Friday, December 21, 2012

Anti Aging Skin Care Product Secrets Revealed

Rule #1: Look beyond the claims of the product

While advertising is a huge influence in the skin care market, it is important to be wise in dealing with the claims of any one particular product. If the product claims to reduce fine lines and eliminate wrinkles are these claims supported by reviews of real people who have used the product and seen positive results?

One tip is to look for products that stimulate collagen production as over time, this can bring about dramatic and changes in the skin's appearance. In addition, a product which contains a good moisturizer is crucial to relax skin tension and lock the moisture in.

Rule #2: Don't worry about the presence of any one ingredient

With so many competing creams on the market, there's bound to be some degree of separation in which ingredients they all contain. Instead of getting fixated on which product a skin cream "must" contain, try to see what any individual product can bring to your skin care routine.

It's probably too much to ask for any one skin care product to be a "magic pill" for your skin, but by using a combination of products that attack the problem from different angles its easy to see how by using two or even three good skin care products your skin can easily benefit from the compound effect of all the extra nutrients and ingredients.

Some really great nutrients for skin care include Silica, Zinc, Omega-3 acids, Selenium and Vitamin C and antioxidants.

Rule #3: Avoid Irritants

Ok, so while it can be good to have a range of essential nutrients in your skin care regime, there are definitely some skin care products that you would do well to avoid. Products that irritate the skin can actually increase wrinkles and weaken the skin against protection from environmental damage, such as UV from the sun's rays, which is most definitely NOT what you want!

The best advice here is to test. Even the slightest tingling or uncomfortable feeling on the skin resulting from using a product is the first sign of skin irritation. If this happens to you then my advice is strongly to stop using that product immediately! There are many alternatives on the market and the risks are simply not worth the cost.

Once again check the product reviews and see what others are saying. This could save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Rule #4: Look for products that compliment your skin type

Getting to know your skin type can save you a lot of time in choosing the right products for you. This is actually a lot easier than you might expect. Basically, skin types can be broken down into four key groups: Normal, dry, oily and sensitive. There is also a combination skin type, although this is less common. Your skin will probably fall into one of these categories or have characteristics which make it more one than the other.

(One quick tip here, if you are having trouble undermining your skin type, it could pay to to visit a dermatologist who can easily tell you which category your skin type fits into.)

With this in mind, match the right skin product to your skin type and it will not only leave your skin feeling more fresh and nourished but will avoid any harmful influences that may occur from using the wrong product on your skin.

In addition to this, remember to use the product on all areas of your skin that are exposed to the sun. It's often overlooked that it's not only the areas around the eyes and mouth that need attention. Your neck, hands and even parts of your body such as your knees and elbows may also benefit from some tender love and care!

Rule #5: Don't Expect Results Overnight

This goes back to the promises and claims you will see that accompany many skin care products. If I found a product that was a "miracle cure" for skin care I'd be absolutely thrilled about it! The truth is that a skin care product works in connection with your daily routine and is not really an isolated cure all by itself. You still need to protect yourself from the sun and keep on practising all the good habits which lead to healthy looking skin.

That's not to say that you can't see tangible results and have great success with the right product. After all, skin care needn't be difficult and it's certainly possible to see positive results in a matter of weeks with the right product.

Typically, in 2-3 weeks you should start to see some benefits to your skin, although for the best results a more prolonged use is recommended. Using the right product for a few months can literally transform the skin's appearance.

The benefits of a good anti aging skin care product include smoother and more radiant skin, a more even skin tone and less reduction of wrinkles and fine lines. Not only are these goals achievable but thanks to the recent developments in the cosmetics industry they are now also within anyone's reach.

The truth is that anti aging skin care needn't be expensive or take lots of hard work. However, there is also a LOT of information out there and it can often be tricky to sort out what works from what doesn't. So, to give you a head start, I've put together a free report of neat tips that can help you to have softer, smoother looking skin which feel great in the shortest time possible!

First, head on over to How To Have Perfect Skin (that's the blog) and sign up for my FREE skin care report. You'll get access to all kinds of info, packed with skin care tips and advice for younger looking skin.

Second, browse around the site for more skin care tips, techniques and reviews of and anti aging skin care products that have proven results.

Third, take the plunge! By making healthy lifestyle choices and choosing the right product you could start to see significant results towards younger looking skin in less time than you might expect.

First, head on over to How To Have Perfect Skin (that's the blog) and sign up for my FREE skin care report. You'll get access to all kinds of info, packed with skin care tips and advice for younger looking skin.

Second, browse around the site for more skin care tips, techniques and reviews of and anti aging skin care products that have proven results.

Third, take the plunge! By making healthy lifestyle choices and choosing the right product you could start to see significant results towards younger looking skin in less time than you might expect.

Discover more great skin care tips and find advice on how to have perfect skin at

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

African American Skin Care

The fact is that any type of skin condition can happen regardless of the pigment of skin you have. When it comes to African American skin care and others with darker complexions however, there are a few skin care problems that are much more prevalent.

Here are five of the most common African American skin care issues...


Acne is a chronic disorder characterized by excess production of oil from sebaceous glands causing the hair follicles generally on the face, chest and back to become plugged. Pimples, papules, pustules and comedone, (black heads and white heads) cysts and infected abscesses can be treated in acne. Acne affects most teenagers to some extent. However, the disease is not restricted to any age group; adults in their 20s - even into their 40s - can get acne. In regards to African American skin care, acne may result in long lasting discolorations of the skin. Therapy is the same for all skin types but it is very important to use topical agents that minimize irritation of the skin.

Ingrown Hairs of the Beard (Razor Bumps)

Another African American skin care issue is Ingrown Hairs. African Americans have curved hair shafts and this is true of beard hair as well as other body hair. Often after a very close shave, the pointed hair may curl back into the skin and it may pierce the wall of the hair follicle, causing a reaction resulting in bumps called "pseudofolliculitis barbae." If you can, growing a beard is a viable option for helping this.

African American men should try different methods of hair removal if they suffer with ingrown hairs, which are also called razor bumps. Shaving with a special type of safety razor that does not permit a very close shave may help. Do not stretch the skin during shaving and don't shave on a daily basis. If hairs become ingrown, lift them up with an alcohol-cleaned needle (don't tweeze or pluck) just before shaving. Sometimes using a rough washcloth before shaving can help to loosen hairs about to grow inward.

Hair removal chemicals do remove hair but should only be used once a week. They must be wiped off promptly according to package directions and wash your face twice with soap and water immediately afterwards to guard against irritation.

Permanent removal of hair performed by an experienced Electrolysis Operator may be an effective solution and there are new medicated creams that may slow hair growth and help. Be sure to consult your dermatologist about treatment options.

Variations in Skin Color

African American skin has larger melanosomes (cells that determine skin color ) and the melanosomes contain more of the pigment melanin than those found in white skin. Because of the protective effect of melanin, African-Americans are better protected against skin cancer and premature wrinkling from sun exposure.

Post inflammatory hyper pigmentation is quite common in dark skinned individuals, even after minor trauma. An area of the skin may darken after an injury such as a cut or a scrape, or after certain skin disorders such as acne. To avoid or reduce post inflammatory hyper pigmentation, avoid picking, harsh scrubbing, and abrasive treatments. Darkened areas of skin may take many months or years to fade, although topical (surface) bleaching agents may help. Also chemical peels (using alpha and beta hydroxyl acids) and microdermabrasion can be helpful."


Vitiligo is a common African American skin care condition where pigment cells are destroyed and irregular white patches on the skin appear. Many dermatologists think that the cause of this common disorder is an autoimmune process, where the cells of the body attack the pigment producing cells.

The extent of color loss differs with each person; some people lose pigment over their entire bodies. Some patients with vitiligo do not regain skin color, however some cases of vitiligo do repigment. See your dermatologist as soon as possible, as the extent of the disease will determine the appropriate treatment. .

Several skin care methods are used to treat vitiligo, but none have been perfected. Topical medications, including corticosteroids and new non-steroid anti-inflammatory preparations are commonly used. In cases where vitiligo affects most of the body, it is sometimes best to destroy the remaining normal pigment. A dermatologist can determine what treatment is best based on the extent of the disease.


When the scar from a cut or wound extends and spreads beyond the size of the original wound, it is known as a keloid. Keloids may vary in size, shape, and location. They occur more often in brown or black skin making this a very common African American skin care issue.

Keloids are a common skin care issue on the ear lobes, neck, chest, or back, and usually occur after an injury or surgery. Occasionally they occur spontaneously, especially on the mid-chest area. Keloids often follow inflammation caused by acne on the face, chest, and back.

Keloids may be painful both physically and emotionally (from a cosmetic perspective), but it's important to address keloids primarily as a medical, rather than cosmetic condition.

Depending on the location of the keloid, skin care treatment may consist of cortisone injections, pressure, silicone gels, surgery, laser treatment, or radiation therapy. Unfortunately, keloids tend to return and even enlarge, especially after treatment with surgery.

