Friday, February 23, 2018

How To Minimize Large PoresSkincare Solutions for Clogged Pores & Blackheads

Finally, today I'm touching on the most requested topic ever which is about Pores! How to minimize the enlarged pores or how to at least minimize the look of the pore, and how to deal with congested and clogged pores like blackheads and whiteheads I partnered up with the Pond's Institute to deliver more science-based, research-based, and more solution-based skincare tips for you guys, so let's get started. Three main causes of large pores The very first one being very, very, interestingly your skin sagging or losing its firmness. An easier way to understand this is to think about your bellybutton, and I know it sounds gross but this is the easiest analogy I can think of right now so consider your bellybutton as your pore on your surface of the skin. When you eat a lot your belly grows, right? [The] firmness and the plumpness of your belly is going to somewhat provide a cushion around your bellybutton making your bellybutton look smaller.

If you have a flatter belly, your bellybutton will look more obvious because there's simply no fat that's surrounding. So this is what's simply happening to our face as well it's no different, I promise you. Simply, the more mature our skin gets, it's going to lose its elasticity It's going to slow down in the collagen production and the elastin support that used to provide a really good cushion to hide the pores. So if you're over 30 and above, that's when you want to induce your collagen production with the help With Vitamin A derivatives like Retinol, Retinoic Acid, Retinoid Vitamin B3, like Niacinamide, Vitamin C.

Like L-Ascorbic Acid is a wonderful, wonderful active ingredient that can induce the collagen production. But if you're in your teens and your 20s I don't think it's necessary to incorporate these protein-active ingredients but what I demand you to do is to hydrate and moisturize really, really well and never neglect to do it because I know so many of you guys neglect moisturizing, neglect hydrating and keep drying their skin out because it seems like it's oily but the truth is, the drier your skin becomes the more visible your pores are going to look You just need more hydration and moisturization with good humectants, like Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin, which is probably in a lot of products that you already use, so never neglect to moisturize. The second main cause is definitely the excessive sebum production. I have a full dedicated video on how to manage oily skin How to control the sebum production in a very healthy manner so definitely go check out that video I gave out a lot of useful tips that doesn't incorporating drying out your skin It's definitely something that will help your skin to find its own balance I know in summertime, a lot of you guys tend to get oilier including myself as well I mean the heat itself will raise the temperature of our skin speeding up the trans-epidermal water loss process meaning that your skin is losing the water content inside the skin and what your skin tends to do is that they want to balance that out they want to compensate the dehydration so they pump out more oil to compensate that So basically, in summertime you want to manage the heated skin like the temperature of your skin and keep it cool and chill.

Secondly, you want to take care of your dehydrated skin So green tea matcha cotton pad mask comes really, really handy Especially in summertime it's something that I really really love doing I simply saturate a  bunch of cotton pads with matcha Or green tea. You can use even green tea bags and just store it in the fridge it not only cools down the skin but green tea is naturally known for its very very amazing sebum regulating property Second thing that you can do is to store a sheet mask or store your toners or your essence in the fridge and then apply that, and to not only fix the dehydration but also regulate your sebum production Niacinamide AKA Vitamin B3 AKA my Holy Grail Ingredient is going to be a very wonderful superstar ingredient in your skincare game so something like Pond's Flawless White Day Cream that contains Niacinamide is not only going to help with you with hydrating, moisturizing your skin but it's also going to regulate the sebum production So moving on to the last main cause of large pores is definitely and obviously Congested Pore Problems so any kind of accumulated dirt or dead skin cells that build up inside the pore gland and any kind of traffic jam that's happening is going to physically enlarge the pores and also the bad habits like squeezing and picking on the pores or picking on the pimples will cause enlarged pores Before we jump into the solution I want to briefly touch on the FAQs about clogged pores and congested pores that I collected on my instagram so the very first question is "Does the steaming really open up the pores?" The heat is going to soften the hardened oil inside the pore tunnel so it's going to make it easier to extract the pore That's why a lot of estheticians will kind of warm up your skin a little bit before they do any kind of extractions That being said, "is blackhead extraction recommended?" This is such a tricky one to answer because I know regular extraction that's done professionally and correctly can do wonders in keeping your pore clear However in most cases at home, a lot of you guys try to squeeze it too hard, press it too hard damaging the skin cells, enlarging the pores just worsening the problem and you know, you might have a chance to get infected by bacterias. If you can visit a professional with this matter that will do wonders. "Are pore strips recommended?" (Sighs) I'm--I'm done guys.

