Friday, November 24, 2017

Beauty Edu Ceramides In Skincare

Hi everybody, so todays video come by way
of Facebook. I got a question from Christopher Ok and Im
like, okay Christopher! That is the BEST NAME EVER!!! I wish my name was Trina Alright! Woah, er, I dont know where that came from. Anyway! He asked a question about tallow CLA and ceramides. Because I didnt know a lot about ceramides and I wanted to learn more, I said I will make that a topic of a video.

What is a ceramide? They are a family! Awwwh! A family of waxy lipid molecules. Lipids are fats and oils that are found in
the body. They look a little something like this They consist of a fatty acid linked to a sphingoid
base. I LOVE that word! And they are connected by an amide bond.

There are at least nine major ceramides present
within the stratum corneum. That is the outer most layer of skin. They have conveniently named them ceramides
1-9. Imagine if you had a family and you just named
your kids one through nine.

This reminds me of when I was a kid and my
dad wanted to name my twin sisters Alpha and Beta. My mom was like, Yeah, NO. These ceramides differ by their head group,
the length of their chain, by the hydroxylation, which is the amount of OH groups they have, and
whether theyre saturated or not, so that is the number of double bonds. Youre probably wondering, where can I find
these ceramides.

I was certainly wondering that. You can find ceramides in the stratum corneum. Inside there are these layers of dead skin
cells, and sandwiched in between them is this glue, and this glue holds the skin cells together. It is called the interstitial lipid matrix
or intercellular cement.

These lipids form these ordered structures
called lamellar sheets and they alternate between water and lipids. And that lipid layer is composed of ceramides,
cholesterols, and fatty acids. These waxy lipids help us regulate our water
holding capacity, allowing a barrier that doesnt easily let fluid pass through
it. And this is important because we want to maintain
optimal water levels in our skin.

We also want to make sure we keep disease
causing microorganisms out, or for example if we come in contact with harmful chemicals,
we dont want to get them into our body. Ceramide levels increase as we get older,
so as we age we start to struggle with dry skin. The outer layer of the stratum corneum starts
to decrease, it gets a lot thinner and we start to notice fine lines. Also, people who struggle with skin disorders
like atopic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.

Those folks seem to have a decreased level
of ceramides present in their skin. The idea behind ceramides in skincare, is
that if were missing ceramides in our skin, maybe we can just replenish them, by adding
them into products that we use. And so cosmetic companies have taken this
idea and theyve run with it. Theyve put ceramides into hundreds of skincare
products, that make claims like increases skin hydration, improves the cutaneous barrier,
prevents moisture loss, and reduces dry and flaking skin.

In our body their produced in the stratum
granulosum. That is below the stratum corneum. They originally appear as phospholipids, and
as they work there way up to the stratum corneum, There are these enzymes in the stratum corneum
that convert them into ceramides. But nobody is harvesting human bodies to get
these ceramides.

Instead we are getting them from other natural
and synthetic sources. Synthetics obviously come from a lab. For natural sources, They either come from
animal sources such as cows, but they are mostly extracted from plant sources like sweet
potatoes, wheat, and brown rice. What I also learned is that ceramides are
expensive, which is why we often seem them in high end skincare.

Natural ceramides are very unstable substances,
and because they are costly to obtain, synthetic ceramides are frequently used. Unfortunately synthetic ceramides do not penetrate
the skin as well, so companies are looking into technologies like liposomes to help them penetrate the skin. But I dont know, what do you guys think? Do you think it works? Do you think it doesnt? Tell me in the comments! From the studies Ive seen, so far, it looks
like ceramides do moisturize, but I havent seen any evidence that they moisturize better
than some of the inexpensive ingredients that are already out on the market. In some of these studies theyre comparing
ceramides to untreated skin -- and that hardly seems fair.

Theyre also using higher concentrations
of ceramides, then youd expect to see In a normal cosmetic product. Christopher, I hope I did an okay job with
this video. If you liked this video, give it a thumbs
up, If you want to see more like it, consider
subscribing, and lastly, dont forget to click that notification bell, especially if
you want to leave a comment right when that video drops. I will see you soon.