Find more great information on not just African American skin care but all skin care needs. Find up to date and step by step skin care articles [], resources, products and the latest skin care news. Visit us today at []

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Top 10 Reasons to Buy Organic Skin Care Products That Will Keep You Healthy

Organic and natural skin care products claim to be beneficial for your skin. Free of harmful preservatives and additives, organic and natural skin care products is an industry that has created some fantastic products that can feed your body and not harm it. With sales rapidly expanding due to the industry taking a more proactive role in being responsible with labeling laws and with some countries regulating the industry, more and more companies are now joining the move to offer non-toxic products for your skin. So what is all the fuss about? Here are 10 reasons why we need to consider buying organic and natural skin care products to keep you healthy.

1. Q. Is Organic Skin care Safe and How is it labeled?

A. Yes, Organic skin care is safe to use because the ingredients are from natural plant based materials and leave out the synthetic chemicals. A label on any product like moisturizer, face masks, essential oils, rubs, and creams that are for sale declaring the product is organic can mean different things depending on the type of certification the product has. This will vary from country to country.

100 Percent Organic: Skin care products that display this label can only be used on products that contain 100% organic ingredients.

Organic: Skin care products that display this label can only be used on products that contain at least 95 % organic ingredients or components. Products with this label may contain some ingredients that are not organic.

Made With Organic Ingredients: Skin care products that display this label can only be used on items that contain at least 70 % organic ingredients. This certification means that although the majority of ingredients used in the product are indeed organic, there may also be a high concentration of conventionally produced ingredients.

2. Q. What does Organic Skin Care Mean?

A. Organic skin care means we are getting a product that is free from or has dramatically reduced amounts of chemicals in the products. From the farming process of growing the botanical ingredients to the factory processes there should be no chemicals or genetically modified botanical plant material in any of the products.

Q. How long do Organic products last for?

A.Organic skin care products are beneficial for the health of your skin, but if they are truly organic, their shelf life is cut in half from synthetic chemical based products, because it's the synthetic chemicals that are used as preservatives to prolong the shelf life of a product for several years. Anything organic and natural is fresher and it only lasts a short shelf life. There are natural preservative they can use but they don't last very long as well. This is one way to check the authenticity of organic products, by the expiration date. Only synthetic chemical ingredients prolong the shelf life.

3. Q. What does Organic Mean?

A. There is more than one classification of organic certification, but the broad term organic refers to an item that has minimal to no chemical residue in the growing and processing of botanical materials and is not modified genetically or use with potential toxins.

4. Q. What does Certified Organic mean?

A. Organic certification labels indicate the concentration of organic botanical materials within a product, but what does organic mean, really? The terms listed here are used to describe skin care products that are produced in a way that conforms to certain standards:

No Harmful Toxins:Conventionally produced crops are routinely sprayed with chemicals and otherwise exposed to potentially harmful compounds, some of which have been proven to be harmful to people and animals in certain concentrations. Plants that are sprayed with pesticides, or that are grown in chemically treated soil, can potentially pass the same toxins along to the person or animal eating the food or applying it to their skin. Organic skin care products do not contain these chemicals and are produced with minimal processing.

No Synthetic or Artificial Ingredients:While conventionally produced items commonly contain artificial colors and ingredients, organic items are not allowed to contain anything artificial. Any dyes used in organic items will be natural, organic dyes and there will not be artificial preservatives.

No Genetically Modified Organisms: GMO's are not allowed in any organic skin care product. A genetically modified organism is an item that has been genetically altered to change something about the item. For example, a tomato that is genetically modified to grow larger or a wheat crop genetically modified to better sustain cool weather are both GMOs. You will not find GMOs in organic skin care.

Agricultural Sustainability: Organic items are produced with the environment in mind. Packaging is minimal; meaningless waste after the item has been used. Recycled materials are used during the production and packaging of organic items. Organic farming can be more costly and time consuming than conventional farming, which accounts for the higher prices associated with organic items.

Cruelty Free: Most organic products, especially skin and hair care products, can boast the claim of not being tested on animals. Even though cruelty free has nothing to do with the ingredients they use to make skin care. But it's worth noting that if an ingredient like lanolin is to be used to as an ingredient in making skin care products the sheep's wool and pastures they are eating and husbandry management all need to be chemical free enabling the by-products to be certified organic.

It is important to note that in order for us to avoid any items that contain chemical toxins, GMOs or any other undesirable components, online shoppers should look for organic items that are labeled 100 % organic.

5. Q. How do I know if a Skin care product is Organic and Natural?

A. Look for evidence on the packaging like:

Is the use- by- date shorter than synthetic chemical products
Certified Organic logo on the product
Labeling - 100% Organic or not
Natural ingredients are in the title of the product synthetic ones just put natural and not the real ingredients, e.g. banana and avocado mask vs natural face mask
Natural ingredients are listed - some chemical sounding and looking ingredient names are actually natural products. To find out more details about natural ingredients there is a great website called Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetic Database. Eg Hyladroilic acid sounds bad but it is OK to use.

6. Q. Why do we need to use Organic Skin care

A. Organic and natural skin care is a safe and heather way of looking after your skin and treating any skin problems. At the same time you are helping to conserve and protect the environment and to safe guard it against further decay and corporate greed.

7. Q. Why do we need to Buy Organic Skin care?

A. By buying organic and natural products we are helping to lower the impact on the earth and the environment. Organic farmers have the potential to use less energy, less water resources, and NO pesticides. Organic farmers don't have to apply the same farming commercial farming practice, because their soil stays rich in content, moisture and nutrients due to careful management of land and using only natural organic matter to cultivate and grow their crops. With commercialized agriculture arriving in farming communities, many organic farmers are forced out of business. Great expanses of farm land are cleared of trees and are swallowed up and a way of life that has sustained humans for centuries vanishes. Each year dozens of new pesticides, cleaners, fertilizers show up in local supermarkets and stores. These products that are heavily advertised with little regard to environmental impacts are purchased and used and thus the pollution and destruction of the earth continues at a slow and steady pace. Organic farmers, live clean, free of pesticides and chemicals lives. They do not subject the soils and farming practices with chemicals leaving toxic waste and residue or subject their bodies to unhealthy products. It is a conscious choice that we should all be thankful for, without organic farming we wouldn't have any organic and natural skin care products to use. Otherwise we would be forced to use synthetic chemical laden ones. A choice they make so we all can survive with nature and enhance the planet that sustains us all.

8. Q. Where can you get Organic Skin care products from

A.There are lots of natural and organic shops that stock natural skin care and hair care and cosmetic products now. Everywhere you go there seems to be another online shop and website popped up around the corner. How do you make sense of all this information that is available? Best thing to do is find a website that you can trust the information they are telling you. If it sounds reasonable to you then its probably OK, but if you are doubtful and doesn't sound very ethical chances are its not trust worthy.

9. Q. When can you use Organic Skin care?

A. Natural and organic skin care products are available for you to use when ever you like. There are no restrictions as to when you can use natural and organic products. They will have a shorter shelf life due to fresh ingredients being used. However this should only be a good reason as it demonstrates a quality product.

10. Q. How does Organic Skin care products benefit my skin and health?

A. Organic versus Healthy Organic and natural skin care, hair care and cosmetics is arguably healthier than its synthetic counterparts. Conventionally produced skin care is commonly exposed to toxic pesticides, herbicides and preservatives as well as artificial colors and flavors. Genetically modified organisms are also sometimes found in conventional skin care. In this sense, organic skin care is gentler and healthier for our bodies than the conventionally produced counterparts.

On the other hand, a label of "organic" does not automatically mean "healthier." An organic skin care cream may not have artificial flavors and may not contain the same toxins as a conventional skin care cream, but the organic skin care can still contain non-organic ingredients if they are using only partially organically grown ingredients.

The label of organic means the skin care is composed of organic ingredients but does not guarantee the product to be totally free of chemicals thus making it only a bit healthier than its counter parts, which has to be better than totally using the chemical laden creams. So is organic better for you than chemical laden products? Yes, of course it has to be, who would want to subject their bodies to more chemicals when we can't avoid the chemicals in the air we breathe but we can make a conscious choice about what we put on our skin. So make the change and feel the difference. You will thank yourself for it in the long run. As an increasing awareness of damage to the planet and how we treat our bodies becomes more and more prevalent there needs to be an urgent shift towards us all using organic products. We all find the idea attractive that organic products are free of chemicals, which can be harmful to our bodies. And along with the belief that organic methods of farming are better for the resources of the planet and far less a contributor to the greenhouse effect (as opposed to conventional farming) we all should help make the change toward using origin products. Various regulated governing bodies around the world play a huge part in ensuring that organic products are regulated so that people are receiving healthier products. Despite the shift of attitudes towards organic products it still has its fair share of critics such as those who claim organic is actually unsafe due to a reduced protection against diseases and infection.

So to make our lives easier I have compiled over 70 companies that stock online natural body products into one website, so you don't have to keep searching for individual shops to find your favorite brands. I invite you to further explore my website Natural Body Products Shops to find out how they can help you with your skin problem. has over 70 Natural Body Product online shops that sell natural and organic makeup, skin care, hair care, shaving and any other products related to natural and organic health and lifestyle for both female and male audiences.

You can buy natural and organic skin care product at to solve your skin care, hair care and cosmetic needs and problems.