I'm-- Solution for congested skin problem The basic step should be properly removing your makeup and I know it sounds really cliche but when I say "properly" I really really mean it because so many of you guys rely on makeup wipes and there's still makeup, dirts that are clogging your pores I find double cleansing methods to be the most effective way in removing the makeup but also the kindest way to respect your skin barrier function Use a dedicated makeup remover like cleansing oil, cleansing cream, cleansing balms Step number two is exfoliating regularly with BHA, AKA Salicylic Acid This is a chemical exfoliant that is oil soluble Now, don't let the chemical exfoliants scare you Don't let the name with acid scare you at all It's going to be way more gentle and more effective than the physical scrubs that you might be using right now Inside the pores, it's mainly oil so what it means is that BHA has an ability to penetrate and meet the oil and dissolve the oil and clean the pores if you use BHA probably two or three times a week with the strength of probably 2% is going to really help preventing the blackhead formation Step Number Three is using an absorbing ingredients such as Charcoal, Bentonite Clay Kaolin Clay and these are the ingredients that knows how to draw the impurities out of the pores However if you keep using it in a daily basis it does have a possibility to dry out your skin as well so finding a good hydrating clay mask is something that I would highly recommend you guys to do it Clay mask have better tends(?) To reach the pores than any kind of physical scrubs that you might use but it's not going to be as penetrating as chemical exfoliant such as Salicylic Acid so if you use BHA in conjunction with clay mask in a regular basis in your skincare routine I guarantee that you're going to prevent more stubborn blackheads from forming Step number four is Wearing less layers of makeup Especially in summertime your skin is already really Really oily and sweaty and when that's mixed up with your foundation More chance to clog your pores so in summertime probably wearing less makeup or opting for a foundation that you know it's not going to clog your pores is crucial Or go liberate your skin from foundation Just use sunscreen and a little bit of concealer That's something that I would do in summertime and that has been working immensely
in keeping my pores less congested Last step is to use sunscreen Deliberately and reapply it if you can I know a lot of you guys steer away from sunscreen because it seems like it's clogging your pores Just go through a little bit more trials and errors to find the right sunscreen Do not give up because UV light not only causes free radical damage giving your skin that oxidative stress it's going to cause inflammation it's going to break down the collagen meaning that your skin is going to mature easily Therefore it all drills down to the poor problems that I was talking about before it speeds up the lipid peroxidation it can make your sebum gloopier and oilier and it's going to have more chance of clogging the pores you can have more breakouts all because of the UV light if you have to take away one thing out of this entire video I would definitely say use more sunscreen Hope this video was helpful I will leave more articles or more references that you can read up on in the info box below as well as some product
recommendations so I hope you guys can check it out there and you are more than welcome to join this Palm Palm Fam by hitting that red subscribe button down below I'll speak to you guys on my instagram @aboutliahyoo Till then, stay healthy and happy! Bye!.

How To Minimize Large PoresSkincare Solutions for Clogged Pores & Blackheads

Friday, February 16, 2018

How To Get GLASS SKINAM PM Korean Skincare

Okay guys, so I'm gonna quickly run through this night time routine for Glass Skin because you do need a really really good skin texture the next day you're gonna make sure that you have insurance at night time to Really, give your skin that healthy, radiant Looking skin while having good good skin texture, so we're gonna be using my toner ACSEN TOC toner and I'm gonna be doing about two pumps I'm gonna use a cotton pad to quickly Make sure that I give my We're also gonna clean slate And then I'm gonna be using the key product for the night routine for glass skin Which is gonna be an AHA product. This is by [by WISHTREND] Mandelic Acid My current favorite exfoliator, and I'm just gonna do about That much and just make sure that your cotton pad is fully soaked And then I'm gonna put it on top Now this is type of a cheat, but it's very mild So given me with sensitive skin can use it And I highly recommend it for those of you with sensitive skin types You guys can use a scrub or any other type of AHA or BHA product but make sure that You use an exfoliator So that your skin can look flawless the next day And then I'm gonna just move on quickly with my serum . This is [I'm From] Ginseng serum. My current favorite for a very long time now and For the last step ofcourse having clean, even skin texture is really important for Glass skin But very importantly your skin needs to look very very plump and deeply hydrated the next morning Which is very important, it needs to be in the best condition ever So I'm gonna be using [Klairs] Midnight blue calming cream because nothing can actually beat this Cream for me.

