though I have been on Roacutane in the past. Oh dry oil for face body and hair. So this has got this
really cool attractive shimmer to it which I bet if you've got a tan I mean
it looks amazing but since I don't tan I'm not quite sure
why I bought it because I think it might not look that great on me, but I just saw it
was so pretty I'm gonna have that that's what I did. It's a nice bottle as well
lovely chic glass thing very nice looking for your bathroom cabinet or
having out you know just to make you look a bit more sophisticated
joking obviously.

And I got this Klorane dry shampoo with oat milk. Now I do like
a dry shampoo because if you have extensions, it is a bit of a pain washing
your hair everyday because it's a pain to dry them and you're more likely to
take out the extension if you're continually blow-drying your hair.
Nevertheless I do actually wash my hair most days but for those days where you
just don't have time or say you're in a bit of a hurry, a dry shampoo can't
go wrong really now I normally use the bumble and bumble one which comes in a
powder but I thought let's give it a go. It's French why not. Forgot to
mention that Karl Lagerfeld uses that dry shampoo.

So you know if it's good enough
for Karl Lagerfeld probably good enough for me. Then we have these two lip balms
one Caudilie which is tinted and then one is ultra nourishing lip balm
with honey and precious oils and I do get a chapped lip so maybe good and I don't
normally wear that much makeup either so tinted also good. I'm sure you've
heard this a million times before but I'd like to thank Bioderma and micellar
water for changing my life recently I thought the whole thing was
just a load of rubbish until I tried it and was literally blown away by how much
debris I got off my skin and how untight it felt afterwards. I will be doing a
micellar water video at some point so please check that out.

Onto bag 2 is this Eucerin serum
concentrate which appears to be just hyaluronic acid in six little bottles. Now
you know me I like how hyaluronic acid on my skin and in my face.
Quarterly Beauty elixr check out my pronunciation there, and I
honestly can't remember why I bought this everyone talks about it apparently
why do you talk about it? Why do they talk about it? Did I I bought
two!  God this is what happens did you get older. I'm 36 and I can't remember why I
make certain decisions Wow okay well I'll report back. Okay along the theme of
spraying things on to my face I don't know what they are
we've got LA roche-posay so I haven't finished, Zero zinc sulfate solution for cleansing and soothing.

Honestly I don't know let's try. Now on to one of my favorite brands
SkinCeuticals. As you know or maybe you don't know but they don't sell the body
the body section over here in the UK. They only sell it abroad so whenever I
go away I like to pick up some skinceuticals body correct items.
So we've got the body tightening concentrate and the neck chest and hand

So this one's for brightening and this ones for tightening and I already
love these products. So we went a bit crazy with the old Talika
mainly because what look at this back up 3d the first push-up effect serum for
the buttocks for your bum it's a serum just for your bum well world we live in
now and then we've got the first lifting effect bust serum it's got one for your
bum one for your boobs. Does it work we shall see. Bioderma
purifying concentrate gentle peel smooth skin with blemishes.

cleansing gel I have used this quite a lot in the past and I just bought it
because I like it and it's also travel size.
That's why I got it another Avene item from a third party thrown in it's a
micellar water but this one's for people with oily or blemish prone skin which I
do have so again another life-changing experience in a bottle. Their resultime neck and decollete cream with vectorize
micro collagen or we're getting towards the end there. Deep cleansing exfoliator
again from Caudalie with its cute little would top. Late creme concentrates
makeup primer all skin types people allegedly go wild for this so can't wait
to try it.

The last item is anti-pollution hydro
defense mist. You know I love spraying stuff on my face I don't know what it is
so let's yeah its fresh Patyka Paris yeah, i don't know.I hope you enjoyed the Parisian
skincare haul and check back later to see exactly what I think about each one
of the products! Don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and if you've
tried any of these products and if one is your particular favourite please let
us know in the comments below!  .

I Spent 600 On French Skincare!!