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How You Can Use Your Kitchen to Develop an All Natural Skin Care Regimen

Today when we want to try out a skin care product, we immediately think of 'which one will I buy'. It wasn't that long ago when the only option available was to make your own skin care treatments. Of course there are many excellent commercial skin care products who have thousands of adoring customers. If you wanted something different, something more holistic or even organic, there are companies who produce these items as well. What if you wanted to go an even more all natural route and create your own skin care regimen at home?

Well, obviously, to do that you would need to manufacture all the skin care products yourself. A typical skin care regimen consists of first exfoliating your skin, followed by a nice cleanser. Next, applying a toner helps really condition and clean the skin. Lastly, a good moisturizer helps leave the skin smooth and silky. So, knowing that, all one needs to do is find recipes for each of these steps in the process. Note: If you prefer an organic option, make sure all the produce in the following recipes is organic.

Home Made Lemon Exfoliator:

Take one lemon and cut in half and juice it. Save the lemon halves to rub on your elbows, knees and bottoms of your heels (anywhere you have thick skin). Combine the lemon juice with 1/2 to 2/3 cups of granulated sugar. Take this mixture and rub it all over your body while standing in the tub or shower. Once you have completely rubbed the paste all over your skin (take care on your face and avoid using it near your eyes), rinse your body.

Home Made Facial Cleanser:

Take 1 cup of roll oats or oatmeal and add it to a blender. Process it for a few seconds to soften the flakes. Do not process it to a powder. In a bowl, add the processed oats and 1 tablespoon of granulated salt or sugar. To this mixture, add 1/4 cup of farina. To use it, splash your face with lukewarm water. With your wet fingers, take the mixture from the bowl and rub it on your skin. Take care not to stretch the skin and remember to be gentle. Rinse with splashes of lukewarm water. Do not use every day.

Home Made Apple Toner:

This is a very simple toner recipe. Take 1 apple. You may want to experiment with different varieties till you find the one that suits you best. Start with perhaps a green apple, like a Granny Smith. Remove the core and skin of the apple. Place the apple, chopped into quarters, into a blender with 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey. Puree the mixture. Gently spread the mixture all over your face and let it rest for 12 to 15 mins. Rinse it off with lukewarm water and gently pat your skin dry.

Home Made Moisturizing Cream:

Take a ripe avocado and slice it in two lengthwise. Remove the pit and discard. Take only half the avocado and place in a glass bowl. To that, add 1 to 1.5 tablespoons of wheat germ oil. Mix this well. Apply it to your skin and let it set for 15 to 20 mins. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Forget the pharmacy, you can make your own skin care regimen with house hold items you may already have in your kitchen. If you have problems with your skin such as sensitivity or allergic reactions, make sure to test the recipes using a small area first before applying to the rest of your skin. If you truly have a serious skin condition you may need to consult with your local or online dermatologist for advice and treatment.

Taking care of your skin early on in your life is the best way to prevent premature aging of your skin. Our goal is to provide information and resources for you to find anti-aging skin care and wrinkle protection at any age. Visit Anti Aging Skin Care for more information on acne skin care and wrinkle reduction.

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Understanding Organic Skin Care

While some individuals are perfectly happy to purchase non-organic skin care brands, those who prefer natural skin care products find they rarely have access to these types of items at their local beauty supply or drug stores. Men and women who use organic skin care products do so because they want to avoid using products that are formulated with harmful ingredients such as petro-chemicals, parabens, carcinogens and skin-irritating fragrances.

For instance, parabens and other petro-chemicals can be dangerous to the human body because they are absorbed into the blood stream. As these by-products degrade, they can release methanol - a potentially toxic chemical. Consumers should also avoid using skin care products that contain formaldehyde. Formaldehyde, which is used as a preservative in many cosmetics and skin care products, is a toxic carcinogen and can be very harmful to the human body. If your skin care products contain these types of ingredients, then most likely they also contain fragrance, which is used to mask the smells associated with chemical by-products. Fragrance additives can be irritating to individuals with sensitive skin and can even produce an allergic reaction in some people. While research has not formed a definitive answer regarding the harmful nature of these ingredients, many natural beauty advocates suggest that the chemical by-products found in non-organic skin care products can contribute to a host of health problems such as allergies and in some cases cancer.

Many times, individuals interested in organic skin care are left to purchase facial cleansers, moisturizers and body products from specialty stores in their community. Alternatively, they may also have to go online to gain access to the wide variety of organic beauty products available for sale. Due to the limited access to and high cost of many quality organic beauty products, natural skin care advocates have taken the initiative to create their own homemade skin care products using natural ingredients like avocado, baking soda and oatmeal.

If you are interested in finding the right organic beauty products for your skin type or are interested in learning how to improve the appearance of your skin with natural ingredients, we invite you to try some of our recommended organic skin care products and natural beauty remedies.

Your Skin Care Routine

If you aim to have, clear, even-toned skin that will make you the envy of your social circle, begin by establishing a good skin care routine. A good skin care routine starts with buying quality beauty care products that are good for your skin. This means the products should be gentle, yet effective, and include no harmful chemical by-products or harsh sulfates. These types of by-products can dry out the skin and increase the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles that can date your skin.

Begin your skin care routine by washing your face twice a day using a natural, non-sulfate cleanser. It is important to find a gentle cleanser to lift and remove pore-clogging dirt and debris from the skin. If you frequently wear cosmetics, be sure to choose a cleanser that is strong enough to remove make-up as well as dirt. If you're looking for a cleanser that is strong enough for the job, try Juice Beauty USDA Organic Facial Wash or Nourish Organic Face Wash.

After washing, you will need to follow up with a lightweight facial moisturizer. Most facial cleansers, both organic and non-organic, are designed to be used in combination with a facial moisturizer. Moisturizers help to hydrate the skin's surface and increase the skin's elasticity and firmness. If you need a lightweight organic facial moisturizer to add to your skin care routine, try Alba's Aloe & Green Tea Oil-Free Moisturizer or Yes to Carrots Moisturizing Day Cream for Face.

An often-overlooked step in most people's skin care routine is proper exfoliation. Exfoliants remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and lead to acne. Exfoliation also removes dead skin cells to reveal smooth healthy skin. If you choose to use an exfoliant, be sure to only apply the product once or twice a week to avoid irritating the skin. Also, be sure to purchase a product that is not too abrasive. Overly abrasive scrubs can create fine tears on your delicate facial skin. If you're looking for gentle exfoliating products to polish your unruly skin, try Anthology Organic's Organic Facial Scrub, Alba's Botanica Hawaiian Pineapple Enzyme Facial Scrub or Adovia's Dead Sea Salt Scrub for the face and body.

Advanced Natural Skin Care

While a basic skin care routine should leave you with vibrant, healthy-looking skin, you may occasionally need advanced skin care treatments to remedy acne breakouts, oily skin or to firm and tone the face.

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions and affects thousands of men, women and teens living in the U.S. If you suffer from reoccurring acne, you know how uncomfortable the condition can be and how much it can affect one's self-esteem. While most people associate acne with teenagers and pre-pubescent youth, you might be surprised to discover how many adults struggle with acne-prone skin as well. According to, adult acne affects 25 percent of adult men and 50 percent of adult women living in the U.S.

With so many people impacted by acne, there are a host of products on the market that claim to remedy or eliminate acne all together. Rather than rely on harsh acne fighting treatments that can leave your face feeling irritated and stripped of moisture, try an organic mud or moisturizing fruit-based masque instead. Mud-based facial masques are especially helpful at absorbing excess facial oils that can contribute to acne-prone skin. If you're looking for an oil-absorbing mud masque, try Eminence's Organic Skin Care Lime Cleansing Masque or Skin Perfection's Green Tightening Organic Clay Mask. In addition to absorbing oils, facial masques can also imbibe extra moisture into dry, brittle skin. If you want to give your face a hydrating boost, try L'occitane's Olive Tree Organic Moisturizing Face Mask or Alba's Papaya Enzyme Facial Mask.

Organic Skin Care For Men

While many might assume that men don't have a preference concerning skin care products, some would be surprised to learn of the number of men who prefer to use organic skin care products for their face and hair. Aftershave and moisturizers are some of the most popular organic skin care products for men and there are a wide variety of these types of products available on the market. If you're a gentlemen who is looking to add organic skin care products to your skin care and shaving regimen, try Anthony for Men Shave Cream and Pre-shave Oil by Anthony Logistics. You might also be interested in trying Anthony Logistics' Aftershave Balm as well. If you're looking for an organic product that can also help prevent unsightly razor bumps, try Jericho Men's Aftershave Balm, which is formulated to both moisturize and reduce the occurrence of razor rash.

• Homemade Organic Skin Care

If you're interested in organic skin care but don't have access to quality natural skin care products in your community, try creating your own skin care concoctions using commonly found natural ingredients. Your home is host to a variety of products - fruits, vegetables and other foods - that make excellent facial cleansers, toners and body scrubs.

If you need to create a facial cleanser in a cinch, try using a combination of baking soda and water. Try mixing a handful of baking soda and a few teaspoons of water to form a paste and gently massage it into the skin. If you have any dark spots or skin discolorations, try adding a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture to even and brighten your skin tone. In addition to baking soda, witch hazel, lavender and tea tree oil also work as natural cleansers and astringents.

