Saturday, October 28, 2017

[ENG SUB] Style Follow - SNSD SOOYOUNG's SKIN CARE - Pilot Episode 25

This camera won't even focus me without my makeup. OMG It's not even a face? Why~ I liked you. Mine isn't even a face for this thing, not even- Done! <Calming down and restarting> Ok- Again XD. Now, a way to remove morning puffiness <Removing Morning Puff Revealed!> Now first, we'll use a cotton pad like this one.

Really thin, right? It's enough with just one or two skin drops. <A very thin pad with 1-2 skin drops> <MC is cleaning... For Style Follow> For the sake of Style Follow.. <Now put on moisturizers> It is an ice roller, right out the fridge.

<Ice Roller from the fridge> Goodbye puff~ Keep on rolling it like this.. <Roll in certain directions> If it's too cold, it might hurt the skin. Don't do it for too long~ kind of like this.. And here too.

<Adjust time and temperature so it won't hurt the skin!> All done? Troubles happen easily when the face is hot, and.. It swells. So you should always keep it~ cool. <MC Sooyung don't like swelling> <Next is Sooyung's night care method!> Now, at night- what do I put on? Whitening.

Yes whitening <Whitening> yeah you need whitening! While you sleep, whitening is essential. So you put it on here.. <At night focus on whitening!> Whitening essence. [Putput] [Putput] [Rubrub] [Rubrub] It's lazy rubbing, right? My mum used to say that..

If I rub it (downwards) the face dangles, so rub it like this (upwards) It doesn't always work as planned, does it? 'Cause daughters don't listen to their moms XD. I sleep for twelve hours, so.. <MC Sooyung is so honest!> When I don't have schedules at least. You must keep it moisturized.

<Hear the moist?> <Next is the eye cream> Spread it around.. I'm aged now so.. T_T. Done! Ready to Sleep! <Ready to Sleep!> In the morning -> ice roller.

For removing morning puff.. Lower your face's temperature~ ^^.

[ENG SUB] Style Follow - SNSD SOOYOUNG's SKIN CARE - Pilot Episode 25

Saturday, October 21, 2017

[ASMR](ENG SUB) Skincare Specialist Course RP

Hello Are you here for skincare specialist cour..? Yeap you are in the right place. Welcome Was it hard to find here? Nope? Good for you Just a sec I need to give you some papers I'm not missing anything, am I? You need these papers during the course So make sure you keep it well. Maybe put it in a file? So, it's our first class :) I already finished the setting for you Mannequin and this cart with materials But if you learn how to do the setting today you need to do the same setting before the class starts when you come next time. Do you see this? These materials over here is mine and yours are inside here Things here...There is a list over here on one of the papers Make sure you check if you got all the products using the list Do you see the big carriage bag over there? Put everything in there and take it home with you You will take the same bag to the test.

That's that and... We will be learning and practicing for practical technique exams in class But you know we have both written and practical skill test right? You need to study written exam by yourself This is it. Written Test study book Take this home and ... Oh we have an example book in the academy Highlight the important part with it and take it home to study There are questions at the back so make sure you go through them too If you feel ready, register and take the test anytime.

I'll put this book over here, too. My throat is in bad condition. I'm sorry Let's see. You need to take these too Let's see what we are learning today There is how to fill out Customer Chart, removing point makeup, and cleansing Cleaning eyebrow line, Deep cleansing and so on...

We will work on point makeup and cleansing today But these are summarized version so just use it as reference Do you see the picture over here? Look at it together when I show you the cleansing techniques so that you can practice later with these papers only Of course, you can also ask me :) I'll put it over here Then, why don't we start now I'll start now. Do you have anything to ask? Not yet? Ask me anytime if you have one. Okay? Okay. Let's see.

First, this is a mannequine you are going to use from now on If you look over here, you can see it has chest and shoulder. Right? Decollete mannequine These are materials you need over here So, when your customer lay down on the bed... What's the first thing you should do? Say hi? When you work on people's skin, you need to get rid of hairs on their face. Or products will get all over their hair So you need to put this on before you do anything You know this right? One that you use when you cleanse your face at home you put this on like this and pull all the hair up But this is a mannequin with no hair so this doesn't really stay on.

So, we are not going to use this when we practice today So, consider that done We need to sanitize our hand every time we touch customer's face Hands or any type of product that touches customer's face, we sanitize it. So...Do you see this? This one over here is cotton pad in water cotton pad in alcohol Alcohol we use here is this one right here The one that has nothing written on You can tell from the smell Can you smell the alcohol? This is it We need to re-buy all the products if you run out of them and we will be practicing on the mannequin not on real person We use just water on both cotton pad when we practice But if you are practicing on actual person, make sure you use alcohol cotton pad. Okay? These are both water cotton pad right now Let's sanitize hand with this one for now Hold it Put your hand like this Outer side Inside In between fingers Same thing on your other hand Sanitize it Once used, you throw them away. Originally, you have disposable bag taped to the cart I will tell you the lists you need to prepare for next class You will dispose used things in the bag But you are not prepared for that today I will put this over there Now that we are done with hands, what does the paper say we do next? Take out three water cotton pad Women usually have makeup on, so we need to remove them first We put pads on their eyes and lips It will make removing more easier What does it say next? This is the glass ball We are going to use this, so...

