Saturday, April 28, 2018

Josephine Skriver's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

Oh great. You guys made it. I think it's time to get unready. So the most important thing for me in my routine is makeup off.

You know you come home, you're tired You don't want to do the whole routine always take that make up off so that's always where I start. I always like to hold the pad a little bit because I always where waterproof makeup or at least mascara so I want to be gentle on my lashes. That's the last thing I want to pull out. My next step will be my cleanser.

Everyday I cleanse my face. It's non foaming, its just for sensitive skin and not irritating I get so many different products on everyday so I want to just gently rub that in and I usually take just a cloth, take some hot water on and then I just rub it off. My skin type is kind of like a little bit all over the place. Some days its super sensitive because I've been traveling a lot in different make up in different countries and other days it dries out and sometimes its super oily.

So this one is just- It is for sensitive skin cause I find that that's the least irritating for me. So after the cleanser I have this great product It was actually specially made. It's like a little pad and it helps with toning the skin when you have redness. When you go to these guys, they look at your skin and see what your missing so it's a mix of acid antioxidants and enzymes.

It almost feels like a make up wipe. You just slowly go over your face with it. Every morning and every night I use I use this little pad and I make sure to go down my neck and use it all over the face and just treat the neck and the face as one. This product, I'm obsessed with.

I found it in Paris when I started fashion weeks and I've been using it for the past seven years. I put it on flights or I put it on like I do right now before products so it helps absorb better into the skin. Oh it feels so good. You just kind of want to keep doing it.

I actually have it in travel size in my bag so I have it on me at all times. My next step would then be and actually a lot of this routine I do in the morning and at night. It's a serum but it antioxidant so it's kind of putting a little mix of vitamin C and vitamin D on your face. Then one of my last steps would be my night cream.

I love my night cream so much. It helps prevent wrinkles. I'm 25 now so I gotta, you know start doing that. Preventing stuff from happening.

Gravity. Life. Anything. But my really fun thing lately I love to do is I just got into shaving my face and I know this is going to sound scary and at first I was like, "What! Don't do it!" But my friend has been doing it for a long time but she really swears by it and her skin has cleaned out a lot I only do this once max twice a week.

You want to avoid anything with a gel moisturizer that cools or any of that extra stuff. You literally just want to find a disposable one. You want to use it once and want to throw it out. And I would use the same cleanser as I did before and then you just gently shave your face.

I'm not going to do that right now. Also for the first time, be careful. Put a finger here on your brow You do not all of a sudden want to look up and have no brows. When I have time and want to treat my skin I love to put on a mask.

I was recently just in China and found these amazingly cute masks, they all have different faces. I maybe once a week put one on and maybe watch a TV episode and just have fun. I am now completely in my animal zone and I'm gonna go watch animal planet. Well, yeah how do Otters go, it think it's like a- Now I gotta stand here for 20 minutes that's why I like to put on a episode of something normally.

And now you're all fully moisturized as you can see Honestly sometimes this is great to just sleep in. And I like to dab my face off cause I've been told that I'm too rough with my face. Don't just rub it, that what I use to do so now I'm trying to learn to be gentle. As a good little finish I love to keep my lips moisturized too.

You cannot for get that. And sometimes, if your lips feel chapped or something, I like to take my toothbrush and scrub them, its a perfect little scrubber. And a weird thing I always finish with before I go to bed is I always put perfume on. It's the first thing I put on in the morning and the last thing I put on at night.

I always do the cloud, you know you spray it and you walk through it because I learned from one of the guys that created perfumes that when you bring heat to it and you rub it here you just change the whole scent of it so I used to do that, but I don't anymore. So spray, cloud, walk through it. And that's it. That's my routine.

And now I'm going to watch some Netflix. I binge watch TV way too much..

Josephine Skriver's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Jessica Hart's Nighttime Skin Care RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

This is Jess. She's an entrepreneur, a jet-setter and best
of all, an Aussie. And we just got in from London. Have you guys met Floyd? Hi Floyd! Did we mention she's a model? A very hardworking model.

LUMA can't run itself after all. What do you want to watch? She's showing us her nighttime skincare secrets. So, start by taking my makeup off with Bioderma. I love this because it's really light.

It's almost like water but somehow all my
makeup comes off with it. Anti gravity brush movements. It actually removes mascara as well, which
is really good. After that, I use my LUMA fresh start cleansing

It has coconut oil in it, which is really
good for skin. Crushed pearl. Crushed pearl is through most of my products. Oysters.

Love an oyster. I wash that off. After that, I use this Nu Skin moisture mist. You can spray it anywhere.

Put it all over your body, hair. As that's drying, I like to douse myself in
my LUMA beach body oil. It's 99% natural, this one. It has so many beautiful things in it.

Almond oil, grapeseed oil. And it's a dry oil, so it's not very sticky. I feel like I can kind of put it all over
me. Then also get dressed in the morning if I'm
using it during the day or anywhere I'm going.