Follow your homemade cleanser with a moisturizer. Milk and honey are some of the most widely used homemade remedies that also double as facial and body moisturizers.

For hundreds of years, milk has been used as a beauty remedy because of its ability to increase moisture in the skin, stimulate circulation and brighten the skin. The natural enzymes and acids found in milk help to slough away dead skin cells to reveal younger, smoother looking skin.

If you suffer from acne, try adding honey to your store-bought cleanser. Honey helps to moisturize the skin and also works as a natural antiseptic and healing agent. To give your face a smoother, tighter appearance, try creating a facial masque made of egg whites or, relieve under eye puffiness with a few slivers of cucumber.

Exfoliant facial and body scrubs are some of the easiest beauty products to make at home. Your kitchen is host to a variety of ingredients that can help buff away dead skin and smooth the dermis. If you want to gently remove dead skin from chapped lips or exfoliate your face, try using a paste of baking soda and water. To remove dead skin and polish areas on your legs, arms and torso, try mixing olive oil and an abrasive product like brown sugar, oatmeal or sea salt. For more information please visit is an independent media and alternative health blog.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Importance of Skin Care: Ever Wondered Just What Exactly Our Skin Does?

The following article provides some insight into why good skin care is important and suggests a simple skin care regime anyone can follow to help your skin perform at its best.

Our skin's functions are too many to go through here in detail, however it protects our 'insides' from the external environment, acting both as a barrier and a filter between 'outside' and 'inside' our bodies.

The skin helps in regulating our body's temperature, like when we have a fever or we're physically working hard, we tend to sweat, which is the body's way to attempt to lower the temperature.

The skin also protects us from harmful substances entering our body, and it eliminates many toxins. This takes workload off our Liver and Kidneys to filter out by-products from our body's metabolism. The skin also breathes!

These are just some of the important functions of our skin and as you can see, looking after your skin is vital, not just for your outer beauty, but for maintaining your inner health.

Now there is skin care and there is skin care... well, we all (hopefully) wash our body (skin) every day and we may even rub some body cream on and that is pretty much that. Women (most) go one step further when they make-up their face. Often using a cleanser and then a moisturiser before applying make-up. But is that really skin care?

I think not. I would consider it an attack on the skin rather than caring for it. You see, most of the products marketed to women are full of artificial colours, stabilisers, emulsifiers and other chemical, which are supposed to help in achieving a 'beautiful complexion'.

Some products are advertising hormones, which are supposed to make your skin re-gain that youthful (no wrinkles) look - but more often than not these 'hormones' are artificial or synthetic and may well cause problems with the hormonal balance of the body. This is NOT Skin care - this is plain old manipulation and marketing.

Real skin care is much more than that and is more than just skin deep. Your skin is a living, breathing organ of your body. As such, just like every other organ in our body, it needs to be fed from the inside - it requires nutrients.

There are 4 basic ingredients to feeding the inside:

Good nutrition: keep it simple, fresh and unprocessed. That is the best nutritional advice I can give. The simpler the food, the less processing and the fresher your food is, the better it is for you. Fresh fruit and vegetables contain so many of the nutrients we need to maintain our health. Sure have the odd processed, high in fat meal when you're enjoying a meal out or have to attend a Luncheon or what ever. But make sure you have more natural foods than not. Keep the diet varied - don't eat the same old, same old... risk a new veggie - one you haven't tried before - you might like it ...

Adequate rest and relaxation: don't work yourself to an early grave - it's not worth it. Make sure you get the sleep you need. Did you know that a study in England showed that your IQ (intelligence) drops if you do not have 8 hours sleep per night?

Think about it, do you get more work done if you feel well rested? Can you concentrate better if you're not tired? - I bet you can.

Well, why not invest some additional time into rest and relaxation so that you gain an increase in energy and concentration? I'm sure you will find you will get more work done in less time if you've had sufficient rest.

Sufficient water intake: that's a biggie. Most people (irrespective of were they live) will utilise around 3 litres of water per day - hey, don't believe me, all the medical texts say so. Our body simply needs water to function.

If you do not drink at least this amount, your body will either not function well (on some level) or it will take it from where ever it can. That is called dehydration. You know, dry lips, dry flaky skin, parched mouth, cracks on you tongue, premature wrinkles... the list goes on. So, drink up (water, mind you) or shrivel up - it's up to you.

Fresh air and sunshine: well, what can I say. Taking a deep breath of air and tell me it doesn't feel great... Well? Oxygen is the stuff of life. Fill your lungs with it. Here I could go into how most of us do not know how to breath properly, but I'll save this for another article.

So what does all this have to do with skin care?

Well, that is the point of putting expensive, beauty products on your skin, when you do not give it the stuff of life from the inside? The cells that make up your skin need the right nutrients for proper development, growth and all that... You can help your skin by using good quality skin care products, but you have to support this from the inside as well. Only in that way can you expect to get good results from proper skin care.

So what's proper skin care?

Well, for starters there are 3 basic steps.

1. Cleanse and Condition

2. Hydrate and Tone

3. Moisturise and Revive.

OK. Cleansing the skin seems obvious and I know, you do know how to use soap - wrong, this is one sure way to make your skin dry-out quicker. Most soaps remove the natural oils of the skin, change the natural pH levels and do nothing to remove the dead layers of skin, which can block your pores and lead to blackheads. And, oh no, not pimples! The skin produces oils and acids to help it function, to protect it from loss of excessive moisture, to form a barrier... etc. So please do not use soap or detergents unless it is necessary.

Using a loofah or a gentle 'scrub' will remove the dead skin cells and this in turn will promote better blood circulation and help your skin to breath.

The next step is to hydrate and tone the skin. Say what?

Well, you've just removed the dead skin layers, rubbing the skin with a loofah and or a specially formulated cleanser, now it's time to remove the residue, sooth the skin and prepare the skin for getting a good feed of nutrients from the moisturiser.

Preparation of the skin prior to putting on the moisturiser is not dissimilar to preparing a surface about to receive a new coat of paint. You wouldn't just paint over a wall that hasn't been cleaned and prepared for the new paint, would you? It would be a waist of time and money... well, good skin care is the same. You first get rid of the old layer of paint, than you give it a primer and finally the top-coat.

Ah, I already use a moisturiser...

Great, at least that's a step in the right direction. But, have you looked at the ingredients? Are they natural, or are there numbers and words you don't recognise on the label? If so, then consider that your body absorbs these substances and if they are not useful, (preferably of a natural kind) then the body has to eliminate them - and that's more work and not necessary.

In some cases, the body actually can't eliminate these substances and has to store them. This is a potential problem and could cause health issues down the track. Pure essential oils, or herbal extracts are usually good ingredients to have in your skin care products.

So there you have it - the importance of good skin care. These steps, if you follow them, will help you to achieve the results you want and your body will thank you too.

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapists, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter ? it?s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.

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Aging Gracefully: Skin Care in Your 20's, 30's, 40's, and Beyond

How to keep your skin looking great!

Invest some time and care!

Everyone wants to have younger looking skin. Unfortunately, even the most expensive skin care products, with all their claims of 'reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles', can't turn back the years. However, don't despair! There are steps that we can all take to make sure our skin looks healthy and vibrant and stays wrinkle-free for longer. All we've got to do is invest some time and care in looking after it.

It is important to understand the basic function of our skin in order to look after it properly. The skin is our body's largest organ and comprises three major layers:

The Epidermis: This layer has five sub-layers; the outer layer consists of mainly dead cells which are continuously shed and replaced by cells beneath. The epidermis is also responsible for 'water proofing' your skin, protecting your skin from potential invasion of microbes and generate new skin cells which move from the deep layer of the epidermis to the outer layer, where they are eventually shed.

The Dermis: Is the 'middle layer of the skin and is composed of connective tissue containing collagen and elastin. The dermis is thick in the palms and soles and very thin in the eyelids. It contains blood vessels, nerves, glands, and hair follicles.

The Subcutaneous layer: This layer consists of areolar and adipose tissue. Fibres from the dermis extend down into the subcutaneous layer and anchor the skin to it. The subcutaneous layer, in turn, attaches to underlying tissues and organs.

Aging of the skin

There are several factors influencing how quickly our skin ages, ranging from genetic factors, your natural skin type, as well as external factors such as exposure to sunlight, environmental factors and whether you smoke or not. In general, pale skins wrinkle faster than darker skins, which are protected by increased amounts of pigment and lipids.

Another vital factor is, of course, our age. Our skin looks and functions very differently at 20 as opposed to when we are 60.

Below is a skin care plan of how to look after your skin as the decades go by and how to adapt your skin care regime accordingly.

Looking after your skin in your 20s

Your 20s is a great time for your skin. You've left behind the adolescence acne and your skin has a radiant, youthful glow and the epidermis is well toned.

However, this is not the time to be complacent. In your 20s skin cell renewal drops by up to 28 per cent, dead skin cells are not as easily shed and external factors are starting to have a greater impact, leaving your skin slightly duller.

According to dermatologists, 80 per cent of all aging can be directly related to exposure to sunlight. Therefore, it is a good idea to avoid the mid-day sun, or if you have to be out in the heat of the day (especially in countries like Australia), than cover up. Penetrating UVA rays will start to damage collagen fibres and elastin coils in your skin.