Have a great day..

Beauty Edu Ceramides In Skincare

Friday, November 17, 2017


Hello everyone and welcome back to my
channel today's video is going to be about my skincare routine so if you're
curious about how I keep my skin clear, just keep on watching! Oh I don't want to be that person that
tells you to just stay hydrated because when people hear skincare they
automatically assume it only has to do with creams and moisturizers and whatnot.
I mean it does play a big role but so does your diet what you eat is very very
important because I noticed that every time I eat unhealthy meaning junk food,
it got a lot worse I find it very rude for people to just tell others oh just
stay hydrated even though please stay hydrated for
many things not just your skin because sometimes it's just your genes like you
can't do anything about it right so until two months ago I had skin colored
bumps all over my face I don't know if you can I have the most annoying white bumps everywhere
let me just zoom into these bad boys Yeah! There we go... This is what my skin looks like right now I don't know if you guys can see it, I'm going to zoom in there's still tiny tiny bumps but nothing major three years ago, they diagnosed me with acne I couldn't get rid
of them no matter what I tried because there was no pus and no blood and I
couldn't pop them because they were so TINY! So I went to the dermatologist and
they gave me this alcohol that I had to bad into my skin and it would dry out
the acne. Three-month long treatment nothing happened so I decided to quit
cuz all it did was dry out my skin but the bumps were still there on the middle
of my forehead my hairline and then on my cheeks like right here
I decided to apply own doctor and I. Googled it and it turned out to be
subclinical acne which isn't like regular acne.

Usually these bumps are
caused by an excess production of oil clog pores or a bacterial infection but
in my case a couple of years ago I. Wanted to fasten my hair growth I
googled whatever was helpful and I found Biotin pills once I started those I realized that my skin got worse in my case it was... Biotin. So I discovered the most amazing soap it's called Bior, and this is what
it looks like there's another version as well but I use the one with Caracol I
don't know if that's how you pronounce it it's oil free and it's for normal to
oily skin I'm gonna warn the people with dry skin because it dries out your skin
I would recommend to dilute it with water because I remember using it for
the first time and I was running around the house cuz it hurt so bad but after
washing it off you feel as if, it it's very very refreshing basically when I apply
it I add a little bit of water to it so it's not that extreme and I just let it
like kind of dry on my face for a couple of minutes and then wash it off so
basically like a face mask the first few times it will feel quite painful but
then your skin basically gets used to it My night routine isn't any different
from my day routine what I do first is I.

Remove my makeup with micellair water
with regular cotton pads non-oil based one because me and oily products we
don't get along but I do need to warm you after using that soap your pores are
like pheww! You're gonna feel it and it's gonna burn after that your skin will feel
extremely fresh and I do recommend moisturizing it right after especially
if you have dry skin it balances out the pH levels in your skin which is that
acidic levels I can feel that my pores are just open after I wash my face with
the soap I use Apple Cider Vinegar with water and then I apply it with a cotton
pad the biggest mistake I used to make was moisturize my face with coconut oil
because I saw it everywhere I saw it on Instagram I saw it on YouTube on Twitter
and everyone recommended it There is levels, there are zero two five zero
meaning it doesn't clog your pores and five means just stay away from it turned
out coconut oil is a comedogenic oil meaning it clogs your pores like no
other thus coconut oil is extremely good for
your hair but I do not recommend applying it on your face so please don't
I'm a huge huge fan of natural products I found a list of oils that had a zero
behind them and I found that Argan Oil was a number one meaning it doesn't clog
your pores at all now I went and purchased the Moroccan
argan oil from HollandandBarrett this is the best moisturizer because it's
natural and it works and it makes your skin glow actually I'm I have it on
right now and I applied x and I applied it
like two hours ago and and then wash my face again with Bior, right after I
apply the apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad and I just remove all excess
of makeup because even after washing your face there is still some makeup
there when I do that I moisturize it right afterwards so the oil just absorbs
into my skin and then I go to sleep so that was my skincare routine it was very
short simple and I tried using affordable products I can't assure you
guys that it's gonna work but to the ones that do want to try it out I wish
you the best of luck because I. Understand how frustrating it can be
especially because I know that most of you expected me to show you guys some
magical product that I use but unfortunately it doesn't exist all it
takes is time experimenting it's a lot deeper than just products like I said
good luck and thank you for watching I. Hope you guys enjoyed watching and until
next time :).