You know, on the moon, on planet LUMA. After that, we're going to use this Kiehl's
creamy eye treatment with avocado, which is just so yummy. It's creamy like an avocado. I love guacamole.

I mean sometimes I just put guacamole on my
face if I forgot my eye cream. It's just super nourishing. I usually use this one just at night, so I
can really put a lot on. Let it soak in.

Get rid of me wrinkles, you know? After our guacamole eye cream, we use brighten
up beauty serum. It has got rosehip oil, crushed pearl again. They're in all of our products. They're extremely illuminating and highlighting
to the skin.

It's just a drink for my skin. So next, lip balm. Always lip balm. This is a really beautiful one from an Australian
company called LEPAAR and everything is really organic, biodynamic.

My Mom brought me up with everything kind
of having to be organic or biodynamic and it's very popular in Australia. Last but not least, I take vitamins. They're GOOP Wellness. Everything from fish oils, antioxidants, glutathione,
vitamin c.

Balls in the air. And now, because it's all about balance, we're
going to have a glass of wine. Cute pajamas. Night Jess.

Night Floyd..

Jessica Hart's Nighttime Skin Care RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarper's BAZAAR

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Jenn Im's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarpers BAZAAR

Hey everyone! I just landed in New York and I'm so excited to be here! I'm a sucker for views Check out this gorgeous skyline behind me. And over here I brought my new summer collection and I cant wait to see these guys on you. But now it's time for bed Let's take all this makeup off! So first up I gotta rip these eyelashes off. This is the best part of the day.

Freedom. Taking these babies off is probably my favorite thing to do It's like taking off my bra. I put the lashes in my little home. And I'm going to show you guys my Korean inspired skincare routine.

So normally it's ten steps. But since I'm traveling, I minimized it to seven. Minimalism is great. So the first step I'm using an oil-based cleanser.

This is my favorite. Its Clinique Take the Day Off. And as you can see it is well loved. I have scooped a lot out of it.

So this is how much I usually take. And I'm just going to start putting it all across my face. And this is just going to melt everything off. And at first it feels weird to like rub this all up in your business but I swear it won't break you out it's just going to remove everything and just melt everything away.

Just give your face a little massage. It's quite therapeutic. It looks like its pretty much all melted off. I'm going to put the water onto hot and I'm gonna rinse this off.

Now we are going to get into our second part which is another cleanser. K-beauty is all about double cleansing. That is basically a fancy word of just saying that you wash your face twice. So I am using this Jelly Ball Cleanser by Bliss and I've been obsessed with it because it's just like so squishy and so it's really fun to use.

You just literally put it over hot water then you just lather this baby up and you just put it on your face This is going to get all the last remnants of any makeup on your face. And then rinse. Now that we've cleansed, we are going to put the goodness back into our face. I'm using SK-II's Facial Treatment Clear Lotion.

This is basically their toner and of course it got the little travel size. I'm just going to pat it on my face and this is just going to balance out all of the PH levels on your skin. And don't forget your neck. So now this next product is my holy grail.

It is SK-II's Facial Treatment Essence. Essence is basically a product that just puts all the amino acids and and other things that are good for your skin back into your face. And the thing with an essence is that you want to make a pool of it in your hand and immediately just slather it all over your skin and it's just gonna drink it right up. And it takes just a couple seconds to dry.

I like to fan just to speed up the process. So my skin just drank all that up and now it is time for serum. This is the Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Sreum.

And I love this because it has centella asiatica. Asiatica? Asiatica? I am totally pronouncing that wrong. But it's in here. And I like to just put one of these drops and I'm just going to apply it on my face.

And it smells so good. It's smells like tiger balm. It's very cooling and it just reminds me of my mom honestly. I feel like my mom is here.

So we are coming to the finish line. We've got the night cream. Check out my tiny travel sized La Mer of the moisturizing soft cream And this is just going to lock all the products that we put on our face and it's just gonna seal the deal. And it's just gonna make sure that our skin is looking bright and happy in the morning.

And the last step is of course The eye cream, I have been loving this one by Sisley. It is their mask contour. I am obsessed with this. Its very thick.

So I apply maybe like that amount onto my eyes. And so I'm going to break that up in half and I'm just going to apply it underneath my eyes and also the side for those crows feet. Wrinkles are all about prevention so I'm just gonna really make it rub in. Alright, eye cream is on.

Eye glasses are on. It's time to go to bed. Thank you so much for watching. Goodnight!.

Jenn Im's Nighttime Skincare RoutineGo To Bed With MeHarpers BAZAAR

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Japanese Skincare with AsahiMUST-HAVE Products + Travel to Tokyo with Me!Unique & Inexpensive

(*Note: Please open the info box below for all the names/details!) Alright, let's get started! :) Yes, let me share with you the items. The first skincare item is this one! This is Evita's Beauty Whip Soap! This is a face wash, but it's not your typical face wash. Can you see the photo up here...? The top part is a very unusual shape. Exactly! This is a spray-type product but has a unique opening.