Smoking one factor you can control and now would be a good time to quite. Smoking inhibits oxygen getting to the outer layer of your skin and has a premature aging effect. In addition, smoking can cause fine lines around the mouth over the years and this is to be avoided - if you want to keep your good looks.

Looking after your skin in your 30s

By the time you get to your 30s skin cell turnover has slowed. Environmental damage from pollution, smoke and sunlight are starting to take their toll on the dermis, causing collagen fibres to loosen so that skin starts to loose its tone and develop fine lines and wrinkles. When you smile, subcutaneous fat forms ridges and refuse to bounce back as readily as it once did. Your first wrinkles may start to appear.

By now you should have established a daily skincare regime that involves exfoliating (two or three times a week), cleansing, moisturising and sun protection for your skin. In your 30s, it's important to maintain a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and fish, which are high in antioxidants such as Vitamins A, B, C and E. These Vitamins counteract free radicals in your body that help the skin to repair itself, produce the enzymes that stabilise collagen production, and stay moist and healthy. For further protection, try using a day crรจme, such as one that contains vitamin E, for example: Wildcrafted's Age Defying Essence.

Alcohol should only be consumed in moderation as it deprives your skin of vital nutrients and may cause your facial blood vessels to become dilated leading to permanent, red 'spider veins' on your cheeks and in men often across the nose.

Maintaining well hydrated tissues by drinking plenty of water each and every day (3 litres a day is not at all excessive) is vital to retain moisture in your skin. In addition, you should ensure that you get enough quality sleep.

Looking after your skin in your 40s

In your 40s, collagen fibres decrease in number, stiffen, break apart, and form into a shapeless, matted tangle. Elastic fibres lose some of their elasticity, thicken into clumps, and fray. The result is the skin forms crevices and furrows known as lines and wrinkles. In addition, loss of fat in the subcutaneous layer leaves your skin more fragile, whereas the dermis will continue to lose its elasticity. A rich nourishing night crรจme, such as Wildcrafted's rejuvenating night crรจme, becomes a vital part of your skin care regime.

During this time the stratum corneum (the outer layer of the epidermis) starts to grow even thicker, as dead skin cells hang around for longer. If you are not already using an exfoliant regularly, now is a good time to get into the habit of exfoliating your skin regularly using a facial scrub - 2-3 times a week is all that's necessary. You could also use a cream containing Rose oil, Jojoba oil or similar, as these contain natural AHA's (alpha hydroxy acids) and to help remove dead skin cells.

As deeper wrinkles start to form, you may wish to use a complete skin care system, which systematically helps you to nourish and moisturise your skin on all levels. Choose natural skin care products for your daily skin care regime, as you do not want to introduce unnecessary toxins into your system by using products full of unpronounceable chemicals. Quality natural skin care systems, such as Wildcrafted's range of natural skin care systems should be matched to your specific skin type.

Looking after your skin in your 50s and above

As we reach our 50s and beyond, the hair and nails grow more slowly. Langerhans cells (involved in the immune response, dwindle in number, thus decreasing the immune responsiveness of older skin. Decreased size of sebaceous (oil) glands leads to dry and broken skin that is more susceptible to infection.

In women, after the menopause, decreased oestrogen levels mean that skin lose its plumpness and tone, and it may be left dry, itchy and more sensitive to allergens.

At this stage in your life it is important to take that extra care of your skin's health. Mature skin is more fragile, prone to injury and infection and bruises easily. As if this was not bad enough, it also takes longer to heal. Taking care of your skin will reduce the aging effect; keep it healthier as well as more resistant to injury and infections. Remember, a face that has a lived in look is much more attractive than a Botox face and character is much more beauty.

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter ? it?s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Complete Men's Skin Care & Shaving Ingredient List Part 1

Acrylates/C10-30, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer - A film forming agent that produces excellent water binding properties. Used as a moisturizing agent.

Avobenzone (2%) - Used in sunscreen and sun block products. Doubles or triples their UVA protection. Avobenzone and Zinc Oxide are the only 2 sunscreens approved for broad spectrum protection.

Agave Tequilana Leaf Extact (Blue Agave) - A moisturizing agent derived from the Blue Agave plant. Ancient cultures have known about it's great moisturizing properties for centuries.

Akyl Acrylate - A film forming agent that grabs moisture from the air and disperses it into the skin.

Alcohol (Denatured) - Also known as SD (Specially Denatured) Alcohol. Used in many skin toners to help break the surface tension of oils and make them easier to be removed from the skin.

Aleurities Moluccana (Kukui) Seed Oil - A moisturizing and skin soothing oil derived from the Candle Nut Tree. Mainly Exported from Hawaii but also found in other tropical regions.

Algae Extract - Am extract derived from Algae. Algae has been used for it's skin healing properties for years. Scientists have recently that found that Algae contains many antioxidants that are easily absorbed into the skin to be in algae.

Alkyl Benzoate - is an emollient Ester that provides the skin with light conditioning and leaves the skin feeling silky soft. Alkyl Benzoate is great for men with sensitive skin.

Allantoin - is a by product of Uric Acid that is known to be a great anti skin irritant. Allantoin is a great ingredient for men who's skin is sensitive or easily irritated.

Almond Oil (Sweet) - is an oil extracted from Almond Seed. It is considered a non-Volatile oil. It is used as a moisturizer and has great skin softening properties.

Aloe Vera - Known for years to have powerful Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Bacterial properties. Aloe Vera also contains a large amount of antioxidants and also a water binding agent that helps pull ambient moisture from the air onto your skin. A must have ingredient to help treat sunburns.

Alumina (Aluminum Oxide) - is used in skin care products as a thickening agent and also as an absorbent to help other ingredients be absorbed into the skin.

Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extract (Chamomile) - a potent anti-Inflammatory for the skin. Also has strong anti microbial properties. Is considered an essential oil and is derived from the Chamomilla recutita Plant.

Apricot Kernel Oil - is a plant oil pressed from the seeds of the apricot fruit. It is a non fragrant plant oil and is used as a moisturizer in many Men's skin care products.

Artemisia Vulgaris Extract (mugwort extract) - An Anti Inflammatory for the skin.

Ascorbic Acid - A form of Vitamin C that is known for its Antioxidant properties.

Ascorbyl Palmitate - is the Stable and non acidic form of vitamin C that is known for it's Antioxidant properties.

Avena Sativa Kernel Extract (Oat) - Is an extract derived from the Oat Plant. Avena Sativa Extract has strong Anti Irritant and Anti Inflammatory properties.

Avobenzone 3% - is a synthetic ingredient that is used as a sunscreen and sunblock. It is also known by the names Parsol 1789 and butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane.

Avocado Oil - Is an emollient and also a non fragrant oil. It is used in skin care products for its moisturizing properties and its antioxidant qualities.

Azeloglicina - A Chemical compound that is known to moisturize the skin. It is also used as a an anit ance treatment in a variety on men's skin care products.

Azulene - an extract from Chamomile used mostly as a natural coloring agent in cosmetics. It is known to have antioxidant properties.

Basil - an herb you usually see in Italian recipes. But it's oil extract has been used for years in many cultures as a skin treatment. Basil enhance the tone of your skin as well as removing dullness from your hair and skin.

Bay Leaf Oil - A very potent Antioxidant rich oil derived from the Bay leaf.

Beeswax - A natural wax made by bees in the construction of there honeycombs. Beeswax is mainly used as a thickening agent. Due to this property it is used in many mens hair products such as gels and pomades.

Behentrimonium Chloride - is a skin conditioning agent and is often used for its emulsifying properties.

Behenyl Alcohol - is used in cosmetics and skin products as a thickening agent. It is not related to the forms of alcohol that can be irritating to the skin.

Bentonite - is a cometic grade clay that is used as an absorbent in skin care products. It is usually used in products designed for men with oily skin as it can help absorb excess oil on the male face.

Benzocaine - is a anesthetic that is used on the outside of the skin. Benzoncaine is used topically to help relieve the feeling of irritation or burning that some men experience while shaving.

Benzophenone-4 - a sun blocking compound found in many sunscreen products. It is mainly used in broad spectrum protection products as it mainly protect the skin from UVB rays. It does block some UVA rays but not as much as other compounds.

Bergamot Oil - is a citrus based oil that has a pleasant fragrance and can be used in skin products to soothe the skin.

Beta-Carotene - is a compound that helps form Retinol which is a fancy name for vitamin A. It has strong antioxidant properties and can help reduce the visual signs on sun damage and aging.

BETA-GLUCAN - is a sugar / starch based compound that is usually derived from yeast. It has mil antioxidant properties, but is mainly used for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Bilberry Extract - an antioxidant rich compound.

Biosaccharide Gum-1 - is made from fermenting plants. It is a skin soothing and moisturizing agent. It works by pulling moisture from the air into the skin. It is also a mild anti irritant.

Bis-Diglyceryl Polyacyladipate-2 - is a higher form of lanolin. It has high moisturizing properties. Due to it's semi solid state it is usually used in lip balms and other lip products.