I absolutely love it. This is actually a new one. I think I run through these babies so fast but I'm gonna use a big chunk and I'm gonna be using  ['m from] honey cream now This is the old version there's a renewed version of it, so I like the renewed version much better I'm just gonna get I'm just gonna put that on to just boost up the effect Very thick layer I'm just gonna think of it as kind of like my sleeping mask So I don't need to soak in fully into my skin And voila so this step is gonna definitely Help you portray that glass skin the next morning so this p.M.. Step is very important Also, okay, so now enjoy the morning routine for glass skin Good morning, guys !! So I just woke up and I wanted to show you my glass skin routine for am routine now so as you can see the Mandelic acid that I used yesterday really helped to overall just give me a really clean Skin texture and not just that but just the overall very bright and fresh glass skin First I'm gonna be showing you what I do in the morning And I'm going to be using this [Aveda] TULASARA RADIANT OIL.

And I made a video in Korean Before with English subtitles so if you wanna guys can check out not right there. On my bare face before even washing This is gonna help to Deliver the oils deep within your skin And this is a wash off oil, so we're gonna wash it off afterwards Using an oil You're going to be able to say goodbye to So first I'm just gonna rinse it off with water This is not something that emulsifies with water so you do have to use a cleanser okay, and then I'm using my [CNP] Perfect Barrier Cera cleanser, I've been really liking this It's been helping me a lot with my breakouts Can you tell it's the morning routine for glass skin It bubbles up really well even if I have all the oil still in my hand Almost look really nice, and I really love the scent of it too. There's a hint Just a very tiny hint of something very Floral, but it's very tiny to a point where it just smells really nice. It doesn't bother you Whenever oh really lightly Really really like be as lengthy as possible not putting any pressure on Okay, so now I'm done with the cleansing part That take out tomorrow [Laneige] Water Bank Mineral Skin Mist Just whip the water as soon as I come out of the shower.

I'll be just doing this And to come back to my room And then I'll be using my current toner which I'm already almost done using and this is [TROIAREUKE] ACSEN TOC TONER. And I got this from TROIAREUKE, thank you guys so much I'm still waiting to make sure that I really like this and the serum to Be able to make a video for you guys, so please be on the lookout for that it's important that you use a cotton pad to portray that glass skin because you really, don't want any uneven texture because when you put on the Base makeup it's going to be able to show So this is like the last step that last insurance that you use because a cotton pads help to Remove any leftover dead skin cells around the nose area And you know like these areas really well One of the reasons why I switched from Klairs toner as I still do use Klairs toner But I like this I feel like this has been helping me much more with my acne So yeah, I've been switching it up Because I have been getting a little breakouts here and there and then for serum I am using ginseng serum from [I'm from] again Really important that you choose a serum That's very hydrating because you don't want to put a thick layer of moisturizer on for this routine So I'm actually gonna put a little bit more than I would It's about two to four pumps And then I'm almost done, but I'm using [DR.JART] CICAPAIR CREAM from doctor charts I don't even need a lot just a little bit Think number one I've been mentioning is the skin texture so definitely you need a P.M.. Routine to back up that glass skin As like an insurance And then in the morning make sure that you use a product that can exfoliate and give you that clean texture you can even use my scrub if you like but But I'm gonna add in just two drops of the bio oil. I really like this oil.

This is I think one of the few oils that did not cause me breakouts and Like two drops, that's all I need And then this is gonna definitely one of the main steps which is [MODELO] PINKBLOCK EXPERT SUNBLOCK and I absolutely Love the sunblock I first tried it in Busan with the samples that I got and I loved them so much I'm gonna repurchase them as soon as I'm done with the Samples, this is like actually like not Really frequent. I've never really bought anything after I love the samples so much But I fell in love and this is basically one of the key ingredients for that glass skin And you're gonna fall in love to get ready So it's this kind of colored tinted sunscreen and This has been worked so well on my skin So it does have a little bit of white cast you can see But I feel like it's not white cast I'll show you it. Just feels totally like a primer I'm gonna show you with a sponge on this side and with my fingers on this side Just to blend it out Look at that I. Love it and even if you had a little bit of darker tone This was so well in it's totally different than giving it a white cast I feel like This feels like a slightly pink Tinted concealer or Primers and today.