Saturday, November 11, 2017

beda Nourish Skin Ultimate dan Nourish Skin Biasa

beda Nourish Skin Ultimate dan Nourish Skin Biasa -Nourish Skin Ultimate, Menepis Noda dan Kerutan

-Kesegaran kulit kita Perlu dirawat. Situasi kulit yang sehat, halus dan lembut diinginkan oleh setiap orang, lebih-lebih Kepada anda kaum wanita. Kulit yang halus membuat anda menonjol lebih muda, dan menarik. Juga untuk kaum remaja, kulit yang sehat, bersih jerawat dan halus merupakan idaman mereka. Permasalahannya, kondisi lingkungan, udara yang penuh polusi (asap kendaraan bermotor, pabrik) berdampak pada Kebugaran kulit anda. Radikal bebas dari cahaya ultraviolet juga dapat merusak Kebugaran kulit. Belum lagi unsur seperti konsumsi zat kimia dalam bahan makanan, dan unsur usia menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit anda. Apa yang anda lakukan untuk memecahkan dilema ini?

Satu lagi produk Kesehatan kulit dari Pharos, merupakan Nourish Skin Ultimate. Nourish Skin Ultimate, penemuan kreatif baru dari Pharos, suplemen kulit yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid). HA ini diakui sebagai salah satu pelembab kulit natural terbaik. HA akan memberikan kelembapan pada kulit kering. Kecuali itu kandungan lain Nourish Skin Ultimate yaitu SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) adalah antioksidan natural.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, bekerja dengan metode berikut :

Group asam amino merangsang kesibukan sel firoblast untuk memproduksi serat kolagen dan elastin, menjadikan kulit tebal, pesat, lembab dan elastis. Hyaluronic Acid mengikat air 1000 kali dari volumenya sendiri, dengan ketersediaan air yang tinggi karenanya pelaksanaan regenerasi sel kulit berjalan lebih cepat. Sel kulit tua dengan langsung akan digantikan dengan sel yang baru, sehingga kulit akan lebih segar dan berseri. Kandungan zat antioksidan dapat mencegah kerusakan sel akibat efek radikal bebas.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, efektif untuk memudarkan flek hitam kulit, menghilangkan kerut, melembabkan kulit, mengencangkan dan mencerahkan kulit, mencegah penuaan dini.

Mendetail produk dari Nourish Skin Ultimate isi 60 Tablet

Menepis Noda dan Kerutan Nourish skin Ultimate, temuan terupdate suplemen kulit pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid) “One of the Best Alami Moisturizers” yang akan memberikan kelembaban pada kulit secara terus menerus, sehingga cocok Kepada kulit kering, ditambah SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) antioksidan paling alami.

Guna Nourish Skin Ultimate

Memudarkan flek-flek hitam
Menghilangkan kerut dan keriput
Melembabkan kulit kering
Mengencangkan kulit
Mencerahkan kulit kusam
Menghaluskan kulit kering dan kasar
Mencegah penuaan kulit

Komposisinya memiliki 4 unsur utama dengan fungsi : Asam amino Antioksidan tingkat tinggi Ramuan pelembab alami Vitamin dan Mineral Aman dikonsumsi jangka panjang, karena tidak mengandung unsur hormonal dan terbuat dari bahan alami.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Affordable Skincare & Haircare Kits - All Products Under 500-ShrutiArjunAnand

So today m going to let uh know about  the best skincare n hair products which uh can buy from market below 500 rupees. So lets start with today's video: the facial skincare products r on 25% off n remaining products on  20% off. N if uh remind that a few weeks ago i did  a review on face shop products , those products r also on sale so dn't forget to check them out. So if u want to buy them then this is the best time to buy them firstly we will talk about face wash so doesn;t matter ur skin is oily or combination or dry uh can use this, n as this is researched n developed  by dermatologist, people with sensitive skin can also use this the second face wash from my kit is: n mix some water in it n then uh can use it as a face wash n as this is soap free it has no SLS in it so if ur skin is sensitive n acne pimple prone uh can use this .