Bisabolol - is used on the skin as an anti-irritant. It is usually extracted from chamomile or created synthetically.

Bitter Orange Oil - a fragrant oil derived from the citrus family, mainly oranges. It is used as a natural fragrance for skin products.

Boerhavia Root Extract - is an Indian plant extract that has strong anti inflammatory properties. It is used in many men's skin care products that are designed for men with sensitive skin, but it is mainly used in after shaves and post shave products.

BUTYLENE GLYCOL - used in cosmetics to keep products from freezing or melting from temperatures deviating from room temperature. It also helps active ingredients penetrate the skin and is used as a delivery agent.

Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) - is extracted from the Karite Tree. It is a plant lipid that is rich in antioxidants. It is used as an emollient in many men's skin care and shaving products. It is a staple in the skin care industry for its great skin moisturizing properties.

BUTYLPARABEN - is a chemical compound that is used as a preservative in skin care and shaving products. It is also used as an antifungal agent.

C12 15 Alkyl Lactate - is used as a thickening agent in skin products.

C12-15, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate - is used as a thickening agent in skin products.

Calcium d-Pantothenate (Pro-Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid) - is used as an anti acne compound in many acne or pimple products. It is also known to have mild hydrating properties and wound healing abilities.

Calendula Extract - is used as an anti bacterial and anti inflammatory agent in many products. It is derived from the Pot Marigold plant.

Calophyllum Inophylum Seed Oil (Tamanu Oil) - is an exotic ingredient that is native Polynesia. It is an all around skin healer. It has been used to treat Acne, Eczema and Psoriasis. It is also know to have anti-inflammatory effects.

Camelia Oleifera Seed Extract (Green Tea) - Is known for it's Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Carcinogen properties the world round. It is also thought to help prevent collegen breakdown and help reduce UV damage to the skin.

Canadian Willowherb (Epilobium Angustifolium Extract) - is used as an antimicrobial agent in many skin and shaving products. It is also known as an anti irritant. Commonly derived form the Fireweed or Willow Herb.

Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil (Hemp) - is used as an emollient in cosmetics and other men's products. It is also considered a fatty acid. It is derived from the plant genus Cannabis which is also the genus that marijuana is part of, however while similar in shape and color, Hemp contains almost zero THC which is the active ingredient that users seek from the drug Marijuana.

Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride - is an extract that is commonly derived from the Coconut. It is usually used as an emollient or thickening agent.

Caprylyl Glycol - is a skin conditioning agent that can be obtained from plants or created synthetically in a lab. It is used as a preservative in many shaving, hair or facial products.

Carbomer - A group of chemical agents used to thicken a product. This thickening agent is usally used in gel based products such as shaving gels and hair gels.

Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit Extract - is commonly used in skin care products as an exfoliating agent. It is derived from the papaya plant and fruit.

Carrageenan Extract - is a cosmetic grade gum that is derived from seaweed. It is usually used as a thickening agent, but is also known for it's moisturizing benefits to the skin.

Castor Oil - is a vegetable oil that comes from the Castor bean. Castor Oil leaves a film on the skin which attracts moisture to the skin. Castor oil is used in many men's shaving products such as Pre-Shave Oils and Pre Shave Sticks and is also used in some shaving creams.

Centella Asiatica Extract (May be listed as Hydrocotyl, Gotu Kola or Asiatic Acid) - It is known for having Anti Bacterial and Anti-Psoriatic properties and is also a great ingredient to heal wounds and superficial cuts on the skin.

Ceratonia Siliqua Gum - Is derived from the Locust bean. It is used as an emollient and as a viscosity controlling agent.

Ceteareth-12, 20 & 25 - Is a family of fatty alcohols that are used in skin care products to thicken the product as well as keep all of the ingredients mixed together.

Cetyl Alcohol - Is a fatty alcohol that is usually derived from the coconut tree, but can also be created synthetically. It is used in skin products as an emulsifier, and as a thickener that also delivers other ingredients into the skin.

Chlorphenesin - An alcohol used to preserve the ingredients in a cosmetic product.

Cholesterol - Helps maintain the skin natural function and well as attract moisture to the skin.

Cinnamon Extract - Used for its antimicrobial properties as well as it antioxidant benefits.

Citric Acid - Is derived from the citrus family of fruits. It is used mostly to adjust the PH of skin products.

Citrus Aurantifolia (Lime) Oil - Used in many products to help with preventing and treating acne on the face and body. Lime Oil also has great antiseptic properties.

Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Oil - Used in many products to help with preventing and treating acne on the face and body. Orange Oil also has great antiseptic properties.

Cocamide DEA, MEA & TEA - Are a group of chemicals that are used as a foaming agent in everything from shampoos, facial moisturizers, body washes and soap bars.

Cocamidopropyl Betaine - A gentle Surfactant or Surface Active Agent is a cleaning agent that helps emulsify fats and oils on the skin in order to rinse them off and remove them from the face or body. It also suspends soils and dirt that it can be easily removed from the skin with water.

Colloidal Minerals - Ground up natural minerals that are ground extremely finely and added and suspended in a product solution.

Cornstarch - used as an absorbent in many products designed for men with oily skin. Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Extract - Derived from the Cucumber, which belongs to the gourd family. This extract is known for its anti-inflammatory effects. It has been used is spa's as a treatment for puffy eyes for years.

Cyclomethicone - A silicone based compound that has a slightly drier finish on the skin than Dimethicone. Commonly used in men's shaving products as a lubricant to help glide the blade across your face.

DEA Cetyl Phosphate - Commonly used a lathering agent in skin, body and hair products. It is usually paired up with a foaming or detergent agent to get a cleaning and foaming property.

Dead Sea Mud - cultures living around the dead sea have used the mineral rich mud from the dead sea as a skin treatment for centuries. It is a well known treatment for Psoriasis as well as dry skin, acne and wrinkles.

Decyl Glucoside - A gentle detergent that is commonly used in mens face washes that are geared toward men with sensitive or dry skin.

DIAZOLIDINYL UREA - A preservative agent used in many cosmetics and skin products. Prevents the growth of bacteria, mold an fungus in the product.

DICAPRYLYL CARBONATE - An Emollient that can be derived from synthetic or animal sources. It spreads easily the leave the skin feeling soft without leaving a greasy feeling on the skin.

DISODIUM EDTA - Acts as a stabilizer in skin products and prevents certain ingredients from binding with smaller trace ingredients. Helps prevent the a change in color, texture and consistency over time.

DMDM Hydantoin - Preservative agent in many skin care products.

EDTA - An Emollient that can be derived from synthetic or animal sources. It spreads easily the leave the skin feeling soft without leaving a greasy feeling on the skin.

Epilobium Angustifolium Extract - is an plant extract derived from the Willow Herb or Fireweed. It is used as an anti microbial agent.

Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil - used as an anti microbial agent as well as an antifungal and anti viral agent.

Eucalyptus Oil - used as an anti microbial agent as well as an anti fungal and anti viral agent.

Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax¡V A plant extract that is derived from the Candelilla plane. This wax is used as a base in lip balms. It give the balm or stick its form. It is also used as an emollient.

Gardenia Tahitensis Flower - Mainly used as a fragrance in many cosmetic and skin products. It is also a known antioxidant.

Geranium Oil - Is a fragrant natural oil that has anti microbial properties.

Ginger Oils - Used in men's skin care products as an anti inflammatory. Used in many after shave or post shave products.

Glycereth-7 - Used as an emollient or thickening agent in many skin based cosmetics.

GLYCERIN - Click here to read more about Glycerin.

Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil - This ingredient is extracted from soybeans. It is an emollient and a natural moisturizing agent.

Glycol Stearate - Used as an emollient or thickening agent in many skin based cosmetics.

Glycolic Acid - A synthetically derived acid that help break down oil on the skin, exfoliates the skin and can reduce fine lines on the face.

Gotu Kola Centella Asiatica Extract - Also known as Asiatic Acid, Gotu Kola or Hydrocotyl. Known for it's anto-sporiatic and skin healing properties.

Grape Seed Oil - Is used for its antioxidant properties and is also an emollient oil.

Green Tea Extract - Known for its antioxidant, anti carcinogen effects. Studies have shown the compounds in green tea to help prevent skin cancer in humans. It is also known to reduce collagen breakdown in the skin, which leads to wrinkles and general aging of the skin.

Hamamelis Virginia (Witch Hazel) Extract - A potent antioxidant and anti inflammatory. Used in many astringents and electric pre shave solutions for skin cleaning ability and its ability to tighten the skin and raise beard stubble.

Hippophae Rhamnoides Oil (Buckthorn Oil) - Known for its anti aging properties and skin healing abilities. A great ingredient to combat wrinkles and dryness of the skin.

Honey - While normally consumed as a food, Honey has many healing properties for the skin. It is rich in vitamins and amino acids. Some studies have shown it to reduce the visible signs of aging.

Hops - Used for its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Also makes great beer?ยบ

Hyaluronic Acid - Is a natural compound found in skin. It is used as a water binding agent, drawing moisture to the skin.

Hydrolized Wheat Gluten - A compound derived by hydrolyzing wheat with water. Used in conditioners as a softening and conditioning agent. Also gives hair it's shine after being applied and rinsed off.