I'm gonna use [Klairs] BB cream. Just gonna use a very tiny small amount And I'm gonna blend it out with the sponge that I used But I'm gonna start with the part that you have the most blemishes So you want to make that part the thickest right so for me would be like Right here in between and then with the leftovers you Would spread it out? To the sides Under your eye So I can stop here, but I'm gonna apply a little bit of the concealer for little parts like right here or My pimples right there and things like that, so I'm gonna [Klairs] concealer this is definitely one of the products that I always get monthly cuz I. [Wishtrend] one of the good things that working at Wishtrend is that they do give you Ten free products from Klairs or by Wishtrend every month, so yeah Maybe I'll make a video for that like the products that I get every month I think it one of the really important assets when you want to portray Glass skin is that you want to make your skin look Blemish free I mean freckles and little things like that looks beautiful But I think acne scars or acne marks. It's better that you cover it up as you can see right now I feel like as I'm growing older my elasticity for my skin is kind of starting to sag and this part kind of bothers me Look, but if I conceal it and make it More white this does kind of plump it up This part That I'm trying to give it that 3d Pumping effect Okay, so I'm just gonna do my lips because I feel like with me it just makes a huge difference With my lips because I do have such thin lips what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna use Tint That seems really red I'm just gonna do the inner corner like that I make sure I.

Spread it out Then I am using [OKA]. This is one of the tints that I got for free but I've been using it so well, and I love it with my Kind of any kind of looks that I want a  potray when I don't wear a heavy makeup Wipe it off a little bit And I don't have a lip gloss. That's Transparent or clear lip gloss, so I'm just gonna be using My [LANEIGE] sleeping mask I do use this as like my lip balm It smells so good So now from before and after a I think like this is a huge difference because I have such thin lips, and I am using wonder darling This is from Holika, Holika, and then I'm just gonna draw in little tiny teensy bit so I start from the bottom Make sure that I have that And then I fill in the top a little bit When I'm not going for that smokey makeup I usually just go for the straight eyebrows that many Koreans really love the thicker that you're Actually eyebrows are the bigger that your eye looks like compare it when you do arched eyebrows your eyes look much smaller when you do the Straight eyebrows your eyes do look a little bit bigger Let's get it looks really bad right now guys, but no worries cuz we have the trusty little brush For us as insurance so I never panic when I have And I get crazy brows cuz you can always have the brush look Say that you still can't Make sure you can't fix it and don't worry, and you have to trust a little puff the leftover BB so you always just this is just magical you always dab it just makes life better.

How To Get GLASS SKINAM PM Korean Skincare

Friday, February 9, 2018

How to Fix Dry and Dehydrated Skin (Winter SOS Skincare)Lab Muffin Beauty Science

Hi it's me Michelle from Lab Muffin
Beauty Science, your resident skincare science nerd. Today I'm going to be
talking about dry and dehydrated skin and the different ways to treat them. You
might have noticed that your skin gets flaky in cold and dry weather. It might
make you feel prickly or itchy or like your skin's stretched tight across your

How do you fix it? Well, that depends on whether you have dry or dehydrated
skin. Dry and dehydrated skin are similar in lots of ways.
Both are worse in cold and dry weather, can cause flaky skin, and can be treated
with moisturizers and other skin care products. But here's the big difference:
dry skin lacks oil and dehydrated skin lacks water. Dry skin is a skin type which means it's
built into your skin and isn't going to change too much.

It means that your skin
doesn't produce enough oil and it's the opposite of oily skin. Oil is important
in your skin to keep it flexible and to keep it waterproof. It stops water from
getting in and getting out of your skin. It also stops other chemicals from
getting in and out.

How much oil your skin produces mostly depends on your
genes but it can also be affected by diet, stress, and the weather. Skin gets
drier when you age and oil production can be reduced by some medications like
hormonal birth control, accutane or isotretinoin, and
spironolactone. If your skin is producing the right amount of oil, in the
Goldilocks zone of not too little and not too much, it's called normal skin. If
different parts of your skin fall into different categories,
it's called combination skin.

Dehydration is commonly referred to as a skin
condition since it can happen to anyone at any time and your skin's hydration
levels can change suddenly, very quickly. Any skin type - dry, oily, normal or
combination - can lose too much water and become dehydrated. Hydration is important
for your skin. Having the right level of water in the
right places keeps your skin flexible, plump and smooth.