So now comes the Scrub, in my recent video i told uh that do not wash ur face more than 2 times so in the morning we wash our face with normal face wash but at nyt if uh will wash ur face with a soft n gentle scrub so that it removes all the extra dead skin and clean ur pores which may get clogged by pollution n dirt. Its best part is that its granules r very round in shape gentle on ur skin so uh can use it daily. Toner is a liquid kind of product which goes inside our skin pores n cleans them there so that ur pores doesn't get clogged thereby avoiding pimples n blackheads. If ur skin is oily then it vil reduce the greasiness of ur face and leave a matte finish.

It means it vil not clog the pores of ur skin. N if there r pimples on ur skin then it vil not increase them or spread them. Its paraben free n totally organic so must try if ur skin is prone to pimples n acne. If uh r young then apply primer on the top of moisturiser n then sunscreen n if u r 20+ then there is a necessity for using a day cream with anti aging properties.

Coz wen wrinkles r there they r difficult to treat but try to use anti aging cream  which fights under ur skin n never let the wrinkles to appear . This is especially for day time so apply a moisturiser n then apply this n after that apply sunscreen. Now again i have two options for sunscreen coz this is day cream plus sunscreen so uh may skip ur regular day cream n switch to this. Its speciality is that it is paraben free which r very harmful to our skin as this causes cancer.

This is SLS free Which means its safe for sensitive skin n also its non comedogenic which means its gud for pimple prone skin if uh live in ur home whole day long n do not go out in sun then use neutrogena oil free moisturiser. Its gud for oily n combination skin type uh can use this coz this absorbs extra oil n makes ur skin matte n oil free. This is also non comedogenic , allergy tested so if ur skin is sensitive uh can use this. Toner will remove the surface dead skin of ur skin n pores of the skin will also get cleared.

After this wen we will apply nyt cream, this will go deep in our skin n make our skin healthy n make sure not to massage this apply it evenly n u r done. At the same time it vil avoid any wrinkles n blemishes on ur skin. Summers heat is so scorching n if uh r too suffering same with the tiny little bumps on ur skin n if uh live in hostel n uh don't have time for DIYs then if uh want uh can apply this all over ur face but i like its spot treatment or little bumps over my face n then i sleep n in the morning uh vil see the bump gets supressed due to this it soaks the extra oil from the pimple n dries out that pimple to some extent.. Hot air also makes our lips dryn chapped, so uh may have seen this in many of my vlogs n coz its cover was removed so i was unable to show uh this but this is how it looks.

It has spf 15 in it n 100% natural n organic n a beautiful pink color. N it gives a true natural tint to our lips, wen applied two three times a day n it stays all day long, n looks likes ur lips r naturally pink now its time for body butter, so nobody is blessed with the skin type in which any body butter will work n turns their body buttery soft. Some people like us with dry skin, even after applying body lotions three time it seems to be like ohh god they never ever tried body lotions from birth.! Which is so much protecting that we apply it once in morning n it remains there  till night . It just melts easily on ur skin n leaves a mild  vanilla fragrance on ur body.

Especially if uh go to office or college, uh want a mild fragrance from ur side instead of garden of flowers. So it will be a nice fragrance not too hard not too light. Its too much chit chat on skincare now lets come to hair care: so many comments m getting about these products of wow. Its paraben free, sulphate free n 100% vegan too its ingredients r too gud and its shampoo n conditioner both r awesome if uh want to try any new or  organic shampoo so uh must try this.