Hydrolyzed Jojoba Esters - A compound derived from the Jojoba Plant. It is a fatty acid that is used to condition the skin.

Hydroxyethylcellulose - A thickening agent derived from plants. Typically used as an emulsifier or thickening agent. Can sometimes be used in men's hair styling products as a film forming agent.

odopropynyl Butylcarbamate - An Anti-Fungal agent that is synthetically derived.

Isododecane - Used as a solvent in many men's skin care products. It enhances the spreadability of the product and has a weightless feel on the skin. It also helps prevent the loss of moisture from the skin.

Isohexadecane - Used as a cleansing agent in mens skin care products. It is also used as an emulsifier and a thickening agent.

Isopropyl Myristate & Palmitate - Both of these men's skin care ingredients are used to thicken skin care products as well as emulsify them.

Sostearic Acid - Is a fatty acid that is usually used as a thickener and a binding agent.

Peter is an expert in Men's skin care Men's skin care, hair care, Shaving and face products. If you would like to check out some great high quality Men's Shaving Products please check out my site.

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Anti-Aging Skin Care Supplements

Turn back your skin clock and defy aging with anti-aging skin care supplements that provide life to your dry skin! Get back your youth with these anti-aging skin care supplements that is an all natural, no surgery and painless procedure to regain your eternal beauty! Anti-aging supplements dramatically improve how you look by nourishing you from inside out! Anti-aging skin care supplements will drastically change the way you look and feel! Look and feel young and fabulous forever with anti-aging skin care supplements!

You can very well stall the process of ageing for a few more years with anti-aging skin care supplements and enjoy the thrills and excitement of youthful life full of energy and vitality! Don't let those fine lines bog you down!

How anti-aging skin care supplements rejuvenate your dull and dry skin?

Dry skin is extremely prone to pre-mature ageing! Want to know the 3 key factors that cause dryness of skin? Here they are mainly accumulation of toxin in the skin, dearth of water within the skin and inadequate oil/sebum secretion from the sebaceous glands! All these factors coercively dry out your skin and then you discover the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines that drives you nuts!

So those of you with dry and stretched skin start pampering your skin with lots and lots of hydrating skin care products and anti-aging skin care supplements that will help your parched and lifeless skin regain moisture and exude that healthy and youthful glow! You are able to detoxify your skin and maintain a healthy and youthful glow with anti-aging skin care supplements! Anti-aging skin care supplements will rectify the health of your internal system as well as take proper care of your sensitive and wrinkle-prone dry skin! Anti-aging skin care supplements usually contain active anti-aging components that support the body's natural ability to help remove age spots, free radicals and chemical toxins that impede healthy skin, help improve skin elasticity and suppleness, help reduce skin wrinkling and sagging. Anti-aging skin care supplements works in complete synchronization with the body, complementing and supplying the necessary anti-aging nutritive requirements that the skin needs to remove wastes and repair itself, allowing it to maintain its elasticity and reduce the possibility of premature aging.

What are anti- aging skin care supplements usually composed of?

Want to play hide and seek with your age? Why not? How about trying out the variety of anti-aging skin care supplements that are now available to help you combat dry skin related anti-aging problems! Most of the anti-aging skin care supplements contain a mixed bag of natural ingredients that help to revitalize your dry skin and provide the necessary moisture to firm up and tone up your skin texture! Anti-aging skin care supplements are diet supplements that you are recommended to take in addition to your daily nutrition! Anti-aging skin care supplements contain a mixture of herbs; minerals and vitamins that are essential to slow the aging of your dry and dull skin and retain its youthfulness forever! Some of the most common ingredients that constitute these anti-aging skin care supplements are as follows:

Vitamins A, C, E and D; biotin, choline, inositol; calcium, copper, iodine, zinc, phosphorous; hyaluronic acid; Gingko biloba, Siberian ginseng, lecithin, DNA, RNA, anti-oxidants, protein, fiber, essential fatty acids, food grade collagen, amino acids and many other such active anti-aging ingredients!

Anti-aging supplements are totally natural and have no side effects unless you take an overdose of them!

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit for essential skin care tips.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Are Big Brand Name Skin Care Products Truly More Effective?

The more luxurious and expensive a skin care product is, the more effective it is! That's the message the big famous brand skin care companies have been 'sending out' for many years now.

As a consumer, do you believe that those super expensive (so-called) 'elite' anti aging skin care creams and serums are, with doubt, more superior and contain the most effective and most recent 'break through' anti aging ingredients, (in clinically effective dose amounts?)

Well, here's the truth of the matter. The famous 'big-brand' skin care companies do not churn out the most effective anti aging skin care formulas in the industry.


Yes, really! Here's the simple basics of why!

Firstly, it's connected to massive organizational structures and highly complex global supply-chain/distribution structures. The logistics of releasing an up-to-date formula based on a new 'breakthrough or recently discovered ingredient, to tens of thousands of outlets worldwide, is an unbelievably complex undertaking.

The net result is that the elite skin care companies need long lead in times in order to release a new formula/product. Generally speaking, a two year lead in is pretty close to what they generally need! It's impossible for them to achieve the flexibility of smaller, 'lean' companies who can take advantage of new ingredient innovations by getting products to market within a handful of months.

This is the pure and simple reason why 'elite' brand anti aging skin care products are generally not up to date nor based on the most effective skin care science currently available.

Their superior marketing however conjures up a believable illusion that they are!


All skin care companies, big and small, reputable or not, know precisely what product savvy, 21st century consumers expect from an effective anti aging skin product. In a nutshell, it must (tangibly) decrease the visible signs of aging by taking on specific key factors such as:

Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
Working on sun damage, age spots, freckles, blotches and so on
Improving firmness and elasticity of the skin
Creating a more youthful appearance that you can actually acknowledge (without having to stare in the mirror for hours on end trying to spot the differences!)

The elite brand companies go to remarkable lengths to make sure their target markets are informed on the latest, cutting edge skin renewal technology which can attain these product goals. You'd be hard pressed to find any regular buyer of skin care products who doesn't know that the latest anti aging skin care science is based on 3 things:

Remedying the loss of collagen and elastin
Boosting diminishing levels of hyaluronic acid
Reducing the deadly effects of oxidation from the action of free radicals

So, here's the problem. The elite brand skin care companies use their sophisticated marketing skills to make sure we all know that these three 'cutting edge' skin care 'basics' are what is needed to deal effectively with the primary causes of skin aging. BUT in reality their products simply do not address all three, and do not contain the presently most effective ingredients.

For the reasons I outlined above, they simply can't afford to create skin care formulas that effectively target all three approaches. A basic evaluation of their active ingredients tells us that they typically target just one, and in the best case scenario, 'two', of these three fundamental causes of skin aging!

It's critically important that you understand these causes of skin aging are INTERRELATED so unless you address all three of them simultaneously, you will be largely unsuccessful with your anti aging agenda.

Now, we come to the heart of the matter in terms of evaluating the 'effectiveness' potential of any anti aging skin care therapy. It's simple and straightforward! A product must contain clinically proven ingredients which tackle ALL THREE causes of skin aging.

But that's just the first step. You must keep in mind that there are effective 'anti aging' ingredients and then there ARE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE 'anti aging' ingredients! So, we need to have some idea of how to judge the 'DEGREE OF EFFECTIVENESS' of any 'anti aging' ingredients being used. (That's where articles such as this one come in.)

This of course, is the area where the famous-brand companies work particularly hard with their marketing spin, as they attempt to create the perception in their customer's mind that the product is far more effective than it really is.

The financial impact of expense heavy marketing and distribution set-ups, huge inflexible organizational structures and immense pressure (ie. GREED) from shareholders, all take their toll. These financial pressures, along with the fact that the elite brand companies always formulate and manufacture products to a pre-determined price, means that, although they do contain SOME effective, clinically proven' ingredients (up to 2 years 'old' and therefore usually no longer the 'most effective' choices), they can only afford to include them in VERY MINUTE AMOUNTS!

What is common in the skin care industry is to include an effective, proven ingredient, for which a product label statement/claim can be made, but to include it in totally ineffective, minute quantities!

In other words, the ingredient amounts used are nowhere near the levels at which the ingredient has been confirmed effective in clinical research.

As an example, let's say that the best results for a given ingredient were created with a 3% concentration. So, of course that is the concentration which a skincare company should use. Instead however, we see companies using pitiful amounts like in 0.2% (rather than the clinically established 3%) so that legally they can 'show it off' on the product label as an active ingredient.

The formula is then filled up mainly with water, glycerine and other cheap ingredients to create the cream.


The tiny concentrations of active ingredients used in elite brand products make it 'unachievable' for those products to ever give you the full extent of their 'awesome sounding' marketing claims (for the bulk of users)!

Please take note that I'm not categorically saying that you simply can't/won't get substantial anti aging results from an expensive elite brand skin care product! What I'm wanting to stress and impress on you however is that the results you'll get from elite brand products, to whatever extent, are not representative of the MOST EFFECTIVE results scientifically possible AND they give incredibly inferior value for money because of their grossly over-inflated purchase prices.