It also makes sure that
the normal biological processes inside your skin are working properly.
For example, desquamation, the shedding of dead skin cells, doesn't work properly
without proper hydration. Usually dehydrated skin happens when your skin
barrier is weakened so it can't effectively slow down water from
evaporating. This water evaporation is called transepidermal water loss or TEWL. Dehydration can be caused by lots of
things: cold dry weather, overwashing, overexfoliating and wind or sun exposure.

general dehydrated skin isn't caused by not drinking enough water,
unless you're drinking a dangerously low amount. Now how can you work out if your
skin's dry or dehydrated? Firstly let's talk about skin type. To work out if you're
oily or dry, see which of these two descriptions fits your skin better. Oily
skin usually has large pores and blackheads especially in the t-zone: your
forehead, chin and nose area.

It's more prone to acne and breakouts. If you have oily
skin you might have visible shiny patches of oil on your skin or see
greasy spots on your pillowcase. If you touch your face you might get some oil
on your fingers. You probably don't use too much moisturizer and you might
notice that your makeup slides around during the day.

On the other hand if you
have dry skin you probably have really tiny pores and no visible shiny oil
patches on your skin. But your skin will be more prone to cracking, rough patches,
fine lines and visible flakes. Moisturizer probably sinks into your
skin very easily but makeup settles into fine lines and creases on your face. If
you can't tell from these descriptions you can try testing using some blotting

A few hours after washing your face, press the paper onto your nose. If
it sticks to your skin or shows a greasy spot
you're probably oily and if it doesn't you're probably dry. Hydration level is
pretty straightforward. Unlike dryness there's no happy medium:
you want your skin to be as hydrated as possible.

Dehydrated skin feels tight and
stiff instead of soft and plump. Pinching it might cause stiff wrinkles. It can feel like
you have a tough film sitting on your skin.
In general if your skin is dry then it's likely to also be dehydrated as well,
unless you look after it really carefully since oil helps your skin
retain water. If your skin is oily and still feels tight then you almost
definitely have dehydrated skin.

Oily and dehydrated skin feels like a bit of a
paradox: it's like it's oily and dry at the same time, like there's oil sitting on
top of parched leathery skin. Now that you know whether your skin is dry and
lacks oil or is dehydrated and lacks water, or both, let's talk about how to
fix it. Let's start with dry skin. Dry skin needs oil so obviously we need to
put oil back into your skin.

There are two categories of oil ingredients in
skincare: emollients and occlusives. Sometimes reading about these terms can
get a bit confusing since they're used in different ways even by dermatologists
and cosmetic formulators so keep that in mind. These are the definitions I'm using.
Emollient ingredients sink into the skin making it more flexible and
smoothing it out. Occlusive ingredients partially block water from evaporating.
They won't form a perfect film that stops everything from evaporating, but
they will help.

Emollient ingredients include most natural plant oils like
jojoba oil, natural skin components like cholesterol and ceramides, and stearate
and oleate esters. Occlusive ingredients include petrolatum or petroleum jelly,
paraffin, mineral oil, dimethicone and lanolin. There are also some less
occlusive ingredients that still work as occlusives
like shea butter and waxes like beeswax. Most occlusives are emollient as well and
emollients are usually also slightly occlusive so the two categories aren't
mutually exclusive.

If your skin is dry you'll want to look
for moisturizers that have occlusives and emollients high on the ingredients
list. In general products with a heavier texture will be richer in these oil
ingredients and suitable for dry skin. Some moisturizers that are really
popular for people with dry skin are The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors and HA,
Cerave Night Cream, Clinique Moisture Surge, Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream
and First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream. You can also try using facial oils like
pure plant oils or oil blends.

They're really great on their own if you don't
have dehydrated skin or if you have a bunch of sensitivities and have to avoid
a lot of ingredients. They also work really well in multi-step routines.
Popular oils include argan oil, rosehip oil, avocado oil, squalene and squalene.
Coconut oil is also popular but it can make some people break out really badly. It's not just moisturizers that can help
out dry skin - you might also want to try looking into cleansers that contain oils
as well to stop your cleansing routine from washing off too much oil from your
skin. Non-foaming cleansers and cleansing oils are good for cleaning skin without
stripping it.