Uh may use the conditioner of the same shampoo but i feel like in summers our hair suffers from too much moisture loss so this will give extra moisture to your hair so use a little amount of it n massage over ur hairs n leave it for 2 3 minutes n then rinse with normal water if ur hair r over dry, damaged n brittle , then leave it for 15 minutes n then rinse it with normal water uh vil see a tremendous change in ur hair by this. If ur hair r dry n curly then after washing ur hair , they will become too fluffy n then there is too much difficulty in detangling them n uh have to use only a little amount after washing ur hair to ur hair length avoid using it on roots use it on tail side of hair. N after that if u detangle ur hair then they easily get detangled n it is non sticky so it vil give uh smooth n shiny hair. M sticked to this hair oil,  i have recommended this to uh so many times if uh have never tried this yet then do try this out.

It has too many ayurvedic ingredients like amla , coconut n aloevera n these ingredients r too gud for ur hair n this parachute oil is cost effective too so must try it out. Our last product is hair brush which is very essential product. I have seen many peoples combing their tangled hair n the time there hair gets detangled they get a lot of hair fall. N if uh r suffering from hair fall problem then do try a gud hair brush i always prefer to use roots hair brush coz they r too gud they detangles the hair easily, n if u have more detangled hair then take serum on ur palm spread it in the bristles of ur comb n then detangle ur hair within a minutes all ur hair wud b detangled.

So thats it for this video, today m aiming for 5000 likes , i know its quite difficult but v vil do it anyhow. If i wud get this much likes then i vil b coming up with a skincare n hair care kit under 200. N if uh r new on my channel then do hit on the red subscribe button n bell button near it. So lets meet in my next video till then take care bbie.

Affordable Skincare & Haircare Kits - All Products Under 500-ShrutiArjunAnand

Saturday, November 4, 2017

2 Skin Care Secrets To Get Glowing Skin Like Bollywood Celebrities

Hi guys, this is me Noorin at Glamrs.Com, and we all know that all this heat and humidity can really damage your skin. So today, I'm going to be showing you guys Bollywood's top two secrets of how to achieve that glowing skin. So I have really sensitive skin and I know skin damaging can be a huge issue. These are my two recipes that I follow every day and these have incredible results.

The first one is the miracle drink. Now why the miracle drink? That is because in the long run, this drink helps to prevent cancer. Also, it completely increases your metabolism, and leaves your undertones looking super pink and super cute and just makes your skin look super glowing. Now all you need is one beetroot, two carrots and one apple.

Put them in the blender, and blend. Now this can get a little too pulpy, so you can just add a little water in it. That's all. It's done.

Put that in your favourite glass. So, I like to drink this as soon as I've blended the drink, because that's the time when you get the maximum vitamins and maximum benefit out of this drink. Also I make it a point to have this everyday in the morning once I'm up. Moving on to secret number two.

It is the oatmeal mask. Why is oatmeal so amazing? Well, oatmeal is the best cleanser that you can ever find. Also, it's really high in antioxidants which protects your skin from any kind of free radicals. If your skin is very itchy dry, if you have a lot of redness, or pigmentation over a period of time it's going to treat all of this altogether.

Also, if you have acne prone skin, eventually guys, your acne is going to completely go away along with those acne scars. So all you need is two tablespoons of oats, one tablespoon honey, a quarter cup of milk and just add a little water. Now my mixture is already done. It's super simple and super quick.

First, I'm going to press my thumb against the oats, so there is this liquid that's going to come out. Dab your fingers. Put that on your face. Once you've done that, now take a little chunk of it, in circular motions, start scrubbing your face and your neck.

So, I'm going use both hands it's quicker. Put it all over your face in upward circular motions and on your neck as well going upwards, do not go downwards. Now you have to just leave this on for like five to ten minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. So, as you can see it has instantly brightened my face and given me this super glow which I am totally loving.

So guys, if you like these tips and tricks and secrets of course, give this video a thumbs up, do not forget to share it with all your friends. You can also check my channel down below, it's called Noorin Sha, it's in the description and stay tuned to Glamrs.Com for lots more..

2 Skin Care Secrets To Get Glowing Skin Like Bollywood Celebrities