Sanitize it with alcohol again. Clean the inside first and then the outer side Originally, we put it on the cart but today let's put it here Lip eye remover. This is the remover. The pink liquid You are suppose to fill the ball with this remover but since it's a practice we will put the minimum Save it as much as you can Next is...

Soak the pads into the remover Same thing for cotton swabs You can buy this cup at one dollar shop You need to buy this too Put it in the glass ball Now we will go to removing point makeup Come and take a closer look on this one We will work on the eyes first Make sure you work on one eye only until the makeup is surely removed. Look Push it to the side. And stop. Again.

Push it and stop. Wipe it out Black eyeliners and things like that will be on the face. Right? Use multiple pads You can use as much as you want Just make sure you remove all the makeup on each eye But there will be leftover eyeliner and mascaras. So, what you do is Like this.

Put it under your eyeline Then the eyelashes will be right above the cotton pad, right? After, you use the cotton swab to gently rub it off the remains of the mascara Then remains will be on your cotton pad That's how you remove it Same for eyeliner Go like this gently to remove the remains Use multiple cotton swabs If you feel like you are done, fold it in half. Slide it and stop. Like that. Same thing on the other side.

Slide it and stop. Like this. Same for eyeliner. Fold it in half and slide again With a new one It's really important that you don't work on both eyes Make sure you get it done on one side and move to next one.

Last part, lip. Same thing for lip I highlighted something over there. What does it say on the paper? Down side. Remove it from down to up.

Upper lips. Remove from up to down. Same thing for cotton swab Down lip. From down to up Upper lip.

From up to down Clean them one more time with the pads You are done with removing point makeup. Lip and Eye. It's not that hard is it? Now to the next part. Cleansing lotion It says Applying cleansing lotion and Cleansing techniques, right? We will learn until that.

I will show you the whole thing once and you will try it yourself. Get rid of this after you are done with it Let's put it over there You will get four of those glass balls This one is the cleansing cream. Milky Cleanser. You will be using this Before you go into using that I will use my bare hand and show you the techniques first.

Come closer for this one also. Number one. The forehead. What's number two? Slide down the face to the chest and shoulder Continue until here.

One more time Swipe the forehead Slide down to the chest and shoulder Next is, Chanel If you look, can you see that my hand movement is like the brand sign Chanel? Do you know the brand Chanel? We call it Chanel to remember easier Like this. Do Chanel Push and Pull It's called sliding your chin from each side Take a good look Go like this when you push it Hold up your elbow Push it When you pull it, make your chin come between your two fingers like this Same thing over here Push it and pull it Push it and pull it Next is, Slide through your chin and scissor hand Scissor hand is like this. Put one finger on your philtrum and one right under your lower lip Next, make a circle on your cheek from inside to out Same thing on your outer nostril Make a circle around your eyes When you make circle on your chin, cheek, nose or anywhere else you circle it from inside to out. You circle from outside to inside only on eyes.

Go very slow around the circle Next is, circling from forehead down to your chin When you take test, you need to be slo.. Well of course you will do faster with more skills when you really do it on the customers but when you take the test, it's important that you do the motions very slow and clearly. Later people go really fast when they think they got it but don't do that. Always go real slow and try to make the motions look pretty and clear Go down slowly Chanel, again.

That's all with applying cleansing cream. You are done with applying the product now. Next is really doing the cleansing techniques. I'll show you.

You can look at this part for this. Oh, now let's really apply the cleansing cream before we do the techniques (same explanations again) That was the applying part. Now let's go to the technique part. Put your hand on the chest Put your other hand your hand Pull out your hand below and put it above the other hand Slide and the same thing again.

Like this. Circle around your collarbone. Do you see the collarbone over here? Circle around Sweep up the neck skin You've seen this a lot before, haven't you? Have you ever had a skincare before? Yeah. They do this a lot.

Don't they? Circle around the chin Come up and circle around the eyes Swipe up the forehead Do it gently Now, from forehead to chin again circle down the face Next, from chin to philtrum Put your fingers like this Go up to the nostril and circle Ridge of the nose, too Again, from forehead to chin Swipe up the neck again That's all for the cleansing technique So for today, you will work on cleansing cream application and techniques Okay, so I will show you one more time and you will start right away. (No Talking from now on).

[ASMR](ENG SUB) Skincare Specialist Course RP