French pharmacy brands like Bioderma La Roche-Posay and Avene have
some great non-foaming cleansers that people with dry skin love. Nivea and QV
have some really great products too. You can get cleansing oils from lots of
brands like Simple, Shu Uemura, DHC, Dermalogica, and Hylamide. Micellar waters are good too if you want
a less oily product, but I'd recommend rinsing them off afterwards like you
would with a regular cleanser.

Dehydrated skin needs water but unfortunately just
splashing more water on your face isn't actually helpful. If your skin gets
waterlogged it gets leakier so it's worse at holding on to its water. Instead
what you're looking for is firstly humectants. Humectants are ingredients
that bind to water and stay on your skin, sort of like little sponges that sit on
your skin and keep it wet.

Examples of humectant ingredients are glycerin,
sorbitol, glycols, PCA, hyaluronic acid, amino acids and urea. Alpha hydroxy acids
like glycolic acid and lactic acid also work as humectants. For my dehydrated
skin I always look for moisturizers with humectants high on the ingredients list.
They usually come in lighter textures that are really great for oily skin. Some
of my favorite moisturizers with humectants for dehydrated skin are
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel and La Roche-Posay lotion, Toners containing
humectants are also fantastic since you can use them as a weightless layer in
your skincare routine.

My favorites are Klairs Supple Preparation Toner and Jurlique
Activating Water Essence. Hada Labo Lotion is also really popular. You
can also use slightly heavier humectant serums like Indeed Hydraluron. Your
skin also naturally contains minerals called the natural moisturizing factor
that acts as humectants.

Thermal waters are a really good way of adding these
minerals back into your skin after they get rinsed out after washing. I also look for cleansers containing
humectants for my dehydrated skin since they help replace the humectants that
cleansing strips away. I particularly like Nivea Soothing Cleansing Mousse, QV
cleansers and Neutrogena Hydro Boost cleansers. I also only wash my face with
cleanser in the evening and I just use plain water in the morning, so I keep my
skin barrier as intact as possible, since cleansing is probably the most damaging
thing you're forced to do to your skin on a regular basis.

This cuts down on
your skin's exposure to surfactants that make it leakier. Occlusives can also be
really good for dehydrated skin because once you've got some humectants on
your skin you can seal the water in with an occlusive product like Vaseline,
sleeping masks or other heavy moisturizers that have lots of
occlusives. Some of these occlusive ingredients I've mentioned before:
petrolatum, paraffin, mineral oil, dimethicone, lanolin, shea butter and
beeswax. If your skin is dehydrated and oily you'll probably want to avoid
occlusive ingredients during the day since they tend to be heavy and greasy,
but I found that for my oily and dehydrated skin if I use occlusives on
top of my usual skin care products when I go to bed at night it's fantastic for
giving me an overnight facial sort of effect.

And I don't really care if I'm
loaded up with moisturizer and look really really shiny in the safety of my
own room. There are a bunch of other things that
you can do to help your dry or dehydrated skin suffer less. Protecting
your skin from sun, heat and wind is important to keep it happy. Air
conditioning can also dry out your skin so you might want to look into a
humidifier if it's unavoidable.

Avoid long hot showers. Harsh cleansers and
soaps now quickly strip your skin of its natural oils and humectants. Products
that are high in SD alcohol, also called ethanol, ethyl alcohol, or denatured
alcohol, can also speed up water evaporation. While ethanol binds to water
like a humectant, it evaporates instead of staying on the skin so it can
actually evaporate and take water along with it.

It also disturbs your skin
structure a little which means it can increase water evaporation and it can
wipe away oils as well. But there aren't any other permanent effects so if
there's a product that you love that has high alcohol, just make sure you use lots
of moisturizing ingredients along with it. Using harsh products too frequently
can also make your dry or dehydrated skin unhappy. Rough physical exfoliants
and drying active ingredients like retinoids and benzoyl peroxide can make
dry and dehydrated skin worse.

That's a guide to dealing with dry and dehydrated
winter skin. Of course your skin can be dry or dehydrated year-round and these
tips will apply as well. Thanks for watching my video! If you liked it please
subscribe to my channel. You can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook if
you want more science-based beauty tips, and of course I've also got my blog on
which I've got tons and tons of beauty science.

See you next time for more nerdy
talk about beauty! :).

How to Fix Dry and Dehydrated Skin (Winter SOS Skincare)Lab Muffin Beauty Science