Friday, November 17, 2017


Hello everyone and welcome back to my
channel today's video is going to be about my skincare routine so if you're
curious about how I keep my skin clear, just keep on watching! Oh I don't want to be that person that
tells you to just stay hydrated because when people hear skincare they
automatically assume it only has to do with creams and moisturizers and whatnot.
I mean it does play a big role but so does your diet what you eat is very very
important because I noticed that every time I eat unhealthy meaning junk food,
it got a lot worse I find it very rude for people to just tell others oh just
stay hydrated even though please stay hydrated for
many things not just your skin because sometimes it's just your genes like you
can't do anything about it right so until two months ago I had skin colored
bumps all over my face I don't know if you can I have the most annoying white bumps everywhere
let me just zoom into these bad boys Yeah! There we go... This is what my skin looks like right now I don't know if you guys can see it, I'm going to zoom in there's still tiny tiny bumps but nothing major three years ago, they diagnosed me with acne I couldn't get rid
of them no matter what I tried because there was no pus and no blood and I
couldn't pop them because they were so TINY! So I went to the dermatologist and
they gave me this alcohol that I had to bad into my skin and it would dry out
the acne. Three-month long treatment nothing happened so I decided to quit
cuz all it did was dry out my skin but the bumps were still there on the middle
of my forehead my hairline and then on my cheeks like right here
I decided to apply own doctor and I. Googled it and it turned out to be
subclinical acne which isn't like regular acne.

Usually these bumps are
caused by an excess production of oil clog pores or a bacterial infection but
in my case a couple of years ago I. Wanted to fasten my hair growth I
googled whatever was helpful and I found Biotin pills once I started those I realized that my skin got worse in my case it was... Biotin. So I discovered the most amazing soap it's called Bior, and this is what
it looks like there's another version as well but I use the one with Caracol I
don't know if that's how you pronounce it it's oil free and it's for normal to
oily skin I'm gonna warn the people with dry skin because it dries out your skin
I would recommend to dilute it with water because I remember using it for
the first time and I was running around the house cuz it hurt so bad but after
washing it off you feel as if, it it's very very refreshing basically when I apply
it I add a little bit of water to it so it's not that extreme and I just let it
like kind of dry on my face for a couple of minutes and then wash it off so
basically like a face mask the first few times it will feel quite painful but
then your skin basically gets used to it My night routine isn't any different
from my day routine what I do first is I.

Remove my makeup with micellair water
with regular cotton pads non-oil based one because me and oily products we
don't get along but I do need to warm you after using that soap your pores are
like pheww! You're gonna feel it and it's gonna burn after that your skin will feel
extremely fresh and I do recommend moisturizing it right after especially
if you have dry skin it balances out the pH levels in your skin which is that
acidic levels I can feel that my pores are just open after I wash my face with
the soap I use Apple Cider Vinegar with water and then I apply it with a cotton
pad the biggest mistake I used to make was moisturize my face with coconut oil
because I saw it everywhere I saw it on Instagram I saw it on YouTube on Twitter
and everyone recommended it There is levels, there are zero two five zero
meaning it doesn't clog your pores and five means just stay away from it turned
out coconut oil is a comedogenic oil meaning it clogs your pores like no
other thus coconut oil is extremely good for
your hair but I do not recommend applying it on your face so please don't
I'm a huge huge fan of natural products I found a list of oils that had a zero
behind them and I found that Argan Oil was a number one meaning it doesn't clog
your pores at all now I went and purchased the Moroccan
argan oil from HollandandBarrett this is the best moisturizer because it's
natural and it works and it makes your skin glow actually I'm I have it on
right now and I applied x and I applied it
like two hours ago and and then wash my face again with Bior, right after I
apply the apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad and I just remove all excess
of makeup because even after washing your face there is still some makeup
there when I do that I moisturize it right afterwards so the oil just absorbs
into my skin and then I go to sleep so that was my skincare routine it was very
short simple and I tried using affordable products I can't assure you
guys that it's gonna work but to the ones that do want to try it out I wish
you the best of luck because I. Understand how frustrating it can be
especially because I know that most of you expected me to show you guys some
magical product that I use but unfortunately it doesn't exist all it
takes is time experimenting it's a lot deeper than just products like I said
good luck and thank you for watching I. Hope you guys enjoyed watching and until
next time :).


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