As you probably already know, the famed 'elite' brand anti aging skin care creams and serums are not priced in line with the expense of manufacturing them! They are priced at the uppermost price-point which the market will bear. Paying around $70, $80, $100 and beyond is wasting money. It's simply not necessary to spend those amounts of cash to get the results you're expecting.

Oh, and the other important issue with respect to elite brand-name skin care cosmetics is their safety. It's a critical topic to investigate because it's an area where the majority of companies (including the elite brands) have things to hide. Visit my website 'skincare-antiaging-secrets' with the links in the author resource box below to learn about dangerous ingredients in skin care products.


The safest, scientifically most effective anti aging skin products are always coming out of mid sized companies, who, you're probably unlikely to be acquainted with (unless you're in the know!)

Instead of generating huge marketing reach through huge marketing budgets, their marketing philosophies are based on word of mouth from satisfied consumers and by selling straight to the end-user online only. This is the most 'expenditure effective' business paradigm presently available in the health/beauty industries. Steering well clear of expensive marketing and distribution methodologies, allows these flexible companies to allocate massive savings back into their products.

What that means for you is:

The most effective 'breakthrough' active ingredients
In scientifically established quantities
Completely all natural ingredients (total avoidance of chemical based ingredients)

And there's one last key issue - one which drives the best skin care companies to the top. They keep their profit margins low and price their products in line with the cost of producing them! (They're happy to take a reasonable/fair profit!)



"The 'most effective' anti aging skin care product ingredients." I used this sentence several times. These, of course, are what we all want to know about and look into. So, in my next article I'm going to focus on this for you. That means I'll be discussing:



The 'Big Three' are the current 'breakthrough' anti aging ingredients!

The clinical research supporting them, particularly in stimulating collagen and elastin regrowth and increasing hyaluronic acid levels, are exceptional. That's why they're creating so much buzz in the industry right now.

My friends (aka. 'spies') working in the skin care industry tell me that the elite skin care companies are gearing up to release new anti aging products based around the 'Big Three'. (If you're loyal to 'elite' brand products, dont' forget those long lead in times. You'll be waiting a long time.)

The business which manufactures the anti aging skin care product I personally use already contains the 'Big Three'. The bottom line of why I selected to use this company's products is purely because they use the 'Big Three' in the EXACT concentrations as those contained in successful clinical research.

'Xtend-Life' is the name of the company and they are based in New Zealand. Their set-up falls in line with the cost effective organizational/production criteria I outlined above. A lean, flexible, medium sized (family owned) company, selling direct to the shopper via the internet only. There are no shareholders or venture capitalists connected to the company and so on. That's basically the reason they manage to sell these highly effective cell rejuvenation skin care products at a half to a third of the cost of the luxury brand name products.

The Xtend-Life business strategy is spot on (if only all skin care companies would share the same vision):

'Formulate and manufacture the most effective anti aging skin care cream formulas according to the most recent skin care science, and then provide unbeatable value for money by keeping profit margins low and fair!'

As a result there is no incentive for other companies to try and duplicate their product formulas!

When we consider medium sized skin care companies, like Xtend-Life, I can tell you there are other great skin care companies out there who already use one or (in not so many cases) two of the 'Big Three' AND at the recommended clinical dose amounts. But I know of none that combine multiple actives in a synergistic way like the Xtend-Life skin care formulas have ... in other words none that have the same level of active ingredients in their finished product.

Xtend-Life use more than 40 active ingredients in their anti aging products. All of which are safe enough to snack on (ALL NATURAL - ABSOLUTELY NO CHEMICALS), and proven in clinical trials to be TRULY EFFECTIVE!

Brett Seagrott is the creator of and
Visit skincare-antiaging-secrets to discover lots of manufacturing secrets and little known truths about anti aging skin care treatments Learn what to look for and which questions to ask for true premium grade anti aging skin care products Find out which brands give you the most effectiveness and fantastic value for money and why. You'll come to understand why the industry's famous big-brand name skin care products are far from what they claim to be.

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Anti-Aging Skin Care: Why Can't We Just Keep it Simple?

If you've ever tried to find a skin care product to deal with the skin care concerns of aging skin, you're probably as confused as the average person. There are so many products and ingredients that tout 'increase in this', 'decrease in that' , 'revitalized this and revitalized that' and on and on and on. Many empty promises or over-hyped formulations.

In order to understand what anti-aging skin care products are intended to do, you have to first understand about what the aging process is for skin. Aging skin has the condition where the structural proteins that bind and support the skin, collagen and elastin, lose their resiliency and cohesion, causing the skin to wrinkle and/or sag. The body's ability to produce new collagen and elastin also diminishes with age while the cells in the various layers of our skin decline and thin, losing the ability to adequately maintain moisture. Without proper hydration, the healing mechanisms of the skin cease to function, adversely affecting the skin's ability to receive nutrients and repair itself. The result is rough, lose, wrinkled skin.

Of course, we all want to have the best skin possible at any age and are searching for solutions to maintain our skin's youthfulness. In our quest and with the constant marketing and advancements in skin care, it can sometimes be difficult to find an affordable and effective solution for great skin care.

However, what you need to know is that it doesn't have to be that complex (as many of the product name suggest!). What you should consider is that what any skin care program should be is simple. That's it, just simple. The results that we all want are simple: soft, smooth, clear, radiant, younger-looking skin.

Too much of the time now days, skin care marketers are trying to convenience consumers that they need formulations that no average consumer can understand, or day and night products, or formulations that highly successful, well-known personalities would use. If you think about it, how many products do you currently have in your storage that were purchased because of these marketing strategies?

With these types of advertising, there are so many re-touches and questionable representation of the product effectiveness because the personality also receives so many other types of services and procedures that impact the condition of skin that you really cannot know the true results that the highly marketed products will bring.

The positive side of the situation is that there are constant and ever evolving advances in skin care and we all have the option for our skin condition improving with age.

If you are looking for a skin care program, there are some guidelines you may want to consider when making your skin care choices:

 Protect your skin while you are in the sun and extreme weather. Use proper protection.

 Drink lots of water. It's so important for proper skin hydration and keeping your body clean from toxins and other chemicals that could cause adverse reactions in your skin.

 You should know what you are using on your skin. If you can't pronounce the majority of the ingredients or there are more than 5 or 6 ingredients, then it may be too complex for what your skin actually needs. Skin care that uses these types of formulations are full of fillers, coloring, preservatives, and chemicals that are not beneficial for your skin and come with a high price where the consumer is paying for the filler more so than the active ingredients. These types of ingredients are only needed to fill up the bottle and make it appealing to smell or touch. Sometimes products will contain multiple active ingredients but in order to formulate these ingredients, it requires that other ingredients be added. You end up paying for something your skin cannot use. The cheaper ingredients are filling up the bottle. Try a similar approach to how you would choose your food (skin is 'live cells' and needs nourishment). Watch the labels and choose products with skin healthy formulations where the active ingredients are 80% of the ingredients.

 You should use a good and effective cleanser. This is the most important step in your skin care process. Many cleansing products do not leave your skin feeling smooth and deeply cleansed. Find a product that goes deep into the pores, provides light exfoliation and conditioning, and does not leave any residue. Applying moisturizers and treatments on top of skin that is not completely clean will just make the problem worse by clogging pores and showing a rough, uneven skin texture.

 You should be able to adjust your program to meet your skin's daily needs. If you can't adjust the use of the products to match what your skin needs on a particular day, are you really getting what you need? Your program should be able to hydrate, heal, and renew your skin. You should see this gradual improvement everyday and not have to wait 30 to 60 days for results. It's like watering a plant. A plant that needs water as a critical nutrient will respond immediately to the water being absorbed through its roots and perk up within a few hours. Watch your skin for a week or so and you'll know how effective the program can ultimately be for your skin care needs.

 You should be able to quickly go through your regime. It should not take more than 5 minutes. A skin care program should include the steps to cleanse, exfoliate, treat and/or moisturize. You should be able to pick and choose what you need based on you skin's current condition for that day.

 You should not be able to feel the product on your skin. In order for skin care to really be effective, it must penetrate the skin cells. Product sitting on top of your skin is product that is not penetrating the skin layers. Products with fillers and other unnecessary, complex formulations will may not get deep or directly enough to provide the treatment and results you are looking for. You should not know that you are wearing your skin care.

 You should feel comfortable with makeup optional skin. If your skin care is really working, your skin will improve and you will not want to put makeup on it if you don't have to. Most skin problems are correctable to a large degree. You should be able to go out feeling confident that your skin is at its best (with minimal makeup) no matter what your age is. Also, by using makeup less, you are giving your skin more time to repair and restore itself without the interruption of other product chemicals on your skin.

Karen Reiter is a certified, advanced skin care specialist who works with a number of skin care companies and has her own client based. She is recognized for her consistent service and skin care advice to improving skin conditions. Karen Reiter provides consultation for skin care rejuvenation. If you are looking for an effective natural skin care system that delivers what it promises, consider the Natural Treatments for Skin care Rejuvenation at Comforts of Home Spa on []. These products deliver fast, effective results for dramatically improved skin. It features some of the most intensive and pure formulations for hyaluronic acid, argireline, oxygen serum, glycolic acid, Vitamin C, squalene oil, and Vitamin E.

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