Friday, March 2, 2018

How to Remove MakeupNadia Khan Guides on Makeup Skincare TipsKonjac

Subscribe to our channel & click on the bell icon to never miss a video from Outstyle Hello, & welcome back to my channel. Lets Cleanse Guys! It's very important that you should keep your environment clean It is very important that you should properly cleanse your face Today's Video is the most requested segment Where you have been asking me, What is my cleansing routine? How do I remove my makeup? Which products do I use? How do I prep my skin before makeup? So today we will talk about cleansing There are different types of cleansing routines One is to get rid of daily pollution, dust that settles on your skin, for that Mild cleansing is fine and other is makeup removing cleansing regime! There is a lot makeup, that I have to remove properly When I was a teenager, someone told me few things At the age of 13, I got my first pay cheque Somebody told me two things, and I stick to it. First, Always remove your makeup before going to bed Secondly, Always use hot water. Not even boiling water or warm water, in between Now what is the issues of using wipes I think wipes doesn't remove your makeup They are harsh on your skin Wipes are very expensive And lastly, they doesn't remove anything And one more thing Wipes are cold.

I have stopped using makeup removing wipes. Maybe this would help, if you have acne, allergy and you thing you are not following the right cleansing regime. You can try what I do. And you will see a difference I'm sure of that I used wipes, then I didn't liked them And then I switched to these normal sponges These sponges are very reasonable, very cheap There was a problem that I faced while using them, that is they are harsh You can never use these sponges on your eyes My checks are very skin, extremely red and easily irritated We will talk about the best way we can do manually And then I came a crossed Konjac sponge Yes Konjac Sponge is made up of Konjac Plant roots It has many properties, it absorbs water This is what it looks like I got this from Sephora There are available in different colors Charcoal properties are good for your acne I'll remove it from the packaging It's hard and small in the beginning, when you'll remove it from the packaging It is very rough and hard! But you are not suppose to use it directly Keep it in Hot water not boiling.

I need hot water direct from the tap In this hot water, I'll dip my konjac sponge For the first time, we will soak it for 15 minutes. After 4 to 6 weeks you need to change the konjac sponge Once it's ready, its safe for your face I have original white sponge, that is made  from the plant root of konjac While it's getting ready, there are two ways One thing that you need to do is, prep your face for that I need my OMG. When It will be soaked properly in water, it will increase its size Now I'll tell you what kind of cleansers do I use This is a very reasonable cleanser This is a skin o2 I like this cleanser when you apply it, there is a tingling sort of feeling You can directly apply it to the sponge and then apply it on to your face The lipstick and eye make up take a lot time to dissolve If I'm wearing this red Stunna fenty beauty lip paint, do you think it will take of so easily. How do you like this? This joker look, is just for time been You need some time for your eye make up to dissolve.

The first thing that you will do is remove your eye makeup I'm against these water proof mascaras You should not go for water proof mascaras, instead go for good quality mascaras Unless its your wedding I use Kiko mascara, and that i quite reasonable I'm using Sephora waterproof eye makeup remover I Love it, you need to shake it before using it You need to use it on your eyelashes first You can directly apply it by using your fingers I know you enjoy my conversation Very nicely, gentle massage on your eye lashes What is this? What is happening with me? Please get rid of this red lipstick First yo take it off by this, and then you can use your sponge Lets see whether my eyes are soft I'm gently massaging. I'm not pulling them off I'll remove it with my konjac sponge, I'll not recommend any other sponge It's very cute It's soft, silky and smooth That's good for acne treatment It's very gentle on the skin, that is what I love about it This was one way of using it. With firm hands, gently massage on the face. Please, Handle it gently Order it online The Konjac sponge Very gently on the eye area two times is enough,  if you have not applied foundation, but never once And see no makeup Now we need to exfoliate our skin, by using Sephora exfoliating powder I use Oatifix fresh face mask by lush And then I leave it there for 5 minutes The mask, I'll use it on every alternate day For lips I'll use Pout prep Apply a little bit with your finger My skin is breathing now I can feel the freshness Lastly I'll apply my Maracuja oil by Tarte You can mix any oil for fragrance Without make up This is the look after cleansing You should glow like me, you should shine like me.

I know it's very difficult If you like this video, give me a thumbs up Leave your comments, very important B'bye & stay clean.

How to Remove MakeupNadia Khan Guides on Makeup Skincare TipsKonjac