Watch closely! First, you have to shake it. Then, press down on the pink parts on both sides simultaneously. Here we go... As you can see, it comes out as a rose-shaped face wash! Wow, so realistic! Check out the texture as well! It's like heavy whipped cream! Right! It's MUCH more dense than regular fash wash.

It's very "mocchiri" (bouncy like mochi)! It's so rich that it doesn't come off even if I flip my hands over! This must feel SO good on the skin when cleansi... Oops, I got it on my face! Instead of rubbing this against your skin, gently move it across your face. Because it's very "mocchiri", it's very hydrating and never makes your skin feel dry or tight! The beauty ingredients in this face wash are... It's packed with so many goodies that makes it effective for ant-aging, too! It's great that this face wash isn't just about the appearance.

It has amazing skin benefits as well. I think it's such a kawaii skincare item! Japanese skincare really goes above and beyond! Alright, 2nd item please! The next item is... THIS! This is a face mask for the morning! For the morning? Yes, for the morning! The reason why this is a face mask for the MORNING is because... This actually acts as a face wash, your morning skincare, AND a moisturizing base! You can do all of those things just by using this single mask! Interesting! That's why it's for the morning! I see! It sounds awesome, but one question...

I guess they're saying that if you use this mask, you won't have to wash your face in the morning since it's included in here but... Since it acts as a base, you don't wash off your face after using it, right...? Right! It's supposed to be an all-in-one mask before makeup. That's what this says, but I want to wash my face in the morning, too. I agree.

Maybe it'd be nice to lightly wash your face first before using it! :) It says this has a brightening/whitening effect as well. Right, right! This version is actually the newest one and it's got a Kiwi Yogurt scent! There are other previous versions of this mask/brand, this brightening/whitening version is brand new. Let's open it up! This comes in a flap like this which makes it very easy to use. There's 28 sheet masks in here.

You can take out of the mask directly from here. And what happens is...! Tada~! It comes out like this. You can see it comes out in the shape of the face mask itself! This is so that you can quickly apply it onto your face! Usually, face masks are folded very nicely, right? Right! You would have to carefully unfold which takes up some time. But because this is a "morning" face mask, it was created so that even if you don't have a lot of time in the morning, you can swiftly take out this mask and apply it onto your face! What do you think about the scent? Ah! It's SOOOO nice! It's very refreshing! Exactly! It actually has a minty, soothing feel when you apply it, too.

Oh, on the skin as well? Yup! So it helps you to kick off your day with a fresh start. So many amazing effects in this one mask!! This brand "Saborino" is actually very interesting. They make a bunch of beauty items that really come in handy when you're busy or don't have much time. For example, they have a spray that helps you dry your hair more quickly! They come up with things like that which I think is unique to Japan.

So fascinating! * If you're interested, I'll have the deets down below. * Now, when I use face masks, I *always* apply this silicone mask on top which makes a HUGE difference. This is from the 100 yen ($1) store! I believe this is an item almost all girls across Japan have! That is how much this mask is useful and famous! Apply your face mask first as usual... And layer the silicone mask on top! If you do so...

There are holes for your ears like this. Let me demonstrate by putting it on. You can hook it onto your ears like this! So, even if you have a face mask on, it won't come off  or move around no matter what you do! So you can even make breakfast, dry your hair, etc. You can take care of your skin while getting things done! You can be productive + I feel like it'll make the mask more effective! I can't recommend this enough! Next up is this! What do you think it is? This is the "Large Cosmetic Syrimer."
(Note: I'm guessing it's a play on words for "syringe" and "slimmer".) As you can see, it's shaped like a syringe (for shots).

When you open it up... So umm... How do you use this?? What you're going to do is, attach the needle to the pink part. Once attached, it really does look like a syringe.

It looks like a large, toy version of a syringe. If you take a look at any facial lotions you have at home, the opening is usually very small like this. So when you want to bring some of it for traveling, doesn't it take up a lot of time to transfer the liquid to another portable bottle like this? But if you use the "syrimer" I showed you earlier... You can insert the needle right into the small hole like so...

And just by pulling, you can transfer the liquid over to the syrimer! You can get the product out easily without making a mess! Once you're done, you can now transfer it into your travel-sized bottle! That was so quick! So now you're ready to go out or travel! It's nice that you can adjust the amount you want easily, too. Definitely! I feel like Japanese people are really into detail and small things like this, I thought this would be something Japan-like. Right, it's a very "only in Japan" idea! I don't think you can easily find unique beauty items like this in the states! Oh, really?? Definitely not as accessible. This again is only 100 yen!.

Japanese Skincare with AsahiMUST-HAVE Products + Travel to Tokyo with Me!Unique & Inexpensive